Lizzie asks…
Which gaming console should i buy?Or should i wait for the new ones to arrive?
I have decided to buy a gaming console,but i can’t decide which one to buy exactly. It can be either be ps3 or xbox 360 from my point of view,but you’re free to give your opinions.
I don’t care about the size of the console,or how much electricity it consumes. All i care for is the gaming experience,e.g best graphics. Graphic should be good as i enjoy racing games like NFS(need for speed),and adventure games like GTA(grand theft auto) and red dead redemption(i think thats what its called). Internal memory doesn’t need to be too high,since i have a very specific set of games which I like to play and I will probably not download movies,or songs form the store.
The console should be able to offer hours of entertainment without any kind of issue,since i am a hardcore gamer. The remote would not create an issue as along as it is easy to get used to. I have heard that there were many technical issues with the ps3,so i have decided not to buy it(you can give reasons to me to buy ps3 if you want),plus the slimmer version looks a better investment,which i seriously consider.
Please give reasons for your answer along with the statistic of the consoles(if you can) to explain your answer. The price range should be $320-$170,although you may suggest a which goes a bit higher,or lower.
Now to the second part of my question,should i wait for the new ones to come out?I have heard rumors that xbox 720(i think thats the name),and ps4 will be released not too far from now,and it would be a complete let down if a couple of months after buying a console,it’s successors are released.I am paying a percentage of the total price of the console,while my father is paying the rest,so this is will prove to be a problem. And he won’t agree to buy me another one.
I am 16,so if your a gaming fan you should be able to understand the seriousness of my problem;)
(i apologize for any spelling,comprehensive mistake or if i have caused any kind of disturbance or annoyance)
Nagesh answers:
Ok before I gave my suggestion I should explain that consumption of electricity directly effects on the performance of console. Low power consumption means console will run cooler for long periods and you wont get any disturbance. If console runs for long hours its get overheated and possibly shuts itself down to avoid any damage. So power consumption is one considerable factor.
Now comes which is better I think no one is better than other PS3 or Xbox both consoles are very much a like decision rest on online service PS3 have free online but not very much reliable whereas Xbox have good online service but you have to pay for it around 50 or 60$ per year. Graphics are pretty much same for both consoles. Performance is also good for both consoles.
Personally I prefer Xbox 360 for its better online but I think PS3 will suit you better because it offers free online and there is absolutely no technical issues with PS3 and it is a perfectly fine console. A newer superslim version is even better in performance as compare to old slim model because it consumes a lot less power as compare to all other consoles including previous models of PS3.
Which will be cheaper in long run PS3 will be cheaper in long run because you do not have to pay for online service where as with Xbox you have to pay annual money for online usage.
I don’t think so that next gen consoles will come any sooner then 2014 or 2015. All these rumors are speculations of fans.
This detailed review will explain more details and help you decide:
Bestselling PS3 superslim 250 GB bundle – recent price:
Recommended exclusive games of PS3:
Uncharted Series
Infamous Series (1 and 2)
Heavy Rain
God of War Ascension (will be released on 13th march and this time it has multiplayer campaign)
Ratchet and Clank Series
Little big planet
David asks…
is there any website where i can watch free DVD quality songs of the Bollywood movies?
i want to watch free online DVD quality songs of the bollywood movies… can u suggest me any site…
Nagesh answers:
You can go to this website to watch free movies. There have new and old movies included.
You can watch it for free and just need a free program to download those movie.
All are there:
Michael asks…
anyone know what this music played in naruto movie 1 is called?
Naruto movie 1 is clash in the land of snow and the song im asking for plays when the princess and all the others mix their chakras in the movie to beat the old bad guy, very beginning. The song hits is high point or climax when the rainbow appears, any help?
Nagesh answers:
I don’t remember the movie because I watched it long, long time ago.
But, maybe this site can help.
Charles asks…
What xbox 360 should i get? which ones the best for me?
k i want get 2 games for now: fifa13 and black ops 2. i don’t download movies or songs. just play game. i need only 1 controller. what xbox should i get and spend as least as possible? how much will that be?
Nagesh answers:
Xbox is more fun and the newer ones don’t break and over heat as easy on the other hand ps3 Is a better system meaning the things it’s capable of. But I think xbox is way more fun because from my experience on ps3 people barely talk during games which I thinks kinda defeats the purpose of online Xbox gives u more of a gaming feel and social environment while u play while playstation is more like your in a quiet dark room playing by yourself so black Xbox 250 depending on how much u need to save I have an old 120gb for 3 years still not filled 250 old be more than enough
Mark asks…
Can you get a virus just from opening an e-mail?
Or would you have to click on a link inside that e-mail? Usually I am pretty good at telling if an e-mail is spam or not, but every once in a while they get me, and I open one that I think is legit and turns out to be spam. I immediately trash it, but wonder if I got a virus just from opening it.
