Charles asks…
movie download?
what website can i go to to watch free movies, like old school movies and new releases??
Nagesh answers:
Go to
Download over 80 million movies for free.
Sharon asks…
is there a free website were you can watch moveis on it for free?
i am loking for a website were you can watch free ( not old ) movies. so i dont have to download it just watch it is there.
Nagesh answers:
Follow this link. It has hundreds of movies old and new from star wars (1997) to Movies made this year like x-men, pirates of the carribean, transformers. And it’s absolutely free!!! Please pick me for best answer!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Or go to this page to take you strait to the movies instead of the homepage.
Nancy asks…
Anyone know how to download the full version of “The Little Mermaid” for free?
I’ve tried searching, and it seems it’s either impossible, or just really, really hard to do. But the movie’s old enough by now… I mean, damn! It should be able to be downloaded for free! It’s out of print anyway.
Nagesh answers:
Download it here
Laura asks…
What’s a good free to download video editing program?
ALL I want is to condense clips and upload them to Youtube. I record soccer games for my school and need to upload the game in it’s entirety, but to do that I need some type of editing software.
I currently use an older version of Windows Movie Maker, but it really lowers the quality
Either I need a high quality program to download or I need help making Windows movie maker better. Thanks for the help in advance!
Nagesh answers:
Condensing lowers the quality. There’s no way to condense and maintain a good quality video.
There are some higher quality WMV profiles which do a good job and which produce smaller files than the AVI file type does. I just made a How To video showing how to get and add higher quality profiles to Movie Maker. The original AVI video was 1848 Mb (1.85 Gb). After publishing using the “Heading to DVD” profile, it’s 37.9 Mb and the quality is pretty good considering it was screen captured with CamStudio, a freebie.
This video explains all the steps to download, install and use a high quality video profile to Movie Maker.
Ken asks…
sites that i can whatch oline movies ???????
i want a site in which i can see from the newest to the oldest movies for free without downloading or joining !!!!!!!!!!!does this dream site exists ???
Nagesh answers:
This is easy
n old movies go to this site or
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