Your Questions About Firefox

Michael asks…

How do i stop firefox from running once i close the window?

I close the firefox window, then when i open it again i receive a message saying that firefox is still running but not responding and that i must close it before opening, how do i do this as it doesn’t show up in task manager. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Uninstall firefox, reboot, then install again. (

William asks…

What’s the difference between Internet Explorer and FireFox? Why do people say I should switch to FireFox?

Every time I call for tech support they tell me I should switch to FireFox! Even when it has nothing to do with the internet. What are the differences, I want specifics, not vague answers like: It’s better or safer.

I have a Toshiba Satellite L355-S7817 Laptop.

Nagesh answers:

Fire fox has better add-ons/plug-ins (, more customizable, less robust (smaller program – runs cleaner and quicker to install), and is less susceptible to spyware and viruses for starters. More malicious code is written for IE.

A couple of personal examples:

I was doing a online image map and could only do about individual coordinates before I would get a stacking error. I used fire fox and never had a problem.

I loaded an add-on that allows you to record youtube vids and mp3’s right in the browser. IE does not have this (that I know of – tech changes so quickly). Fire fox has a lot of little fun attributes like this.

I appreciate how Fire Fox lists your bookmarks in the url bar as you are typing into it. IE does it also, but it doesn’t display as much info as you are typing.

The people at Mozilla (Fire Fox) seem to respond to issues quicker than those at IE. When you do updates any problems are take care of.

I could keep going on with a list of things that are better than IE but I’m tired of typing. The type of laptop that you own doesn’t really make a difference.

Oh and It’s better and safer. 🙂

Ken asks…

Which Mozilla Firefox version is the best one to download for Windows 7?

If you use Firefox, which version do you use and why do you think it’s the best version? Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

There is only one released version (currently 7.0.1). If you install Firefox, you’ll get the newest one automatically.

Linda asks…

How can i copy all my bookmarks in firefox to internet explorer?

I have lots of bookmarks in firefox and i want all of them in internet explorer.

Any idea on how to do this?

Thanks a bunch!

Nagesh answers:

In Firefox:

1. Open Bookmarks Library or Bookmarks Manager window by clicking on Bookmarks menu, and then select Organize Bookmarks.
2. Click on File menu and select Export (in Firefox 2) or Import and Backup and select Export HTML (in Firefox 3) to open export dialog box.
3. Save the bookmarks.html HTML file with all bookmarks created and stored in Firefox to any place.

In Internet Explorer:

1. Click on File menu and select Import and Export. In IE8, click on Add Bookmarks button or press Alt key to reveal classic menu bar in order to select Import and Export option.
2. In the Import/Export Wizard, click on Next (In IE 8, click on radio button for Import/Export form a File or Address, then click Next).
3. Select Import Favorites action and then Next.
4. Click on radio button for Import from a File or Address, and then Browse button to locate the saved Firefox bookmarks HTML file. Once the bookmarks.html is selected, click Next.
5. Select a Favorites folder as the Import Favorites Destination Folder.
6. Click Finish button to start and complete the import process.

David asks…

How to import history from firefox to chrome?

Here’s the problem, I cant open the firefox and I need the list of the site that I went, in other words the history, so I downloaded another browser, and that’s CHROME. I tried importing from chrome but it doesn’t work, what should i do?
I already did that jatin deswal.

Nagesh answers:

1- open your chrome
2- under close button you will see ‘customize and control google chrome’ option
3- then click on option
4- click on personal stuff
5- click ‘import data from other browser’
6- select history check box
7- select firefox
8- click on import .

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