Helen asks…
Rent/download movies online?
Is there anywhere (legal and trustworthy) where you can pay a certain fee per month and be able to download and watch ANY movie? We have netflix, but their instant watch does not have a huge collection of good movies. i wanna be able to download any movie and watch it right then. but where?
Nagesh answers:
You can go to www.movie25.com you can watch movies and download them
Nancy asks…
Does anybody know how I can download free music or free movies?
Hopefully these sites or program’s are legal.
Nagesh answers:
The ones you pay for are legal the free ones aren’t
Richard asks…
is it legal to go to a website to download a movie?
Nagesh answers:
No, but who cares?
Sharon asks…
Downloading movies with an expired copyright?
So, a long time ago, I was able to download Charade from some website. It was completely legal on account of a copyright issue that put it in public domain. I wanted to go back there to see what other movies were available, but I can’t remember what it was.
Does anyone know of a place where you can download movies that are public domain?
Nagesh answers:
Lisa asks…
where is a place to download movies,music,and software for cheap without all the virus and spyware?
like a legal site you have to pay for! thanks for any help
Nagesh answers:
Go here: http://thepiratebay.org/recent
And you will need a bittorrent client to accomplish the download. Here is a good one:
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