Sandy asks…
Is Fox News pro-Obama controlled?
By the way,I know that is not even close
Someone on here asked a question and this was in one of the answers:
“Fox news is as pro-Obama controlled as anything else”
I guess my real question is,what is that user smoking?
Oh and Republicans who will answer,I’m asking specifically about Fox News so don’t give me that usual “CNN and MSNBC are Obama controlled,and Fox is fair”. That is one of the biggest load of BS I’ve ever heard.
Even Rupert Murdoch knows that his network is biased, and he admitted to manipulating the news
MSNBC is close to the left-wing Fox,but CNN is the most fair compared to these two trash networks.They’re center left at best
@ Jay P,yes,I know that.If you read my entire question, you would know.I did say that it’s not even close to being pro-Obama
Nagesh answers:
Fox News is so unfair and unbalanced that it is sickening…I honestly do watch Fox News occasionally because I feel I need to be better informed as to what “the conservatives” are thinking…But I never watch it for longer than a few minutes. It honestly brings me down so much that it is almost unbearable.
A couple of weeks ago I forced myself to watch a full hour of Fox News. Let me tell you, I was so depressed and felt so down trodden that I was ready to wave a little white flag in defeat and just jump off a cliff or something. It was a full hour of cynicism and anger and conspiracy theories. But then it hit me…wait a minute…IT’S JUST FOX NEWS! I turned the channel over to CNN and watched for a few minutes…Hope returned as I remembered Obama WON! I suddenly understood the raving insanity that is spewed by many a republican on this forum. I, a full fledged Obama supporter, with a renewed sense of hope for a renewed America, was brought to tears after watching Fox.
If I had the money I would buy Fox News out and put them on a more honorable path. They are angry with an Obama win. They are not in the least bit patriotic…They can’t be. The day after the election I turned Fox News on for a minute. It was a 30 minute expose into the life of the person who investigated Joe the Plumber and what should be done with that person…grasping at straws of hate and anger I believe.
Sharon asks…
What kind of reputation does Fox News have?
I’m not in on these News channel sterotypes but I hear how everyone says”if you wanna hears lies about the Iraq war, turn to Fox News”
What’s going on
I just watch CNN and my local news channel
I’m not against it, relax
I just wanted to know why
Nagesh answers:
Fox news is the most biased of all news stations. In a way it seems that they wave their conservative bias tilt proudly.
At first I used to watch it cause it was interesting, but then when I found out how far off from the truth it really was, I realized I’m not even watching the news anymore, I’m watching a bash fest.
So I stopped watching. Now I watch the news on ABC, MSNBC, BBC, and yes CNN.
Jenny asks…
Why Is Fox News So Biased When It Comes To Candidates?
I don’t watch cable news often but I did watch it over the weekend (Ike coverage) and I happened to land on Fox News. I thought news channels weren’t supposed to base their reports on personal opinion, so what’s up with Fox?
In example, they showed 2 clips, back to back of the candidates speaking about storm preparation. McCain’s footage was professional and then here comes Obama. Looked like they cornered him in an alley. Not to mention during another clip where they showed McCain’s political poster flapping on a wall in the wind and then Obama’s sign rolling with the wind through puddles.
Nagesh answers:
Fox News is partisan information and not news at all.
Fox is one big commercial for corporate America and the Republican National Committee.
Fox targets the gullible people in America by feeding these unfortunate non-readers a steady diet of junk which nearly smells like news.
You are correct is stating news channels aren’t supposed to base their reports on personal opinion. The catch here, is that Fox News is a news channel in name only. Fox does not pretend to be journalism and targets people lacking in intellect.
Chris asks…
Why do people constantly bash Fox News?
It’s Fox “NEWS,” like it or not. They present news backed up by fact. Like the Van Jones story. The news they reported came from Jones’ own mouth. It can be seen here –
Yet people continue to deny this and bash Fox News.
Not like CNN. They call CNN factual news, yet CNN LIES. Here are a few examples. Backed up by fact.
Nagesh answers:
Fox is the only “news” network that calls for funding for a particular political party, or works to raise attendance at a particular political party’s events. That defines them as a propaganda tool for the Republican Party.
Extended exposure to Fox News makes voters stupid, university study finds
Raw Data:
Another Summary:
The Daily Show/Colbert Report scored at the top for most informed viewers and
Fox News scored nearly at the bottom.
The only reason Fox enjoys high ratings is because Murdoch gives it away free, so it’s in every cable company’s basic package. CNN, MSNBC, and others charge for theirs, so not as many people get them.
Paul asks…
why does fox news get such a bad rep?
i never really watched fox news. but i see on the internet it gets bad reviews, and seems to have a bad reputation.
can anybody explain why ?
how is it different to any other news station ?
Nagesh answers:
Simple. Fox News – the cable news station, not your local FOX affiliate – lies. They distort the truth. They misrepresent the truth. Heck they just throw the truth away and tell you what they want you to believe.
Fox News reported that Obamacare included ‘death panels’ and would not give coverage to senior citizens. People still believe that. Thanks Fox.
Fox News claims Obama is a secret Muslim with a hidden socialist agenda based on terrorism and taking away your guns. 20% of the US population STILL thinks Obama is actually Muslim, not Christian. Again, thanks Fox.
Recently, Fox News claims that hoodies are only worn by gang members and criminals, which is why that kid in Florida got shot. Fox News is encouraging parents to not let their kids wear hoodies as a result. Oh, the reporter who was responsible for this alarmist garbage was later spotted at a local sports game….wearing a hoodie.
Media watchdog groups have given up trying to count all the incorrect information that Fox News spews each day. They’ve basically come to the conclusion that if someone is talking on Fox News, he or she is lying.
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