Your Questions About Download Old Movies Online

Charles asks…

Can i watch old Kung-fu movies for free online?

Nagesh answers:

You can watch free full streaming online kung fu movies that don’t have a time limit, require no downloads or credit cards, and is virus free at

Daniel asks…

Story ideas for teen authors please?

I’m 13 and I’m writing a story for this contest for school later in the year. I need some ideas! Something that will be interesting. And could win! Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Hi! I’m 13 too and also like to write. I find it easier to first come up with a plot before I make the characters, settings, etc. What are your favorite genres? You should write something in the genre that you read the most. This way you have a much better understanding of how the genre usually sounds and what people like and don’t like about it. For example, I read a lot of realistic fiction so I would write something in that genre. However, to make it interesting you should add a twist. For me, a pinch of fantasy or sci-fi would do the trick!

What you shouldn’t do is write an idea that is overused. I guarantee you a lot of people are going to enter using the whole ‘mean girls popularity’ plot. It’s WAY overused! For me, after reading Lisi Harrison, I don’t think I would be interested in reading a similar story, I feel like I know everything about it and I would want something new. I know something really popular now is paranormal writing, but not vampires, PLEASE no vampires! I love Twilight but that’s another topic that is completely ruined by all the stories published after the Twilight kick!

Anyways, like I was saying with the plot. The plot is key. Use these links to help come up with a plot (I’m not going to give you one, that would be too easy, right?).


Since you’re a teenager, your main character should be around the same age so you can get the dialogue right. If the character is talking to an adult, think about what you would say. I usually warp myself into the character’s position and that’s how I get some of my best dialogue.

As for ideas for your story, you can’t rush a good idea. A successful story takes time to plan out, it’s not something to be written in a month. I’ve been planning this one story of mine for about 3 weeks and I’m not anywhere near done. Take time to take notes about your story and characters. Write down ideas. Take a walk, watch a movie, listen into peoples conversations (hey, it works!), and look around you. The best ideas come from the world around us, well didn’t they all? Dig into history and maybe you can transform an old myth into an amazing story.

For the note taking, I suggest you download Evernote. I have it on my computer and it works like a charm. It’s like a notebook, but online. It automatically saves everything, and best of all it saves paper! It’s also free, and that’s always a good thing! That’s what I’ve been planning my story on. It helps to keep everything organized. Here’s the link to that:

When you think of your own story, you will be able to connect much more to it which in return creates a much better story.

Best of luck with the contest!

Sharon asks…

where should i go if i’m depressed?

I have been battling with depression since I was 13 yr old. I am now 21 and my depression comes and go’s. What should I do? Should I check myself in to a mental institution. I also have real bad temper fits. In feel myself taking it out on the people I love. I dont know how to control it. I cant do anything because of lack of money. But I feel like if I dont do anything about it soon I will end up hurting myself or others.

Nagesh answers:

They won’t take you as an inpatient unless you are a danger to self or others. Check the yellow pages and see if there is a community mental health center with sliding scale fees. There are a lot of medications that are only $4 a month now. Another way to get information about what to do is to call up a crisis line – they are a referral service too, and know all kinds of resources you could access. I’ll give you my depression tips too, maybe some of this will help.
If your depression is worse in winter, try to get more sun. You may have seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or your depression could be partly seasonal. Use a light box (10,000 Lux (light intensity) at about 20” – about $300 online, don’t get it at a local store, they will charge more, don’t need full spectrum, check it has a UV filter). I have extra windows, spend time in bright rooms, painted the walls peach & yellow. I have a skylight ( it helps!!!!!)

Try meditation like progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery. It reduces stress, & depression. See The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook by Edmund Bourne for examples. Free 15 minute guided imagery download at
***** #1 MOST HELPFUL Go out with friends, & if you don’t have any, join a club & MAKE yourself go until you look forward to it. “Isolating” makes depression worse.

Exercise 1/2 hour a day, & anytime you feel depressed. Exercise is a great mood stabilizer & reduces anxiety.

Insomnia?: Go to bed & get up the same time each day, even weekends. Don’t use your bedroom to watch TV, read or use the computer-just use the room as a bedroom. Don’t do stuff that revs you up right before bed, like exercising & using the computer. Computer screens & TV wake you up. Use that last hour to wind down-Take a bath? Make the bedroom very dark, even cover up the alarm clock. Use a noise machine (makes wave sounds etc.) to cover up disturbing sounds. Avoid caffeine in afternoon & evening. Try for free relaxing sounds downloads.

