Your Questions About Download Old Movies Songs

Joseph asks…

What is the new song in the 2010 summer lifetime commercial?

its a guy singing. the song might be a little old. i have def heard it before i just cant remember any of the lyrics he sang, only the beat.

Nagesh answers:

It’s not show me what I’m looking for. It’s The Temper Trap, Sweet Disposition. I heard it too on the 500 days of summer movie.

Jenny asks…

How do i transfer my music from my old itunes to my new itunes?

I just recently got a new laptop and i downloaded itunes onto it. all of my purchased songs were transfered, but none of my other songs were. I cant burn cds because the disk drive on my old computer is now broken. how do i transfer my music?

Nagesh answers:

Hello, I’d like to share my experience.
When I changed my computer, I used MediaWidget to move all library files from my iPod Touch onto my new computer

It can transfer all iPod content to the iTunes on your computer, including iPod music, movies, playlists, videos, podcasts, ratings, last played, and more. It’s such a powerful one that many friends around me have used it for a long time. Easy and safe.

Now all files are on your new computer and iTunes, you can sync your iPod with it smoothly without deleting any files.

Just free download it to try.
For more iPod support information you can also go to

Mary asks…

How do I put music from my ipod, synced with my old computer, on to my new computer?

I had my ipod touch synced with my computer. However, then I had to replace that computer because of a break down. I then got a new computer and plugged my ipod touch into it thinking it would just sync all of my music into the new computer. But all ita doing is syncing 3 songs. What can I do?

Nagesh answers:

Hello, I’d like to share my experience.
When I changed my computer, I used MediaWidget to move all library files from my iPod Touch onto my new computer

It can transfer all iPod content to the iTunes on your computer, including iPod music, movies, playlists, videos, podcasts, ratings, last played, and more. It’s such a powerful one that many friends around me have used it for a long time. Easy and safe.

Now all files are on your new computer and iTunes, you can sync your iPod with it smoothly without deleting any files.

Just free download it to try.
For more iPod support information you can also go to

Sandra asks…

How to keep a 1-year old entertained on a long flight?

So I’m going on a long flight with my 1 year old pretty soon. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a flight during his nap time, so I’m really worried of how the flight is going to be. He does not like to be held for too long and he is going on my lap. What can I do to entertain him during the flight?

Nagesh answers:

When you get on the plane…and eveyone is seated…If there isn’t an empty seat next to you(you could get lucky) Ask the filght attentand IF they coudl find you a seat with an empty seat next to you. Someone may be willing to swtich with you, or there may be 2 empty seats avaiable.

A dvd player..with some of his favorite shoes/movies…will help. If he likes to watch tv. them! Don’t put them on rigth away. Try and get an hour in….bring him on the plane hungry..starve! So he can eat a meal. If you have a laptop, ipad, iphone,kindle(with internet) download some kiddy games, or just let him play with it for a while. OR books..coloring books? Small toys, puzzles..leapfrog makes magnetic puzzles..they are great, if he likes puzzles. Connect 4!! As toddlers both my kids loved putting the checkers in….then letting them go..and doing it over and over again! They make a travel version. Snacks..bring snacks. Visit the bathroom, once an hour..wash your can pee if you have to(: just to get up out of your seat for 5 minutes. He is a baby..but a lolly pop, since he will be on your lap may buy you 15 minutes. Bubble GUM!! Face him, facing you..blow bubbles and let him pop them…play a game..don’t let him pop every one..I am not a fan of kids using ear phones but..if he likes..kiddie music, download raffi, laurie berkeer or some fun kiddie songs for him to listen to.

When taking toddlers on a long flight…”rules” can be broken for the day(: Wake him up an hour earlier..maybe he will nap. Or maybe you will get lucky and he will get board to sleep!

I traveled with 2 toddlers. 1 and 3. The flight was 3 hours..and it went surprisingly well! I was very prepared, Crayola…Color majic stuff is fantastic!!! No mess, and kept them occupied. There is also (cant think of the name) but paint books, there is a “special” paint brush you put water in and when painted..makes a lovely picture. The paint is on the paper..the water makes the color come out.

Good Luck…I will keep my fingers crossed for you…that he will take a nap!

Mandy asks…

What The Heck is a Torrent and How Do I Use It?

I don’t know anything about torrents. I know that they are some form of file. I have the program Bittorrent. I have several torrent files and after opening them with Bittorrent, I have completely downloaded one of them. It’s rally weird to ask, but what do I do now. Can I access the program? How do I share my programs with others? How do I actually use the programs I’ve downloaded?

Nagesh answers:

Ok well i only use torrents and bitcomet for downloading movies.

So say you want to download the movie wanted so you go to google and search wanted torrent. In the results there should be results from sites like and basically all sites with torrent in it. So you click any and if theres a choice of the different movies you pick the ones with more seeders than leechers and the one thats about 700 mb cuz that basically as much as a 1 hour and 45 min movie. Then you you just click download now. If not go straight to download now. Open with bitcomet and wait about 1-6 hours it depends how lucky you are and voila its downloaded and you can watch it in windows media player!! But once its 100% downloaded you go to my computer>C>downloads>(the file) wanted> wanted (the file is like a movie scene). Then you go to open with windows media and then you can watch it!!! But thats the simple explanation. Sometimes theres no sound and you have to download something else sometimes there are many 15 KB files and then you have to extract them in winRAR sometimes you havent downloaded the right movie blablabla. BUT its great quality once you download it and 95% of the movies you download come out perfectly =D. Oh and remember brand new movies dont come in only like 1 month old movies and older come in ABOUT. You can also download other stuff like songs. Oh and if you still need help feel free to email me!! But im no expert so dont expect me to solve ALL your problems

now ive typed so much you cant NOT have me for best answer!!!!

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