Your Questions About Download Movies Legal

Ruth asks…

Is getting movies from other people files legal?

I seems to me that there seems to be alot of difference of opion when it comes to getting movies from other people files if they allow it. it is just like someone giving a movie away. somewhere a sometime, someone paid for it. I paid for the service of using the sharepro, there are some that are free like check it out you can get music too. that is not the one I use, but it is close. there are people telling me there are programs to burn dvd from downloaded movies. then i have other people telling me that it is illegal. does anyone know the real details about getting movies out of these sharepro programs because you can and it works and there is alot of them. They avertise on the search right there for everyone to see.. that you can get music and movies downloaded for a amount i think i paid 50.00 for a lifetime. I can’t see why using somone elses file world be wrong if it is allowed. these are legal companys. I have talk to people at window media and dell hotline

Nagesh answers:

The others are right. It’s illegal.

You can justify it all you want, but it’s still illegal.

You simply paid someone to use their software to break the law.

The software isn’t illegal. It’s what you download with it.

It’s like buying a knife. That’s perfectly legal. But killing someone with it isn’t.

William asks…

Is it legal to download a torrent of a movie if you already own it?


Nagesh answers:

Yes, its still illegal. You have obtained a copy of a movie unlawfully. Think of it this way. Say you own a DVD of a movie and then go to the store and steal another copy. You would say thats illegal even though you already own a copy at home. Downloading it from the internet is just as bad.

Sandy asks…

Whats some good websites to download music and free movies?

I know there is like limewire and stuff but dont know if they are legal atm but is there any good websites or stuff like lime wire where i can get free great quality movies and music thanks!!

Nagesh answers:

I don’t get you

Chris asks… is a movie download site. How does it work and is it legal and ethical?

There is a $29 onetime membership fee… do the movie downloads cost after that… and are they expensive? It is against my ethics to violate copyright laws… does anyone know about this site?

Nagesh answers:

I checked it out, and even though it appears to be legitimate, something about it just doesn’t “feel” right. With Netflix, you can watch movies all the time online (but not download), which is legitimate.

Jenny asks…

Pearl Harbor The MOvie With Ben AFflect Legal DOwnload?

where can i get the download for free??? Dvd quality!!

Nagesh answers:

That is one long movie. Http://

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