Your Questions About Download Old Movies Online

Mark asks…

What is the proper way to lock down a wireless internet connection?

So far I set it to wpa2 and disabled the ssid broadcast

changed all the passwords

I barely ever use wireless so im not concerned with its preformance since i use wires gigibit for main pc next to it for gaming, since wireless isnt as good for gaming.

I got this wrt320n gigabit really cheap to replace my 12 year old linksys wired only router.

So far its a lot faster and it reduces latency and splits up bandwidth better. I can download, watch a youtube movie and play cards online on the side and never once will the movie have to stop and download to catch up on a 6mb connection.

Any other suggestions as I move into the future?

Nagesh answers:

If you want to add another level od security, use MAC ID filtering
You enter into a list on the router setup the MAC IDs of the computers allowed to access the router
Once you enable the filter, all other machines are locked out
Be careful – this affects both wired and wireless connections. Be sure you have it right. Otherwise you will be resetting your router to get back into your network.
And yes – Mac IDs can be spoofed – but it makes things a lot harder and for a residential connection, a hacker is not going to waste the time

James asks…

I want to add a video to my profile, how do I go about doing so?

Its a video of an old commercial I found online, the web address for the vid. doesnt have a .mov, .mpeg, or .wav ending so I cant just embed it to the profile. I have the vid. downloaded to my comp as a quicktime movie, and ive tried to upload to myspace, but when its done it dosent go anywhere and my comp ends up freezing. Is it even possible? I would REALLY apprechiate your help, thanks in advance.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know what your exact problem is but all you should have to do is click the “video” button on the top row (the thing with your home button, browse, search etc). Then there is a “upload” button and you can search your files on your computer to upload them. I hope this answers your question.

Paul asks…

Porn addiction help… please?

I am a 23 year old college male student and I have a huge problem with online porn. I download a lot of home made sex videos and nude beach movies. I also masturbate at least twice, if not more times per day.

This summer I made a promise to my self that I would give up on it. I gave it up successfully for last 3 days and then again I went right back to it.

Little bit of my background would be, I asked a girl out for the first time just after our exams are over and she gave me a mixed answer. (She didn’t say yes nor no) May be that’s effecting my ability to give up porn as well.

Anyway, I am right downloading porn and I seems to have no will power to stop it. What should I do? I tried listing to music every time I get the feeling to watch porn, but it didn’t work. It seems like because I don’t have a girl in my life, this thing get worst. This even may effect my educational success next year. Please help…. Any advice from anyone who had same issues would be great.

Also, I had some suicidal feelings as well.

Nagesh answers:

Well I never had an addiction to porn before, but I have had other addictions that are somewhat related as they had to do with a computer. When I was dealing with them, like you I would always somehow go back to whatever I was addicted to and feel horrible about myself afterward for doing so. I found a decent way to get rid of addictions, and it has worked for me pretty well.

I would not listen to music or do anything on the computer, get away from your computer and do things that you think are fun. The thing that I found to be fun was biking and building things like wooden constructs and Lego’s, but everyone has their own favorite hobby of some kind.

Also, try to not associate your computer as the thing you go on to watch porn, but as a thing that you play games or do coursework on. This worked for me when I was addicted to playing online games, as I would try to go on my computer only for schoolwork or other non-game things.

The last thing you should do is get rid of all the porn and somehow make it so you cannot access porn or you can realize before going on that you will regret watching later. A great thing that has worked for me was that I put on my own parental controls for my laptop and I made it so I couldn’t play any games at all on a guest account I would do my schoolwork on; in your case I would make an administrator account and a guest account for your computer, and block mature content, explicit sites, and manually block the sites you get porn from. This works very well due to the fact that while you can still watch porn by going on the administrator account with the parental controls, you have a huge opportunity to think things over before you do this.

And for your suicidal thoughts, do things that you think have meaning instead of staying home and going on the computer or doing something else pointless all day. I had suicidal feelings at a point in my life, and I can honestly tell you that after volunteering for about a week at a homeless shelter last summer for school the feelings went away completely. Try to find some sort of non-profit organization that you would feel comfortable at working with people, and I promise you that you will feel better in less than a month.

Steven asks…

Help with using windows movie movie maker?

I currently using windows7 on my computer. My old one was vista and that had windows movie maker already installed. However, my computer for windows7 doesn’t have it installed by default. I’ve tried going online and downloaded the essentials pack from Microsoft but I ended up getting the live version. Then I tried getting it again and got Movie Maker 2.6. I’m fine with 2.6 but everytime I import a video, it somehow cuts in 100 peices and I’d need to combine it together.
What I need is this version of windows movie maker.
Could someone tell me which version it is and where I’d be able to download it. I’ve tried the Microsoft website but they had too many products and it was hard to search it up not knowing what version it is.

Nagesh answers:

There’s only one available version of Movie Maker that you haven’t tried on your Windows 7 machine – Vista 6.0. There are no separate 6.0 downloads because this version was installed as part of the Vista operating system. You have to use a 6.0 package with an installer. I recommend Blaine’s because he’s a Movie Maker expert and I’ve downloaded and use his Movie Maker add-ons and trust his expertise and his downloads.
Select the correct package – 32 bit or 64 bit – for your computer.

William asks…

movie name help(+18 anime “item”)?

thair is a movie that i saw once online but i cant remember the name of it or wair i downloaded it(was on old pc which was pitched) its about an odd school that is covered in a black cloud that makes people switch bodies randomly sometimes during thair giggady Help
here is a clip from it that might help
if u also have a link to wair i can watch or download it that would be awsome
the word missing in address

Nagesh answers:

Yo man, it’s that one with the aliens. Like some alien mf comes down and possesses teachers in school and than everyone becomes an alien mf… I think it was School of Terror or something like that

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