Your Questions About Food Network

Chris asks…

Does anyone have the Bloody Mary recipe from the show “christmas in Americal” that was on food network?

There was a show on food network called “christmas in America”. It was hosted by Rachel Ray and it had a receipe for a bloody mary in it. Anyone have it?

Nagesh answers:

Original Bloody Mary Rachel Ray
2 ounces vodka
4 ounces tomato juice
Lemon juice
Cayenne pepper
Worcestershire sauce
Salt and black pepper
Celery stick, for garnish In a highball glass, stir together the vodka and tomato juice. Stir in the lemon juice, cayenne pepper, Worcestershire sauce, salt and black pepper to taste. Add a few ice cubes and a celery stick.

Here is her Jamaican Me Crazy Bloody Mary

Make the Original Bloody Mary recipe, replacing the vodka with rum and reducing the tomato juice to 3 ounces. Add 1 1/2 ounces pineapple juice, 2 teaspoons coconut cream, 1 teaspoon hoisin sauce (found in the Asian foods aisle), 2 teaspoons simple syrup (equal parts sugar dissolved in water), and grated horseradish and celery salt to taste. Garnish with pineapple wedges dipped in shredded coconut.

Thomas asks…

Is it illegal to put a recipe from Food Network in a cook book?

I am making a cook book of all of my families favorite recipes, I have plenty of my own recipes to put in it, but there are also a few recipes that I have gotten from either food network or various cook books down the line. Would it be illegal to use the recipes that I use from food network or other cook books in my cook book. I would of course cite where I got the recipe but, I am still unsure if that would be legal.

Nagesh answers:

Technically, yes. Food Network, being a big company, would make sure that it holds the copyright on a recipe before it publishes it. If you published a cookbook with a copy of a Food Network recipe without getting permission from Food Network, you’d be committing copyright infringement.

However, if you’re not selling the cookbook for money, or giving it away widely, then it’s unlikely that the ravenous Food Network legal team would go after you.

Linda asks…

Do you watch Food Network and question some of the chefs?

Do you LOVE cooking and LOVE watching cooking shows but wonder about some of the chefs that are on the Food Network? If so, what do you think of Sandra Lee’s Semi HomeMade cooking? What do you think of Rachael Ray’s 30 Minute Meals show? And what about The Barefoot Contessa? Just wondering…
I am like you guys. I have tried a few recipes…I like RR…Can’t afford Contessa and I like Emeril too. Can’t figure out Sandra though (yet?)
I like Alton Brown too! He has a lot of info and almost reminds me of David Rosengarten from a few years ago. (remember him?). I bought one of Emeril’s books and really like it. I can duplicate RR’s stuff at home in less than 45 mins. Anybody else have good luck with her recipes?

Nagesh answers:

I LOVE Food Network. Rachael is good. I really like Alton Brown on “Good Eats”. He is fun to watch and informative. It is much nicer than just watching someone cook, like most shows. His “Feasting on Asphalt” show was only okay. Emeril is good. I hate Bobby Flay. He seems really arrogant. I saw a commercial that Nigella Lawson is going to have a new show. I really liked her old show called Nigella Bites.

Mary asks…

Why is the Travel Channel so much better than Food Network?

I love watching food shows and am consistently disappointed in the quality of food network shows. Why does Travel Channel (aka Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern) have so many higher quality, better produced, and generally more entertaining and insightful food shows than anything on Food Network?

Nagesh answers:

Your answer lies within the difference in those channel’s demographics. The Travel Channel is geared toward a more cultured, worldly audience, while Food Network caters to a more basic, middle american housewife audience.

The Travel Channel also gets to film their original programming on location the majority of the time, and Food Network conducts most of their filming in studios.

Lisa asks…

What website that has food network videos?

a website that has a lot of food network or only food network videos or shows.

Nagesh answers:

Http:// => Search for food network

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