Put a lot of colorful, happy things around the house & let the sun in. Do nice things for yourself. Make a list of things that make you happy. On my list: bread fresh from the oven, the scent of Jergen’s cherry almond lotion, the crisp sound of a saltine cracker breaking, fresh sheets on the bed, standing in the boat flicking topwater lures onto the water, etc. Use all your senses & read that list when you are breaking down
Work on time management if you are overwhelmed. Cut back on other responsibilities so you can spend more restorative time with friends & family. Ask for help if depression makes it hard to keep up with chores.

You got a significant other? Extra physical touch is helpful. Many people are touch deprived, so hold hands more, hug more, give shoulder rubs, etc. A pet is great if your home situation allows you to get one. (Don’t if you can’t commit to it for 15 years)
Make sure you are NOT listening to sad music! Easy to do, but it makes things worse! Listen to upbeat stuff- same with movies & novels.
DISTRACT yourself when you are hurting. Read a novel, watch a comedy, go out with friends, play cards, play a video game, whatever is mentally all-consuming. This is a VERY helpful tip!!
Volunteer. Research shows that helping others makes you feel better about yourself. It also keeps you more involved in the community. Many people find comfort being involved in religion.
For chronic & severe depression, go to & order a $10 WRAP (Wellness & Recovery Action Plan) booklet – it helps you write up your own daily plan to maintain mental health & a checklist for a crisis. Consider filling out a psychiatric advance directive to protect your rights & inform professionals about your care if you have a crisis. Links to your state’s free PAD can be found at
If suicidal, find a community hospital with an inpatient behavioral health unit (check yellow pages) & go or have someone take you. Don’t call 911 unless you have already hurt yourself, because if it is just psych symptoms, it isn’t an ambulance that comes, it is the police, & they will take you to the closest place & that could be a horrible state hospital.
I have severe psychiatric symptoms from bipolar disorder & PTSD & these things help me (I haven’t found any meds to help me yet). *Also, research shows that both pills & counseling are more effective than either alone.* Take your pills every day without forgetting. If your symptoms don’t improve within 3 weeks or so, call the doctor for a med adjustment. Cognitive Behavioral therapy is the most effective kind of counseling.

PS are there things you can cut out of your budget to afford care? Like cancel cable TV or get rid of call waiting and caller ID on your phone, stop eating out so much, drive less, turn the heat down a few degrees, cancel the cell phone or go to a Net10 and don’t use it much, etc? I was an impoverished graduate student in the early 90s, living on $11,000 a year in Los Angeles, and I still paid for therapy twice a month for $80 (in those days, insurance didn’t cover counseling)

PPS There is free cognitive behavioral therapy online, given by a computer program. A couple research studies have shown that computer therapy can be very effective, if you do your homework you are assigned.


William asks…

Is my hard drive about to fail?

I have a 120gb Seagate Barracuda hard drive, and in the last month it seems to be making more noise when I am converting a movie using convert x, I have upgraded convertx and it seems that, that may possibly be why I don’t know it just sounds like it’s spinning faster or something, it’s louder than it was with the older version, I should also mention I am not having any increased noise with any other program just this one, the rest of the time it’s relatively quite…

Nagesh answers:

You can try to download SpeedFan and run the program wait for it to load then select the S.M.A.R.T. Tab (should be 5th tab) and where it says Hard Disk you should be able to select your hard drive, it only shows yours, then click where it says “Perform an in-depth online analysis of this hard disk” then it will test your hard disk and show you if anything is wrong with it and it will explain everything. You should also click the Extended test button in the S.M.A.R.T. Tab to do a thorough test of the hard disk. After you do both of these you will know if anything at all is wrong, its really easy.

Sandy asks…

A movie about a man who lives in false world and later discovers it, people watching on tv when he does!?

Its a old movie i saw a long time ago… everything is false, his life is false hes living in a false world, many times he almost discovers that things are wrong but people outside is fixing the problem… and the rest of the people is watching home on the television……… He sails and they bring a storm but it did not stop him until he crashes into the wall. heeeelp!

Nagesh answers:

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