Your Questions About Facebook Login

Sharon asks…

What is a sweet facebook status for my boyfriend to see?

Ok so i have my boyfriends facebook login and i wanna set his status as something sweet for him to see when he gets on, we have only been dating about a month so nothing about love or anything. maybe a song or quote or something??
And he gave me his login i’m not like hacking it lol..and he knows i’m gonna set it sometime he just doesnt know when haha

Nagesh answers:

“hmmmmm…..babe me wants a sanwich”

Michael asks…

What is the difference between the two types of comment sections after news articles?

There the traditional one that uses yahoo login and has a lot of activity. And there is the newer one that requires a facebook login and has the same people contributing and less activity. I understand it posts to my facebook account, but it does not seem like anyone outside of facebook can like or reply?

Nagesh answers:

They have a new one that you have to sign into facebook to be able to comment, or rate. It only has ”like” no thumbs down. On the other one (the one that’s been around the longest) you don’t have to sigh into facebook, you only have to be signed into yahoo news.

Susan asks…

Logging into Facebook from two different devices @ the same time?

I know my sisters Facebook login info and was wondering if I log into het account without her knowing and she logged in at the same time would we both be able to access the account and if so do so without her knowing im logged into her account also. Im not gonna check her messages or notifications just scroll her newsfeed.

Nagesh answers:

No it wont tell her unless she has a notifcation set up to tell her and yesyou can both be on. My mom plays games in my account and i am always on my phone while she is on the computer playing games in my account at the same time

Paul asks…

Where do unwanted links to Facebook in an email come from?

Ok, A friend and I are emailing back and forth and in our last two correspondences appear really long links to the Facebook login page(my end) and Rod’s western wear (her end). We did not add these to our e-mails. Where did they come from? Are they malicious? Are our computers infected since we clicked on them? (I know, what were we thinking)

Nagesh answers:

It sounds like someone may have tampered with your signature. That would add text and/or links to any outgoing email.
How would it get there? A spammer could have your password. It might be a malicious script in the webpage. Change your password, and inspect for tampering with your alternate email contact address.
You will notice that to get to your account info you have to enter your password again. That helps prevent a malicious script from tampering with those settings. However, the signature is not shielded by that.
All that for Rod’s Western Wear? Probably not exactly. The “Canadian pharmacy” identity thieves often hack people’s hosting account. So the link may be something like
The malicious file will redirect to the dirtbag domain with a dirtbag host in a dirtbag country.

When the spammer plants malicious files in someone’s hosting account, it could be buried in a labyrinth of subfolders. As long is these are accurately included in the URL, the browser will easily find and open it, but that makes it tricky for the hacked hosting account holder to clean out.

Two (or more) people who know each other having the same kind of thing happening at about the same time is consistent with a malicious script that is making your accounts send it to each other as you open up the malicious links in the emails from each other.

Betty asks…

How do you clear an email adress from facebooks memory?

ok so i love facebook i go on all the time. I recently brok up with my boyfriend and i had a terrible break up with him. our emails have the same first letter and every time i log on to facebook it reminds me of the terrible memorys we had when we broke up. so how do you clear the memory of facebooks login so it doesn remember his email?

Nagesh answers:

I don’t understand what you mean of “facebook memory” because there is no such word on FB. Do you share computer with your exBF? If yes, cleared out the cookies, temporary internet files, browsing history and cache. Restart PC. Then log in on FB, so it won’t display his name on the drop down list of log ins on your PC.
*if you mean to say you want to clear your email address you used on FB so you won’t be able to log in again on FB and won’t see what he is doing, log in first on that account on FB and to the “Account Info” page and find the button to “Deactive” your account. After deactivation of the account, [do not ever touch] again the account so it will be deleted fully afte 14days. If you will touch it again within 14days, it means you’re reactivating only the account over and over again.
*to delete an account/email address you used to register on FB, if it’s a yahoo account, this is the link to terminate the account

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