Your Questions About Where Can I Download Old Movies

Robert asks…

how can i download old school windows movie maker on windows 8?

i have watched videos before i‘ve signed up to youtube and they were made out of old school windows movie maker and i want to feel nostalgic by making my own videos (well some of them) to be made out of old school windows movie maker please people help me out on how to download old school windows movie maker on windows 8!

Nagesh answers:

May be there is a chance to do it but in my view, its not a good practice. You should try the new one. It’d be a lot better and convenient to use. I’ve use WMM on Windows XP and 7 and there’s a big difference between them. Anyways, you may try the following link to install old school WMM on Win8

Lisa asks…

I can’t download movie footage to my mac snow leopard with imovie 11 with a panasonice dx-100a. Any ideas?

I‘ve tried to download my movies from my panasonic dx-100a to my Mac with snow leopard with imovie 11 installed. Does anyone have any thought son this? – j

Nagesh answers:

Assuming your camcorder is a Panasonic AG-DVX100a, then you need to connect the camcorder’s DV port to the computer’s firewire port.

Download the camcorder’s manual:

Page 14, item 40. DV, IEEE1394, Firewire and i.Link are all the same thing.

You did not tell us which Apple Macintosh you are using. If it is one without a firewire port (like a MacBook Air or *some* versions of the MacBook), there is no way to add a firewire port (newer Macs come with a Thunderbolt port, so you need to get a Thunderbolt to firewire adapter) then you will have a problem.

You did not tell us which cable you connected the Mac to the camcorder. A firewire to USB cable will not work.

SO… Assuming you have the right firewire cable connectivity:

Camcorder off.
Connect the camcorder’s DV port to the Mac’s firewire port (not USB) with a firewire cable (not USB).
If the Mac was off, then turn it on.
When at a stable desktop, turn on the camcorder. It needs to be in Play/VCR mode. Refer to pages 10 (power) and 11 (VCR/camera mode).
Launch iMovie.
Under “File”, select Import or Capture.

This is not much different than ay other miniDV tape based camcorder. Heads-up: If the video was captured using anything other than plain old standard definition, DV format, video, it is possible there will be problems. IMovie is not designed to deal much more than “normal” video signals. It can deal with NTSC 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratios in standard def format.

Sixty minutes of standard definition video imported for video editor use will consume about 14 gig of computer hard drive space.

Sandra asks…

How can I use a desktop only for burning music and movies?

I have an old desktop that I want to have movies and music on. I want to erase or stop all other processes and programs that run on the desktop and run only the ones i need. Can this be done and if so how. I have an old compaq presario sr1403wm that is not hooked to the internet. It can if i must to download a program. I basically want to only burn dvds and cds. Thanks for your help

Nagesh answers:

I would just install a burning program like Roxio Toast. As long as your computer meets the minimum requirements, you should be fine. Also, make sure that you have a DVD/DVR/RW disk drive to burn the music/movies to.

Betty asks…

How do I delete old files after a system restore?

I just restored my computer but I only have 6gb of memory on a 60gb hard drive. Im assuming all my old files are still on my hard drive somewhere. If so is there some way to delete em?

Nagesh answers:

First, download CCleaner from and run it. The first time I ran it I was able to remove 500MB of junk from my computer. The rest of your usage is probably programs you have downloaded. Look in your program files. Also in CCleaner you can delete programs as well. If you have a lot of photos or movies consider getting an external hard drive or putting them on a DVD.

Good luck

Linda asks…

Is there a way I can get LimeWire to automatically start other movies when the earlier ones have completed?

OK So I‘ve been downloading a lot of stuff from LimeWire lately. I usually download them at night, so is there a way I can get LimeWire to start new movies once the old ones have completed. Say I have 5 movies to download, once the first one is finished I want LimeWire to automatically start the second one then the third one, that way. Is it possible to do that with LimeWire?

Nagesh answers:

Go to “tools” and under that go to “downloads”. Where it says “maximum downloads”, change the number to 1. Then click ok.
Click all the movies you want to download and only one movie at a time will download. After one is done, it will download the next one and so on and so forth. That way, all your speed will concentrate on one download at a time.

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