Mark asks…
My husband wets his pants whenever he watches Fox News. How can I get him to stop watching?
My husband is hooked on Fox News. Every evening he watches all the shows and they get him so worked up. Almost every night he gets so angry that he urinates uncontrollably. All our furniture is getting ruined. How can I get him to stop watching O’Reilly and Hannity and all the others, or at least to wear a diaper while he’s watching them?
Nagesh answers:
One word….Depends. It’s what all the Fox News anchors wear.
Linda asks…
What goes through your mind when you see a YA con brag about Fox News being first in ratings?
I know it seems like that’s an odd thing to brag about, but I honestly see it all the time on here. The reason Fox News has high ratings is because the audience is full of sheep who need to be told what to think by the corporate media. Studies have shown that the more people rely on the media for their information, the less informed they are.
So why do they brag about this?
Nagesh answers:
This study comes to mind:
Also, this fact:
And for added entertainment:
Michael asks…
How does one start an analytical essay on Fox News and biased journalism?
I usually am stellar in writing essays, but journalism is just… not my thing.
I read the whole chapter on journalism,
I know of the techniques having been in a journalism class in high school,
This essay criticized journalistic bias, especially in Fox News. I have quotes, ideas of how I want my paper to be but the intro is just a blank piece in my head. Do I start out with how hard it is for media to be unbiased, or an
Nagesh answers:
In your Journalistic approach you should convey the non-bias opinion and cite most of the time Fox news covered more different breaking news stories than all the other networks. However if you get liberal oriented you will make a complete donkey of yourself and can not be a complete journalist kind of like a Comedian with no punch line if you get what I mean, So by now you know what a Journalistic approach view all options, don’t let sympathy, money, or Charm influence any part of your opinion, and I guarantee you you will win the majority of the debates and Never let them see you sweat! Had to throw that in.
Steven asks…
Why is Fox News going after Nancy Pelosi and not President Bush for his severe war crimes?
Nancy Pelosi made a small mistake and Fox news is calling for her resignation. But Pres. Bush commited harsh war crimes and nothing is said? Fair and balanced huh?
Nagesh answers:
Because the both (fox news and bush) are war criminals.
Laura asks…
How does Fox News get away with using the “Fair and Balanced” tagline?
No law firm is willing to challenge them? Fox news is clearly misleading viewers with that statement. Obviously they have a right to support the Republican agenda but to present themselves as “Fair and Balanced” is ridiculous.
Actually “Opinionated and Right”, you are incorrect. A business cannot market themselves “in anyway they want” if they are misleading the public. That was my point. I don’t mind the political views but the misleading tagline is ridiculous and actionable in court. Just like any other business that cannot make false claims about their products Fox news needs to change “Fair and Balanced” to something else. They are not fair or balanced by presenting only right-wing view points while other media outlets lean left.
Dear WhatBrain,
These “confirmed University studies” you speak of, they are posted where exactly? Which schools have confirmed that Fox news is balanced? Please enlighten me….
Nagesh answers:
They can market themselves in any manner they choose. How do you prove they are not fair and balanced since those words can be interpreted to mean many different things? It could be argued that they are fair and balanced because they present both sides of an issue and allow Democrats on their programs to argue for the liberal side even thought they are outnumbered and controlled in the argument by the hosts. It could also mean that they make the entire argument fair because they show the counterweight to balance the media with extreme liberal stations like MSNBC. Only the most partisan viewers would argue that Fox News is centrist and does not tilt to the right but proving that they are not fair and balance in a court of law is a completely different issue.
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