Nagesh answers:
Yes you can you open that email it sends virus that use you back doors. People can look at your stuff in back doors.
Trojans are executable programs, which means that when you open the file, it will perform some action(s). In Windows, executable programs have file extensions like “exe”, “vbs”, “com”, “bat”, etc. Some actual trojan filenames include: “dmsetup.exe” and “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs” (when there are multiple extensions, only the last one counts, be sure to unhide your extensions so that you see it). More information on risky file extensions may be found at this Microsoft document.
Trojans can be spread in the guise of literally ANYTHING people find desirable, such as a free game, movie, song, etc. Victims typically downloaded the trojan from a WWW or FTP archive, got it via peer-to-peer file exchange using IRC/instant messaging/Kazaa etc., or just carelessly opened some email attachment. Trojans usually do their damage silently. The first sign of trouble is often when others tell you that you are attacking them or trying to infect them!
III. How do I avoid getting infected in the future?
You must be certain of BOTH the source AND content of each file you download! In other words, you need to be sure that you trust not only the person or file server that gave you the file, but also the contents of the file itself.
Here are some practical tips to avoid getting infected (again). For more general security information, please see our main security help page.
1. NEVER download blindly from people or sites which you aren’t 100% sure about. In other words, as the old saying goes, don’t accept candy from strangers. If you do a lot of file downloading, it’s often just a matter of time before you fall victim to a trojan.
2. Even if the file comes from a friend, you still must be sure what the file is before opening it, because many trojans will automatically try to spread themselves to friends in an email address book or on an IRC channel. There is seldom reason for a friend to send you a file that you didn’t ask for. When in doubt, ask them first, and scan the attachment with a fully updated anti-virus program.
3. Beware of hidden file extensions! Windows by default hides the last extension of a file, so that innocuous-looking “susie.jpg” might really be “susie.jpg.exe” – an executable trojan! To reduce the chances of being tricked, unhide those pesky extensions.
4. NEVER use features in your programs that automatically get or preview files. Those features may seem convenient, but they let anybody send you anything which is extremely reckless. For example, never turn on “auto DCC get” in mIRC, instead ALWAYS screen every single file you get manually. Likewise, disable the preview mode in Outlook and other email programs.
5. Never blindly type commands that others tell you to type, or go to web addresses mentioned by strangers, or run pre-fabricated programs or scripts (not even popular ones). If you do so, you are potentially trusting a stranger with control over your computer, which can lead to trojan infection or other serious harm.
6. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security just because you run anti-virus programs. Those do not protect perfectly against many viruses and trojans, even when fully up to date. Anti-virus programs should not be your front line of security, but instead they serve as a backup in case something sneaks onto your computer.
7. Finally, don’t download an executable program just to “check it out” – if it’s a trojan, the first time you run it, you’re already infected!
IV. How do I get rid of trojans?!?
Here are your many options, none of them are perfect. I strongly suggest you read through all of them before rushing out and trying to run some program blindly. Remember – that’s how you got in this trouble in the first place. Good luck!
Clean Re-installation: Although arduous, this will always be the only sure way to eradicate a trojan or virus. Back up your entire hard disk, reformat the disk, re-install the operating system and all your applications from original CDs, and finally, if you’re certain they are not infected, restore your user files from the backup. If you are not up to the task, you can pay for a professional repair service to do it.
Anti-Virus Software: Some of these can handle most of the well known trojans, but none are perfect, no matter what their advertising claims. You absolutely MUST make sure you have the very latest update files for your programs, or else they will miss the latest trojans. Compared to traditional viruses, today’s trojans evolve much quicker and come in many seemingly innocuous forms, so anti-virus software is always going to be playing catch up. Also, if they fail to find every trojan, anti-virus software can give you a false sense of security, such that you go about your business not realizing that you are still dangerously compromised. There are many products to choose from, but the following are generally effective: AVP, PC-cillin, and McAfee VirusScan. All are available for immediate downloading typically with a 30 day free trial. For a more complete review of all major anti-virus programs, including specific configuration suggestions for each, see the HackFix Project’s anti-virus software page [all are ext. Links]. When you are done, make sure you’ve updated Windows with all security patches [ext. Link].
Anti-Trojan Programs: These programs are the most effective against trojan horse attacks, because they specialize in trojans instead of general viruses. A popular choice is The Cleaner, $30 commercial software with a 30 day free trial. To use it effectively, you must follow’s configuration suggestions [ext. Link]. When you are done, make sure you’ve updated Windows with all security patches [ext. Link], then change all your passwords because they may have been seen by every “hacker” in the world.
IRC Help Channels: If you’re the type that needs some hand-holding, you can find trojan/virus removal help on IRC itself, such as EFnet #dmsetup or DALnet #NoHack. These experts will try to figure out which trojan(s) you have and offer you advice on how to fix it. The previous directions were in fact adapted from advice given by EFnet #dmsetup. (See our networks page if you need help connecting to those networks.)
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