Your Questions About Direct Tv Customer Service

Lisa asks…

Does Direct Tv carry Funimation?

If so, what channel.

Nagesh answers:

DirecTV does not have the linear FUNimation Channel (the only 24/7 anime channel in the US) yet.

If you want the FUNimation Channel for your home…

All you need to do is request it.

Step 1. Call a Direct TV Operator
Step 2. Ask for Customer Service Rep
Step 3. Explain to them that FUNimation Channel is a 24 hour anime channel
Step 4. Let them know you would keep with them or switch providers to receive the channel.


Send note in your next Direct TV bill

Fill out customer service forms on Direct TV’s websites

Go to Direct TV’s office and ask in person!
Better yet…bring them baked goods every week until they add the channel.

That’s the best way to let the cable/dish companies know you want the channel. They file these requests and send them to the corporate offices for review.

Ruth asks…

For those of you that has experience with DISH network and DIRECT TV please give me the downside.?

As above…….

Nagesh answers:

Direct TV almost doubles in price after the introductory period is over, but they have excellent customer service.

Dish keeps it’s prices about the same (they go up a little bit) but has HORRIBLE customer service.

I use Direct TV. At least if there is a problem it will get resolved quickly and the person on the phone will be nice about it.

William asks…

Direct TV or Dish Network which is better?

I am going to switch from Suddenlink cable to satellite because Suddenlink is just to expensive for the few channels i get i can get way more channels with satellite then Suddenlink for about the same price if not cheaper but i have never had either so i need some opinions on which is better I have looked at and compared both and im leaning more toward Direct Tv manly because i don’t have to pay any deposits are activation fees if i go with them and the package i want is 39.99mo and with Dish it is 49.99mo but what i want to know is which has better quality and more reliable during bad weather and of course who has better customer service?

Nagesh answers:

I would check your numbers again – Dish Network works out to be $14/mo. Cheaper than Directv after one year:
Direct TV:

James asks…

direct tv question………………………………….?

i have a direct tv account and it has been blocked because i tried the wrong password 2many times. how long will it b blocked for???


Nagesh answers:

Just call customer service. If you can confirm that you are the account holder, they should be able to unblock your account and reset your password right away.

Thomas asks…

Which TV service is the best?

-Dish Network
Direct TV

Which one is the best? And please explain why? Keep in mind these:

Customer Service
-If it still works on rainy/inclement weather days
-The more channels, the better
-Must be able to record (like DVR)

I’m really concerned about price because I heard Direct TV is really good quality, but really pricey. I heard Dish has the most channels and cheap, but really bad customer service and it doesn’t work on those bad weather days.


Nagesh answers:

FIOS is about the ONLY RAINPROOF choice you have….

That’s because they have a Gigantic Dish compared to the others….and by delivering it Via Fiberoptic Cable Buried UNDERGROUND, there are no Car Crashes to take out the cable line like Cable has…plus it doesn’t need line amps to boost the signal either…NO noise, less failures, rainproof….who wouldn’t want Fios ?!

But if you want Satellite, get Dish, they have a BIGGER Dish than Direct TV has…it’sa little better due to the Dish design and the weather guards don’t leak like Direct’s does…

And who really needs to deal with customer service? Once, twice a year is no big deal to me….and in MOST cases, unplugging your power cord to the Dish Box fixes it.
It’s when you have to repetively unplug the box that you have to deal with customer care.

Funny thing is I have heard “it doesn’t work on rainy days” from both DISH and DIRECT TV customers….

My Direct TV was bad…due to a bad weatherguard that was installed on initial installation…took TWO YEARS for them to figure it out ! Then DISH was perfect until I wanted to upgrade to HD…$200 to upgrade !! (Plus a bee’s nest was starting to take out the signal)

Then Verizon Fios did it free of charge…FREE !

And I have NEVER had any problem with Verizon FIOS.

Plus you can get special deals that are better than your original deal, if you wait for it. Just did that recently…sure I have to stay with them for 2 years, but hey — they have provided Internet and Telephone for the last 20 years anyways and it’s ALWAYS WORKED…So 2 years with a reliable company is NOTHING compared to a questionable service provider.

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