Your Questions About Where Can I Download Old Movies

Ken asks…

Can someone give me a link to download windows movie maker for windows vista?

On my old laptop I had the version of windows movie maker it was not 2.6 or 2.1 or windows Live movie maker(which I do not like) it is the one I had on my windows vista laptop and it was great but I cannot download that correct one anywhere can someone please give me the link to download it?

Nagesh answers:

Movie Maker is included in Live Essentials which can be downloaded here, along with other useful software for free.

Nancy asks…

Is it possible to re-download a movie bought over a year ago on iTunes?

I bough this movie on iTunes over a year ago, downloading it onto my iPod. Then for some reason, I deleted it (probably because it took too much space) and now I‘d like to know whether or not I can re-install it onto my computer without purchasing it once again. thnx 🙂

Nagesh answers:


Downloading any movie on your iPod could be a breeze. You have just to make sure that your device is movie compatible. Be aware that several models or versions of the iPod, particularly the older types, are not made to be compatible with movie downloads and players.

Test your iPod to make sure. Plug the gadget into the USB port of your PC. Click the iPod menu bar and look for the ‘video’ tab. If it is missing, your device is not compatible and functional for downloading and playing movies. The only option you have is to buy a new one or ask the nearest iPod center.

As soon as you determine the compatibility of your iPod in downloading and playing movies, it is time you gear towards downloading movie files. You should know that iPod is particularly using MP4 format, which is an advantage because it could help make sure files are compressed and you could transfer and download numerous files.

Find a software that could facilitate downloading of movie on your iPod. There are lots of them. What’s more? Many of those programs are offering free services.

You just have to install them to your computer and you are set. The most popular is Videora, which is a known iPod converter in the Internet.

The software could help you convert and transfer movies, DVDs, video files, and YouTube materials into downloadable files. Particularly, such converters are able to transform DIVX, AVI, X264, Mpeg, XVID, and FLV formats into useful and accessible Mpeg-4 files, which could be instantly downloaded and played in your own iPod.

Then, follow specific iTunes instructions, which would be provided on your screen. There are variances in versions of iTunes available for specific iPods. Choose those that are specifically for movie downloading. You could also find such information through your favorite search engine. Return to the iPod checklist. Choose an iPod movie download list or library. There would be specific sites for finding and downloading available movies.

IPod has its own site, so be resourceful to find out about it. Other useful Websites you could use include iPod blender, Feed my iPod, MP3 Rocket, and iMusic. Again, the list could be unending. You just have to be patient and resourceful in finding and using them. You could download any movie you like, as long as it is available and is downloadable. The speed would depend on the source site and your device. You also have the option about how many movies you want to download.

Now you know that movie downloads is easy in iPods. If you want to make your device more useful and more entertaining, it would be advisable if you would download movies right now. IPods usually come in powerful memories and as mentioned, files are in compressed MP4 formats, so for sure, you would not have much trouble.

Daniel asks…

What is the best movie editing tool to use on a laptop?

I kind of want to start making youtube videos.. I need a new hobby so i‘m figuring why not. I do have a windows movie maker but I am having problems figuring it out, I used a different one in the past a long time ago and it seemed a lot easier, I think it was the older version of the windows verision there is now.

Any suggestions would be great, thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Hi Ashley

use Ezvid – great for newbies or beginners about making Youtube videos and bcoz Ezvid is also designed for Youtube. You can upload your videos immediately to Youtube once you are done creating your video. Just drag n drop clips or photos, add text, music or narration and that’s it.

Very simple and fast to use. I lovette. I really recommend it than other free apps out there. You can download Ezvid here

Make Good

John asks…

is there a way to download old windows movie maker programs?

my system does meet the minimal requirements for the new 2012 movie maker, but is there away for me to download the previous movie makers? ones that can work on my computer?

Nagesh answers:

Try this one ? Http://

Susan asks…

whats the best website to download random videos?

whats the best website to download random videos? from plants growing in fast-motion to old tv commercials, movie clips, military propaganda etc. Im looking for quality downloadable videos to use for a documentary im producing for a class project.

Nagesh answers:

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