Daniel asks…
Where can I buy DVDs for old disney cartoon films in Dubai?
I couldn’t find the movies I wanted in Virgin megastore, not even online
Nagesh answers:
I remember seeing a whole bin full of old disney toons at Carrefour MOE not long ago, try there
If all fails download them from net , what else .
James asks…
Can a psp stream movies off the net? When I try is says I have a memory issue, do I need a bigger memory stick?
I just bought a used PSP not sure how old it but it’s in good condition does anyone know if I can stream movies off of it. You know, things like utube and other viral videos sites don’t seem to work.
Nagesh answers:
1. You can not use the PSP browser or the PSP Flash Player to watch youtube videos online.
2. If you want to get into homebrew/CFW you can try PSPTube.
3. You can convert Youtube Videos to MP4s using sites like vixy.net with your PSP or PC. Or you can get PC software converters.
4. The Flash Player for the PSP is fairly limited. If you want some Flash games try http://www.psponme.com
5. For direct video downloads to your PSP check out http://www.pspube.com
Betty asks…
Does anyone know where I can watch the 1974 version of “Black Christmas” online free?
I don’t have anymore memory left to download it so just links to it please and also it has to be totally free because I don’t have a credit card or paypal or anything.
Nagesh answers:
I don’t think you’re going to find a reliable copy of it hosted online. Unfortunately, torrents are your best bet here. If you’re low on hard drive space, delete all old files (movies you’ve already watched, programs you don’t use, etc.) and run a disk clean-up.
Maria asks…
What are some things to do when you are home on spring break?
Its spring break. All my friends are out of town and I’m at home with nothing to do. I need some ideas on fun, cheap stuff to do. Please don’t say watch tv read a book or boring stuff like that. I want to do something entertaining! and i cant drive. thanks!
Nagesh answers:
Grab a magnifier glass and look for an ant hill, go through your parents stuff or things in the garage/storage, workout, draw, reenact scenes from your favorite movie, call people, watch movies on youtube, mess with your phone settings, play video games, sneak into a neighborhood pool, steal every lawn gnome in your neighborhood, look for money around the house, re-arrange your room, try to put on every shirt you own at the same time, make puppets out of socks and throw a puppet show, make an imaginary friend (just make sure your “friend” goes away after spring break), if you have some money call for a taxi and go somewhere (don’t forget you’ll need money to get back home, and a charged phone), remember you can always just SLEEP for the whole day I guess, set some of your old toys on fire, go through your siblings things (if you have any), add random people on Facebook or Twitter and talk to them, become a ninja, if you take that cab sneak into the movies, do any upcoming school work that you are procrastinating over, imagine the girl/guy of your dreams, learn to cook, mess with your hair, answer questions on yahoo answers, try to get into foreign websites, learn a new language, learn how to torrent and download all of those unwatched movies that you have seen, try to grow facial hair (if you are a guy), write a play/script/story, play with Leg gos, play with stuffed animals, build a fort out of blankets and pillows and couches and mattresses and in-vision yourself in the Sahara desert, plan what to do in case of a zombie outbreak, an alien attack, a united states invasion, learn your 50 states and their capitals, plan out your future, if you were 18 you could go night clubbing ( sorry :(( ), learn to bake, look up memes, learn how to stop Kony, get into Graffiti, learn about what wars and dangers are currently lurking around the world, plan a trip for your future spring breaks so this wont happen, look up what college you might like to go to, or if its not for you then research which branch of military would be perfect for you (choose the Marines, Semper Fi), learn sign language, watch the potter puppet pals on youtube, learn how you can get your drivers license, look for a job, look for what kind of car you would like to buy, look up how to change flat tire (everyone should learn how to do this), go through urban dictionary, think about how to ask that hot guy/girl in class, check out Daniel Packard’s website in google, go on google maps and “travel the world”, learn how to mix music by downloading the Virtual DJ software, make paper airplanes, make a pencil crossbow, beat a video game in the hardest mode possible and unlock everything without cheat codes, watch epic meal time episodes on youtube, make a bottle rocket, make a smoke bomb, learn how to make a fire out of nothing, learn how to survive in the wild, look for the next best thing in electronics you might want to buy, read a book online, read a book off line, walk your pet (if you have one) go around your neighborhood with a lawn mower and ask to cut their yard for $15 – $20 bucks, work on shooting hoops/pitching a ball/throwing a pig skin, try to clean your shoes until they are in brand new condition, learn how to fix phones, learn about financial aid, make a movie with your phones camera and toys, make poetry, write books, fix broken things in your house……
Sharon asks…
Does anyone know how to burn DVDs using online downloads?
I use to burn movies all the time with my old laptop using a dvd shrink and rip download from mrbass.org. I recently got a new laptop and now I can’t seem to figure out how to do it. The new laptop has Vista…not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!
Nagesh answers:
Windows Media Center will show you how to do it.
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