Thomas asks…
My ps3 isn’t connected to the internet and it still freezes?
I bought a used ps3 (the older shiny version) and the ps3 game I got doesn’t work (The Sims 3).
It isn’t connected to the internet and the data won’t completely download. It’ll freeze after 1% total completion. I’ve tried resetting the ps3 to factory mode, restarting the system over and over and nothing is working. My ps2 games, DVD’s, and CD’s are working just fine though and I’m really starting to get pissed.
Nagesh answers:
If your not connected to the internet that is a good reason it won’t download , it can’t unless it’s online and if you have no internet that might also mean the ps3 is not updated to the latest system software version , this is a must to play any newer game so check the version your ps3 has and get it updated if it’s not at version 4.31
check settings , system settings , system information to see your ps3 system software version and update if required
now you might also have a game that was released with some glitches on it and the only way to fix that and make it play properly is to have an internet connected ps3 and update the game so check online to see if this game has any updates required
other than games and the ps3 needing updates ( especially the ps3 ) there is also a possibility the game installed but id it with errors so look in the game data utility folder and delete any game data for that game before starting again . Finally check the disc carefully because it takes only a single tiny scratch in the wrong spot to make a game freeze or not play .
Again though , if you are trying to download it’s impossible if your ps3 is not internet enabled , you cannot download with no internet connection because there is no data to download or site to download from , it’s like trying to watch tv without a tv or play a movie without the disc .
Richard asks…
What does the Xbox 360 Slim have that Xbox 360 does not?
So i was thinking of buying an Xbox 360 lately and i was just wondering if the Xbox 360 Slim is worth the extra buck? What features does it have other than the original?
Nagesh answers:
Yes! Definitely get the Xbox 360 slim, the diffrence between the two are: silent compared to the original xbox, old accessories can be used, smaller with a slimmer look, improve the reliability and durability of the hardware, improve online system, improve graphics and most specially tons of great games to play like Halo Reach.
Best Selling XBox 360 Console Bundle:
The Xbox 360 is a total media center that allows users to play, network, rip, stream and download all types of media, including high-definition movies, music, digital pictures and game content.
See here for a very good article from an actual owner, see how he says about XBox 360 latest bundle.
The Xbox 360 can also display pictures and perform slideshows of photo collections with various transition effects, and supports audio playback, with music player controls accessible through the Xbox 360 Guide button.
The Xbox 360 is available in three standard variants; the “Xbox 360 Arcade”, the “Xbox 360 Premium”, and the “Xbox 360 Elite”. There is also the latest Xbox 360 Slim, is just the same with the great Xbox 360 experience with added features like a new sleek smaller form factor case and controller with matching color scheme, 250 GB internal hard drive. This enormous hard drive gives you more than enough room to install all your games and download endless content from the Xbox Live Marketplace. Wi-Fi is built-in for easier connection to the world of entertainment on Xbox LIVE, where HD movies and TV stream in an instant.
Full list of latest bestselling games for the XBox 360:,n:!11846801,n:14220161,n:14220271&bbn=14220161&ie=UTF8&qid=1285567970&rnid=11846801&tag=blwos-20
Charles asks…
Does anyone know where i can find Sailor Moon episodes online for free?
I showed my 4 year old cousin a Sailor Moon movie and i told her as a kid this was my favorite show and now she wants to watch them..the only thing is i dont know where to watch them at…please help…thanks
Nagesh answers:
For Japanese – English Subtitle
1.go to youtube and type this phrase in. “Sailor Moon S Ep.___ eng sub” e.g. “Sailor Moon S Ep. 108 eng sub”
2. Scroll Down till u see a title like this e.g. “Sailormoon S : Season THREE + ENG SUB Ep108 (Part 1)”
3. Click on it and you can watch it on youtube (they have the whole season 1-5 on there with subs)
For the Dubbed episodes you can find them on Dailymotion or
If you go to SailorMoonCenter ( ) They stream online dubbed episodes on dailymotion, simply click one of the link on the right hand side (divided into Japanses and English Episodes)
To Download Sailor moon episodes go to SailorMooncenter to download HQ Jap Audio, English Subtitled hope i helped
Joseph asks…
What Is The Latest Animation And Movie Maker Softwares And Where To Download It?
