Your Questions About Fox News

Robert asks…

Why does Fox news hate Obama?

I always noticed that Fox news is always bashing Obama every time they talk about him or show something about him. They call him all these mean names. Like when he was campaigning last year he was at the beach with his family Fox news called him fat, and then they say he wasn’t born in the US now they call him a racist. WTF is wrong with Fox news. they are so one minded its sickening. I mean really, why do they pick this mans every flaw apart when he is trying to fix the mess that Bush left behind. I like what Obama is doing for this country and I like his health care plan too.
Its crazy Fox News doesn’t even report the news, they just report their own opinions about what they think about the news and other current issues. There is a difference between fact and opinion and most of the time Fox news just reports their own one sidded opinions instead of just telling the news.

Nagesh answers:

FOX News hates Obama because they are owned by republican Rupert Murdock who hires right wing radicals to express his viewpoints. That is also a wise financial move because they can get 40+% of America’s population to watch their news. People like to watch news that reflects their view points. That is why I watched MSNBC during the elections, because I couldn’t stand President Bush and the pundents on that channel shared my outlook. Here on Yahoo! Answers are Obama bashers galore, they see things very different. I see the economy improving after two terms of bad politics and I believe that nearly everything Obama is doing is paying off well. Fox news is behind the rowdy participants at town hall meetings on health care with hosts Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck encouraging civil disruptions in the debates. Democrats debate, Republicans rile and lie and twist the truth and believe their own sick bushit.

Paul asks…

Fox news. Republican Propaganda?

Democrats, what are your views on Fox news? How do you feel about them using the word “liberal”?

Nagesh answers:

Fox news (more like Faux news) is chalk full of right wing conservative propaganda. Too many times have we seen hannity twist the truth to serve his right wing rhetoric. We’ve all known Beck to be a sensationalist at the expense of reality. Oreily? More like Oh Really!

Fox news recently was caught for spinning the health care debate, and was told to only use the phrase “so-called public option” or Massive “Government health care”, etc.

They also perpetuated Birther theories, Terrorist ties to the President theories, as well as the president is a nazi/socialist/muslim theories.

Its no wonder they get good ratings, their shows are as entertaining as Jerry Springer, who mind you are also Fox News heads.

Fox will label ANYONE that doesn’t agree with their propaganda as “Liberal”, which not only is wrong, but indicates their utmost right wing bias.

William asks…

Question about Fox and Fox News?

So, I read that the owner of Fox is actually Democratic, if this is true why does he allow Fox News to lean so far to the right?

Nagesh answers:

Fox news seems like it’s to the right if your own placement on the political spectrum is extreme left. Fox does try to report (the who, what, when, where, why, and how) without editorializing. I consider their news in the center. Hannity doesn’t claim to be a reporter of news, and he is up front that his bias is conservative. Contrast that with Chris Matthews at MSNBC. Does he know where his views land on the political spectrum? He thinks he’s in the middle, reporting news.

I honestly can’t tell if Fox has any stake in who wins politically.

Sharon asks…

Is Fox News a terrorist organization?

Shouldn’t the Fox news network be considered a terrorist organization since it spreads lies in order for everyone fear Obama?

Nagesh answers:

— Fox news network is not a terrorist organization but it has a conservative bias.Fox News rates as the United States’ number one cable news network. —————– . Allegations of conservative bias
Some critics and politicians have accused FNC of having a bias towards the political right or Republican point of view at the expense of neutrality. Murdoch and Ailes have reacted against allegations of bias, with Murdoch claiming that Fox has “given room to both sides, whereas only one side had it before.” In 2004, director Robert Greenwald produced the documentary film Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, which argues that Fox News has a conservative bias, including as evidence internal memos from editorial Vice President John Moody which the film claims exposes attempts to alter news content. ———-
The channel was launched on October 7, 1996 to 17 million cable subscribers. The network slowly rose to prominence in the late 1990s. In terms of regular viewers (Nielsen Ratings), Fox News rates as the United States’ number one cable news network.

Many observers say that Fox News Channel’s programming promotes conservative political positions. Fox News Channel publicly denies any bias in the channel’s reporting.

Sandy asks…

How many of you actually believe FOX news is Fair and Balanced?

I don’t want to hear about CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or any other network nor rants about left wing media bias. I just want an opinion specifically on FOX news. I have my own opinion but I just want to hear yours!

Nagesh answers:

Fox News was founded by Roger Ailes who was President Nixons media advisor. Ailes felt that Nixon never got a fair shake by news agencies so he worked with wealthy right wing financiers and founded Fox News that was ultimately purchased by Ultra Right wing mogul Rupert Murdoch.

From the time Fox News hit the air in 1992 until just recently, Fox News was clearly a media tool for the benefit of the GOP and conservatives to get THEIR message out and to discredit those who disagreed with them.

I have hated Fox News for more than 16 years but I will say this. During the past presidential election cycle, th Fox NEWS broadcasts were a lot cleaner than they had been. Its important to distinguish O”Reilly and Hannity & Colmes from the NEWS side of Fox. Hannitty was over the top in his spew against Obama. But the New side of Fox moved from the right a bit toward the center…. It took 16 years but it did happen.

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