Your Questions About Download Movies Legal

Steven asks…

Is downloading movies legal from

Nagesh answers:

Check here for a great article:

Maria asks…

Is P2P Or Downloading Movies Legal?

Nagesh answers:

Most of the download sites are illegal. You can get a list of some of the legal sites at the motion picture association of americas website.

Susan asks…

Is it legal to download a movie, and then edit it to music for a YT video?

Is it in Canada?

Nagesh answers:

Yes but you may get away with it because you edited and your not making money off of it

Lizzie asks…

Is it legal to download movie posters from internet like

I mean, I did download some movie posters from but I’m not sure if it’s legal or not. I also am concerned from the Fair Rights “law” and not sure what it means. If it’s illegal, I’m definitely going to delete them.
So, is it legal or not?
Also, the movie poster downloading is not for commercial uses, but instead for personal uses.

Nagesh answers:

I´m not sure but I really think its not. If you sell them then its most likely to be illegal.

But if you use them for your personal use it should be ok

Paul asks…

Is it legal to download a movie watch it and than delete it?

Could I get caught ?

Nagesh answers:

Downloading it makes a copy on your computer (a copy in RAM is still a copy). Having a copy you’re not authorized to have (usually by buying the DVD) is a violation of copyright.

Copyright law is so simply worded that a 5th grader with learning disabilities would understand most of it. Doesn’t anyone even TRY to read it?

Yes you could (and probably would, now) get caught. One time – you’ll probably just get a warning. Ignore the warning and whoever’s name your internet account is in could be off the internet for life. Since the provider is going to be held accountable for illegal downloads, providers are getting serious about stopping them.

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