i need it to compete in the animating contest!! wish me luck i need it asap!! thanks
Nagesh answers:
Some of the better commercial 2D animation programs such as Digicel Flipbook, Toon Boom, TVPaint, TAB, and PAP, have Student or Express versions that are fairly inexpensive. However, you might be disappointed by how crippled these stripped down programs are compared to their more expensive Pro versions. But if you look hard enough you should be able to find them cracked online (rapidshare, bittorrent). There are some free alternatives.
If you’re doing old school drawn on paper frame by frame stuff or stop-motion or 2D, I’d suggest MonkeyJam. It’s free.
If you’re on a Mac, use Pencil(there’s PC and Linux versions as well).
If you want to do Flash animation like the stuff on, either break down and buy Adobe Flash or you can try Creatoon or Synfig, which are free. They’re not Flash, but they also do vector based symbol oriented
Here are some online resources about the basic principles of animation.
Mark asks…
how much will the nintendo 3ds cost in the US?
How much will the 3ds cost? Has nintendo given a price on it yet?
Nagesh answers:
There’s no price for it in North America/Europe/Austrailia, yet, but it will be ¥25,000(yen) in Japan (less than $300 USD). If you’re worried about the price then you should know that glasses-free 3D cameras and videos don’t come cheap and you’re looking at about $500+, but 3DS packs more features, yet it’s only less than $300. If you think about it, the iPod Touch cost more than the 3DS when it comes to features and games. Also the currency in Japan works differently than here in US, so don’t get confuse with the price everyone is saying cuz Nintendo of America hasn’t said anything about the price. ¥25,000 isn’t really that big if you live in Japan and the currency always change. Also, it cost about ¥20,000 just to feed a regular sized family. But speculations are thinking that it might be less than $300 since the older DSes(DS Phat, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL) were $40-60 less than that of the Japan release price. Maybe the same price as PSP Go at launch.
Although, it will be coming out here on March next year.
Some 3DS features (there’s more that weren’t announced by Nintendo) you may have missed:
The 3DS graphics is the closest handheld gaming device that comes close to 360/PS3 graphical wise(you gotta see it to believe it; specs don’t count), it supports 2 screens, 1st screen as a 3D screen without glasses(it’s real and it works, you can also turn off the 3D if you want 2D), 2nd screen as a touch-screen, compatible with the old generations of DS softwares, gyroscope, accelerometer, audio player, 3 cameras(one inside, and two outside), capable of taking 2D/3D photos and capturing 2D/3D videos, 2D/3D movie playback, multitasking(i.e. You can access web browser while playing a game), Virtual Console Service(which was not available with the DSi/DSi XL) and some 3D remakes of classic retro games(GB, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, and more), also compatible with DSi Wares, 3DS Mii Plaza (Mii creation), augmented reality games, CrossPass” (which can automatically seek and connect to wireless network nodes such as Wi-Fi hotspots, sending and downloading information in the background while in sleep mode or while playing a game), 3D TV streaming(only available in Japan at the moment), e-book reader,better online capabilities, video chat, shop channel, web browser (and anything you do on the web like mail, facebook, etc.), and more which weren’t fully announced by Nintendo. Plus the games are longer and are quality games.
Some games that will be coming out for it:
Metal Gear Solid 3, Super Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil: Revelation, Resident Evil: Mercenaries, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Times, Kid Icarus, Paper Mario, Star Fox 64, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, Mario Kart, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy series, Dead or Alive 3D, Ninja Gaiden, Samurai Warriors 3D, Assassin’s Creed: Lost Legacy, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Call of Duty, Megaman Legends 3, and more. There will also be 3DS ware games, like Cave Story.
Some features:
3DS Shop Channel:
Just in case you go “where’s the 3D!?” it won’t work on your computer screen, you gotta see it in person to see the 3D.
Few of the games that will be coming out for it:
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition:
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater:
Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright
More games being played live:
You can check out more about 3DS here:
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