Your Questions About Food Network

George asks…

does the food network ever ask for recipes from ordinary people or self made chefs?

I would like to enter a recipe to the food network. Will they except it? And If I wanted to demonstrat an

If I had a recipe to publish how would I do so?

Nagesh answers:

This is a list of shows that are open for average or aspiring chefs.

* Chopped
* Food Network Challenge
* The Next Food Network Star
* Ultimate Recipe Showdown


Sandy asks…

how can you be an audience member for the food network challenge?

I really want to go see a taping for the food network challenge but I cant seem to find any information on the challenge not even on the food network website, please help me!

Nagesh answers:

Only a select few of the shows are taped before a live audience, for those that are, you have to go to their personal websites off food network and their will be instructions on how to request tickets, buy tickets, or be placed on an “on call” list etc 🙂

Mark asks…

Does anyone have any close connections with Food Network?

I am under 15 years of age and would be ecstatic if I could be on Food Network. I would like tp have my own show. Please please try to help me.I have already emailed them so please do not suggest that.

Nagesh answers:

First of all try working in the food business and see if you like it, secondly having a tv show would be twice as stressful. Lastly no one on Y.A is going to know someone on food network, and if they did, they wouldn’t tell some random 15 year old with no experience. Sorry to be harsh but its true.

Linda asks…

How should the people handle the food networks firing of Paula Deen?

Now that the food network has dropped Paula Deen I feel that intelligent people will I’ll be justified in dropping the food network

Nagesh answers:

I rarely tune in any of the cooking channels! I find them idiotic to the max!

However, I will be definitely be on the hunt for the PD cookbooks I do not currently own!

I recommend you read the transcript of the hearing.

If I were in her shoes I would be saying all kinds of unladylike words and not just that one. And the little *itch who prefered charges of bad language should be slapped until she is ready to concede she is partially to blame for being employeed at any of the PD establishments. And I recommend that PD get really selective about employees and make them mad sooner and see how they respond.

Most kitchens are a family!! Not a bunch of crybabies who get insulted easily!!

Laura asks…

Why did the Food Network have to drop Paula Deen for saying the n word?

I can’t believe the Food Network has dropped Paula Deen! There have been worse things said and done by others in the spotlight, but they seem to be able to walk thru the fire unscathed. Tired of how our society has become so fickle and politically correct. Personally, I have used words and ephitets in moments of ignorance or frustration or whatever. Those words don’t represent what is in my heart. Shame on me for that. But they are just WORDS.

Nagesh answers:

Hidden video footage from the plaintiff ( a former Deen employee ) of Deen and her son, saying the word, “nigger” several times in and around Food Network show sets, during breaks in actual show production , was discreetly shown Food Network execs and attorneys.

Evidently, the plaintiff was insulted at the “settlement offer” handed them….so they made good on their BLACK mail threat, treating Food Network execs w/ the video of Deen.

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that once this ambitious black mailer had “the goods” on video, Deen was approached by this “loyal” employee–seeking a juicy money slice of the Deen Family empire; it’s a textbook case of legalized extortion / BLACK mail….and Deen stood defiant against her tormentor.

Paula Deen should NEVER have shown cowardice on TV, vehemently apologizing scared; she should have DARED her blackmailer, BY NAME, to appear on her show.

I’m disappointed in Food Network’s exile of Paula Deen, when the network should have been more defiant against the BLACK MAILER, and stood IN SUPPORT of Paula Deen. All Food Network did was condone /advocate legalized black-mail against one of their show stars.

If I were a major advertising client for Food Network, I’d withdraw ALL my accounts w/ them–because of their FAILURE to support Paula Deen and stand DEFIANT against this scuzz bag black mailer.

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