Lisa asks…
Is it true that Lime wire and Aim mess up your computer?
I’ve heard that lime wire is harmful to your computer , and& aim. im getting a new Mac Book for my birthday in November and i don’t want to get viruses on it like previous computers i’ve had. Please and& thank you
Nagesh answers:
I use windows xp and both AIM and Limewire. I have never had a problem with AIM, and only minor with Limewire. The thing with limewire is the probram itself is not dangrues but you connect directly to another persons computer, which opens up a channel in wich you can get virus/spyware.
Here is a few tips, keep your anti-virus software up to date!!!!
Scan regulerlly, like once a week. Since you will be using a Mac, it is much less attacked by viruses/spyware and hackers, but you should still be causious.
When downloading try to pay attention to the size of the file, if you want a music .MP3 and it says it is only 300k instead of 3megybytes for example it is probally junk.
Also for the 23 bucks or so, I recomend buying Limewire Pro, No adds, faster conections and 24/7 tech support from limewire. That will give you a one year subscription. Plus supporting your favorite companys so they can stay in business is good to.
As for AIM, I have been using it for since 2002 and never had a single problem. But like limewire, it is not the program, but who you are talking to with it. Never use the direct connect with another user unless you know them…in person. Then they can attack your computer through AIM. Also I dont know how old you are, but try to talk with people your same age, after you turn 18 if not allready try to talk with people over 18 as well for child laws and what not, just to protect yourself.
One more thing, one way or another, through your ISP or whatnot, everything you do on your computer while online is being recorded, and if needed monitored. Your ISP records every packet from every client of theres so be carfull what you talk about/ download from limewire. If you download a movie you think is legit and it turns out to be something like kiddie porn and you did not want that, your ISP can actually call the police on you, just be warned and be smart online. If your not sure on if a file is legitmet, dont download it!
Thomas asks…
Where can I watch episodes of Monk online for free?
Preferably no downloads, and if I have to download it I sort of don’t want it to be from a dodgy website. (: thank you.
I want older episodes. not new ones so the doesn’t help much.
Nagesh answers:
I found a great program at this site and I can watch live tv, live sports, movies and older shows to. Try here
Sandy asks…
What to do during a 7 hour plane trip?
My family and I are going to florida, and we are going to disney and orlando. MAybe some cool rides too…..?
But, I do have an itouch,any recommended apps? Or what else could I do on a plane for 7 hours that is fun?
Nagesh answers:
This is a very interesting question 😀 i recommend getting call of duty, but if youre not into that i think you should check online for best apps that you like. For example: top 10 game sporting apps for itouch. And make sure you download the lastest music onto your touch! You dont wanna be listening to boring, old music the whole time lol. You can also download movies onto your itouch, its a very good time killer. Hmm.. I would also bring a pencil and paper, since i absolutely love drawing- it could entertain me for a few hours ! Reading a book can also help, im not so fond about books personally:) Umm well there’s so many things you can do!
Have fun on your trip!
-The Wise One
James asks…
What are some good virtual websites?
You know the kind like SuperSecret where you have an avatar or character or person and you earn money and buy things and decorate a home etc.? I was wondering if anybody could list a couple of sites they know are good please? Thanks!
Nagesh answers:
adventure quest (not virtual but you can watch movies for free)
FreeRealms (Download- Ages 10 and up)
neopets (Have Your Own Pet)
yahoo games
webkinz (Plush needed)
be-bratz (Doll needed)
gaiaonline (Ages 13 or up)
habbo (Ages 13 or up)
buildabearville (This site is so FUN!)
pixiehollow (Girlz Can Only Play)
toontown (Download)
fishland (Have Your Own Pet)
iminlikewithyou (TEENAGERS, 13 ) Or Older Can Only Play)
wizard101 (Download)
barbiegirls (Girlz Can Only Play)
zwinky (Download-only for TEENAGERS,13 Or Older Can Only Play)
kidscom (Have Your Own Pet & An Online Chracter)
ty. (Plush Needed)
littlestpetshop (Need a plushie or you can adopt)
David asks…
How to Solve Diablo 3 Lagging Problems?
I bought Diablo 3 a couple of weeks ago, and amongst other problems (*cough* server issues *cough*), I’m lagging real bad. I keep dying, usually in the worst spots.
Does anyone have any tips or ideas on how to solve this lagging problem in Diablo 3?
Nagesh answers:
While playing, there’s a vertical bar on the right side of your hotbar that ranges from green to red. This is your network latency. You can move the mouse over it to find out the exact latency. If you’re regularly in the yellow or red, then you’re going to have problems no matter how powerful your computer is.
About the only thing you can do is see if anyone else in your house is using a network-heavy application such as streaming a movie or downloading a large file. These types of activities can make it difficult for online gaming, so try to shut them down before you start playing.
If your latency bar is green and you’re still having problems then the problem is your computer isn’t quite powerful enough. Check the specs of your computer and compare them to what the game needs. Most of the time you can improve your computer’s performance a little by buying more memory, or going into the D3’s settings menu and lowering the quality of effects and stuff like that. The game may not look as pretty but at least it should run better.
If that still doesn’t help much you may need to consider buying a new graphics card but if you have a laptop, it’s impossible to change the graphics card so you’ll have to buy a whole new computer. Even if you do have a desktop computer, if it’s more than 4 years old or so, you’re probably better off buying a whole new system than trying to upgrade each individual part.
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