Jenny asks…
Is it worth it to buy the playstation 3?
I have playstation 2&1 games and I already have a playstation 2. Ps2 games are impossible to find now except on amazon. So I’m thinking about buying a ps3 what are the pros? Cons? And what models can you play ps2 games on?
Nagesh answers:
~Free Online Multiplayer
~Full HD Graphics
~Blu-Ray Player
~Ton’s of exclusive games such as Uncharted Infamous and the well known God of War series also
~Internet Broswer, Youtube, Facebook, and Crackle
~Internet Search, Go on your favorite websites and what not
~PS Store which has full games, avatars, and DLC
~ PS Home create and customize your avatar and chat with people watch new movie trailers and exclusive game play for upcoming games
~ And its even has its own series like TESTER and QORE and much more
~ upgradable hard drive up to 2 tb. Defult comes with 160 and 320 gigs
~ less failure rate then 360
~ read more formats then the others: mp4, mpeg 2, mpeg 1, divx, xvid, avi, wmv, mp3, 3gp, wma, aac, jpeg, bmp, png, non animated gif
~ able to download FREE movies/music off the ps3 internet browser
~ reads flash memory cards (only on a few models)
~ only 2 usb (the 40 gig, new 80 gig, ps3 slims)
~ touch buttons instead of touch sensitive (ps3 slims)
~ ps2 b/c on a few models
other then that, thats all the cons
theres a few models that play ps2:
-20 gigs, 60 gigs (fat ps3 that plays all ps2)
-60 gigs (pal regions), old 80 gigs (2007) (fat ps3 that plays most ps2)
im sorry but they dont make the old fat ones, if you want to play ps2 on a ps3, get the one listed but you will most likely deal with the YLOD as they are old and use.
Othe then that, the ps3 slim has less chance of dying, more space, but has no ps2 b/c.
John asks…
Where can i watch old episodes of hollyoaks from 2006-2008 free online?
Do you know anywhere where i can watch any episodes. Especially the episodes from the first few months of 2007
but anywhere on the internet where i can watch/downloads any old episodes from hollyoaks
Nagesh answers:
They have many of these episodes at
I found this site by searching for Hollyoaks at
This gave me lots of other websites too, so you may try there for other sites as well. Here’s a list of some others:
I hope you find all that you’re looking for!
Nancy asks…
does anyone know where i can download anime movies totally free?
such as ghost in the shell 2 the innocence? pleas help me thanx!
Nagesh answers:
You can try these websites. One of the best I ever found ツ
==>free direct downloads. Most of popular and latest anime are in both RMVB (70-80 MB per ep) and AVI (140 MB per ep). No membership required. Download is pretty slow though. Many manga series are also available.
==>has many anime series available for direct-download. Many old and not-so-popular anime series can be found here. No membership required. They use the service of rapidshare and megaupload so expect some download regulations.
==>lots of anime available for direct-downloads. Read manga online. Their files are hosted by rapidshare or megaupload.
==>anime and manga forum. Has download pages.
==>torrents. Collection of links
==>membership required. 10 popular anime titles are available in their own servers. Other titles are available through rapidshare and/or megaupload.
Others (really good too):…
David asks…
is the nintendo 3ds the final console of the series?
does anyone know if the 3ds is the final of the nintendo ds series? or are there gonna be others?
can you go on any website on it like youtube and stuff?
Nagesh answers:
What? 3DS is not even the same system as the DS. The last DS is DSi XL. 3DS is a new system, not an upgrade.
Yes, you can go online, but no words on youtube.
Although it’s not out yet, the 3DS is the first glasses-free 3D gaming device in the market(like the ones in theaters minus the glasses). It also supports multimedia, motion control, touch-screen, 3 cameras, and Wi-Fi. It is also compatible with the DS software and DSi wares.
Some 3DS features (there’s more that weren’t announced by Nintendo) you may not know:
The 3DS graphics is the closest handheld gaming device that comes close to 360/PS3 graphical wise(you gotta see it to believe it; specs don’t count), it supports 2 screens, 1st screen as a 3D screen without glasses(it’s real and it works, you can also turn off the 3D if you want 2D), 2nd screen as a touch-screen, compatible with the old generations of DS softwares, gyroscope, accelerometer, audio player, 3 cameras(one inside, and two outside), capable of taking 2D/3D photos and capturing 2D/3D videos, 2D/3D movie playback, multitasking(i.e. You can access web browser while playing a game), Virtual Console Service(which was not available with the DSi/DSi XL) and some 3D remakes of classic retro games(GB, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, and more), also compatible with DSi Wares, 3DS Mii Plaza (Mii creation), augmented reality games, CrossPass” (which can automatically seek and connect to wireless network nodes such as Wi-Fi hotspots, sending and downloading information in the background while in sleep mode or while playing a game), 3D TV streaming(only available in Japan at the moment), e-book reader,better online capabilities, video chat, shop channel, web browser (and anything you do on the web like mail, facebook, etc.), and more which weren’t fully announced by Nintendo. Plus the games are longer and are quality games.
Here’s a video that explains how the 3D works:
Some games that will be coming out for it:
Metal Gear Solid 3, Super Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil: Revelation, Resident Evil: Mercenaries, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Times, Kid Icarus, Paper Mario, Star Fox 64, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, Mario Kart, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy series, Dead or Alive 3D, Ninja Gaiden, Samurai Warriors 3D, Assassin’s Creed: Lost Legacy, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Call of Duty, Megaman Legends 3, and more. There will also be 3DS ware games, like Cave Story.
Some features:
3DS Shop Channel:
Just in case you go “where’s the 3D!?” it won’t work on your computer screen, you gotta see it in person to see the 3D.
Few of the games that will be coming out for it:
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition:
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater:
Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright
More games being played live:
You can check out more about 3DS here:
Donna asks…
Need to watch old Romeo and Juliet Play for School?
Hello guys, I was just wondering if any of you guys know where i can watch an online version of the old Romeo and Juliet play. I am home schooled and it would take the school forever to get it and I want to finish it now.
Nagesh answers:
Ok kiddo I found the movie for you to watch free online. It is the 1968 version ( best one I think).
This is the link you need ( you will probably need to type this in your little google bar)
Now that should take you directly to the movie. If not go to the site and type in what you want in their search bar. Remember though that this is the 1968 version and this is the version that most schools use.
I also found you a study guide to use that you can download to your computer and print out. The site is
Now most of these are Teacher’s versions, but it has everything you need.
Good luck and now hie you hence to partake of thy entertainment ( in other words ‘go watch your schoolwork’)
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