Your Questions About Download Movies Legal

Joseph asks…

my friend downloads movies on limewire and burns them on nero 7 is this legal?

Nagesh answers:

NO it is NOT legal

Violoating copyright and some other laws

Ruth asks…

Is downloading movies from the website legal if you have a membership.?


Nagesh answers:

It is legal to download from megaupload, but it is not illegal to download copyrighted material.
So if it has a copyright, and it most likely does, it is illegal to download it.

There are certain exceptions: if you ask permission, if it’s used for education, comment, or review (under certain conditions, check copyright laws)… But if its just for your entertainment, it is illegal.

Donna asks…

Is the new GRABOID download service legal, or with the Movie industry and the RIAA go after its users?

Nagesh answers:

If you are just downloading, rather than uploading and sharing, then it doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not. The RIAA has never once filed a suit against a downloader. The RIAA is deliberately spreading disinformation about what it is they are really doing and the press are unwitting accomplices because they are too stupid to know the difference. If you aren’t uploading and sharing, then the RIAA doesn’t even know that you are out there.

Now, aside from the relative risk, why are you still interested in RIAA affiliated bands? Haven’t you gotten sick and tired of those pigs takng advantage of you yet? Stop listening to and buying RIAA music. You wanna know why the RIAA is able to intitate so many frivolous “John Doe” lawsuits and to extort “settlements” out of innocent people some of whom have never even owned a computer? It’s guys like you, dude. You are funding them.

Steven asks…

Is downloading torrent files not movies but other files like books legal?

Nagesh answers:

Non-copyrighted material in general is safe.

George asks…

Free Download Movies & T.V. Shows?

Does anybody know where I can find Over Millions of clean Full Length Divx Movies & TV Shows that are Safe, legal, No Memberships required and No Fees and All Fast Totally Free Downloads on 1 website . Because I’m stumped and I’m really starting to get frustrated . I need help . Could anybody out there help me please !

Nagesh answers:

Hulu is great for tv shows, also if you go on the channels website they will have the shows in good quality to

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