Your Questions About Fox News

Jenny asks…

Why is Obama and the white house so obsessed with Fox news?

Is it because Fox news is the only news outlet that does not worship Obama and lie for him?

Nagesh answers:

Fox News = truth = anathema to 0bama!

Mark asks…

Should Fox News condemn the religious fanatic terrorists before there is another Timothy McVeigh?

Right wing terrorists need to be stopped.Fox News seems to worry about offending any of its audience.

Nagesh answers:

Kathy_is: not paying attention to current events! The nine arrested were spread across different states with other members whose conduct was not radical enough to raise suspicion at this time, but they ARE now being watched. And Fang Guy rocks! FOX news feeds into the fears of those far right enough to be considered mentally unstable, and probably puts these guys over the edge. Bet those nine arrested militia leaders were HUGE fans of FOX news. And sorry asker, FOX considers it their responsibility to pump the public with fear, rage, and hatred.

Chris asks…

Why do people including President Obama attack Fox News for being biased but give MS NBC a pass?

MS NBC is extremely biased in their reporting. Their opinion shows are just as biased, condescending, and extreme as the shows on Fox News. So why does MS NBC seem to be acceptable and Fox News is shunned as “not news“? Is the only reason the direction of their bias?

Nagesh answers:

MSNBC only consists of Olbermann and Maddow whose success is being able to smirk like a preteen girl. This gives the viewer the impression that he/she has learned something that no others know.

People don’t know the difference between journalism and Opinion Programming. The truth is Fox News journalism department is the largest, has the most journalist, pays the most to journalist, and cover more of the world than all other networks combined. They have the best news and most in depth reporting. If you are a far left liberal and in journalism school you are praying every night that you might be able to go to work for Fox.

Family guy is about the furthest left animated show on the networks and typically attacks Fox and religion. It’s on Fox… The same guy owns the venu where it is broadcast also owns fox news. He has been in the news business long enough to know the difference between programming and news, and has the wrong impression that the youth knows it as well. Our educatonal system is such a failure they will never have a clue until they are much older.

It’s a shame that so many don’t have the slightest clue the difference between opinions and news. As far as MSNBC reporting “left wing” news… They in fact did when they were carrying Reuters photos and videos of the Israel – Lebanon war. The photos were photo-shopped and many knew they were without a doubt while MSNBC continued to go with the same story. Was this because they were almost broke or just using a left wing spin is anyone’s guess.

I found this very funny… In real life, Bill O’Reilly supports gay adoption, is against the death penalty, supports a significant amount of gun control and supports some abortion. The reason the libs hate him is because his entire goal in life is to expose “liars.” That is the very reason he was hired and admitted by his boss. Said he could smell a story of lies a mile away. Apparently there are more libs lying than cons since he is hated by them the most.

Nancy asks…

How does Fox News get away with lying and simply being underhanded?

Like making that woman from the NAACP look racist when if you look at the whole clip she was trying to make a point. She even stated that when she said she hated whites she was a racist herself. How does Fox News get away with this?. No other News network takes clips and edits them for their own benefit. The irony is that Conservatives are always bitching about the liberal media and how they twist things. Interesting indeed

Nagesh answers:

This is why I’ve stopped paying for television service.

Sure, I own a nice television, but I use it mainly for video games and watching DVDs.

Take it from somebody who is intimate with the television and entertainment industry — TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION. It’s taken the networks several decades, but they’ve effectively figured out programming strategies that few people are aware of. If you’re starting to notice that Fox News is a bit suspicious, then you’re starting to catch on.

Living life without being glued to the visual and auditory feed of television programming helps you live a cleaner, fuller, and happier life.

And if you’re thinking I’m crazy, spend the next few weeks tallying how often the networks cover bad news: shootings, the oil spill, the war on terror, political scandal, Lindsay Lohan’s court appearance, accidents and high speed chases, death rates and global warming. Then keep a tally of how often there’s good news, and what sort of news it might be. Soon you will see that most networks paint a very grim picture of our world. It’s depressing.

Richard asks…

Is the only argument the SOCIALIST LEFT has is to use the tired old FOX NEWS jab?

It seems the only argument the Socialist/Communist left has is to accuse people of watching FOX NEWS who don’t agree with them? I find it ironic that they get their information from the many Liberal news outlets, and call that the “truth”?? 50+ years of liberal programming has really convinced these people of whatever comes out of the box, but they find ONE news outlet that doesn’t agree with their programming a THREAT? It’s laughable, and extremely PARANOID, wouldn’t you agree?

Nagesh answers:

Every media outlet spins left to one degree or the other, except Fox. The left media spin machine indirectly LIES, whereas they simply do not present a news story in it’s entirety, or else not at all until the 11th hour. The Fox news comes in every time and pops their bubble. So the libs simply whine and cry about Fox. Whining and crying would be OK if that is all it amounted to, but libs are violent if they do not get their way. That lib violence is what is most alarming.


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