Your Questions About Fandango

Susan asks…

When Eva Marie walks by Fandango backstage, do you think he ignores her for lying to him?

Fandango walked off the entrance ramp on Total Divas angrily. Eva Marie lied to Fandango that she could dance and was a former dancer. When it came time to practice before Raw, she didn’t know how to dance. That made Fandango angry. I think when Eva Marie walks by Fandango, he doesn’t care to see her at all. He also has Summer Rae now.

Nagesh answers:

I’m sure he was pretty pissed off at Eva Marie at the time for her lying to him but I’m sure she asked for his forgiveness & it’s all good now.

Mandy asks…

Do you think Fandango and Summer Rae are dating?

Fandango(Johnny Curtis) and Summer Rae(Danielle Moinet) are a on screen pair(In terms of being dance partners) when wrestling. Outside of wrestling, they seem to be close and somewhat have a sexual vibe between the two. Do you guys think they’re dating, or having a no-strings-attach relationship, or don’t have any type of relationship outside of WWE?
The reason why I said they seem close outside of wrestling is because of many clips of them being close. I’m talking about non-kayfabe interviews. Usually in interviews like those, the on-screen pair usually aren’t like that.

Nagesh answers:

Yes they are.

Jenny asks…

Was Fandango beating Chris Jericho at WrestleMania, the greatest upset in Wrestlemania history?

JBL said this and I disagree. I think Fandango beating Chris Jericho shouldn’t even be considered an upset because Chris Jericho always loses the big matches and WrestleMania was that. Hulk Hogan beating Andre the Giant was an upset. Even Floyd Mayweather beating Big Show at WrestleMania was an upset.

Nagesh answers:

I also Disagree with JBL, Fandango beating Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania this year is one of the biggest upsets but In my opinion the biggest upset is Floyd Mayweather beating Big Show at Wrestlemania 24!

Charles asks…

I accidentally bought children tickets on Fandango, what should I do?

I was buying 3 tickets for HP7PT2, and because I was rushing I ended up buying 3 childrens tickets when I needed 3 adult tickets. They cost the same (9.00/each) so I don’t see why it would be a problem, but I don’t want to get to the theatre and be told that we can’t see the movie because I messed up. Fandango doesn’t allow refunds/exchanges.

Nagesh answers:

“Fandango doesn’t allow refunds/exchanges.”

Then you better hope the theater doesn’t notice that you’re adults or just buy three adult tickets and learn a lesson here.


Betty asks…

If Chris Jericho loses to Fandango on the Grandest Stage, should he be embarrassed?

I think he would be embarrassed if he loses to someone who is making their first match at WrestleMania. Chris Jericho has lost many big matches in the past and if he loses this one, he will probably feel embarrassed. Losing to a dancer. Fandango will probably be nervous and that can make Chris Jericho win.

Nagesh answers:

Nope because Chris Jericho had done it all as wrestler. Why Chris Jericho should be embarrassed when, He have successful wrestling career? He have no problem losing to someone who have their first match at wrestlemania. He’ll always be better than him. He’s going to putting over Johnny Curtis.

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