Your Questions About Download Movies Legally

Maria asks…

How can someone in the USA view or download Red Dog the movie?

I want someone in the USA to see Red Dog. It doesn’t seem to be available on the US version of iTunes or Netflix. Short of sending them a DVD (in the wrong region) how can they legally view this movie in the USA? I don’t think they can download from most of the sites in Australia like bigpond etc.

Nagesh answers: offers many hot movies in the world. You can have a browse

Sharon asks…

How can I use Utorrent legally?

I have been using Utorrent for a while now to download movies with no worries at all, however recently i have been told that i could in a lot of trouble if i dont have an extra program, but i dont have any idea what it is. If anyone knows the program i need to get then please tell me.

Nagesh answers:

Torrent files of movies are illegal regardles of what you use to download them. If you get caught, the first time the company contacts your intern provider, and they will tell you to stop. The second offense is where you can get in some big trouble, and be sued by the company.

The program people are referring to is peerblock, which stops IPs that are known to be anti-peer-to-peer, educational, government, malware, or advware associated IPs. This makes it so the people looking for ppl downloading illegally cannot connect to you, and thus cannot see/catch you. Of course, they change IPs often, so it is still not completely safe.

And as stated before, it is completely ILLEGAL to torrent movies, games, etc.

Daniel asks…

can i download a movie i own on vhs?

I was gonna download Pokemon the first movie which i used to own on VHS but my mom threw it out when my basement flooded a few years ago, so can i legally download it online or do i have to purchase a new copy?

Nagesh answers:

You have to purchase a new copy if you want it to be legal. A free download of a movie is not legal even if you already own it on dvd or vhs.

Michael asks…

Where can I get whole movies and TV shows to put on my ipod? And how do i do so using winamp?

I use , i can download legally or illegally. Where can I buy them , and when i do buy them, how do i get them into winamp ? Just drag and drop? Will format be ok etc?

Nagesh answers:

Other than iTunes, the best option I’ve found is getting DVD ripping software, and then file conversion software (usually a seperate program). This let’s you rip your DVD’s onto your computer, and then convert them into the iPod compatible format. If anyone else has a better place to go, please, let me know too!

Jenny asks…

Is it legal to download a movie I own?

I own a Blu-ray movie, but my computer does not have a Blu-ray disc drive. I could go spent some money and buy a drive for my computer and legally rip the disc for personal use. Is there any reason why I can’t download what somebody else ripped as long as I own the physical media? Please explain logic other than just saying “it’s illegal” or “I think you can”.

Nagesh answers:

Legally, you’re allowed to have a digital copy of the movie on your computer. The problem is DVD and BlueRay uses DRM to prevent copying. It violates copyright law to circumvent copy-protection to copy the work to another source (a digital file). Even though you purchased the BlueRay, you technically aren’t allowed to have a digital file copied from a copy-protected source. So even if you had a BlueRay drive on your computer and just wanted to copy it to transfer to your iPod, you still couldn’t do it. They want you to buy it as a digital file, say from iTunes and use that digital file to copy to your device. They say this law protects the infrastructure of the digital file services and to prevent unauthorized copying, but how much does it cost them for you to copy your DVD to your computer? Nothing.

And they wonder why people are revolting?

That being said, if you do own the DVD, they’re not likely to come after you. Recent cases have shown that the court has been hesitant to bring examples of fair use to trial and the record companies and movies studios don’t want to waste resources on their genuine customers. They generally go after the main distribution sources. If the digital file is obtained for a non-infringing use, such as a digital backup, or because you want to watch it on your computer, you should be in the clear.

If you’re using a file-sharing service to obtain the file, you may be committing unauthorized distribution by sharing the files with others as you download it. But if you got it from a rapidshare source, you’d be better off.

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