Your Questions About Direct Tv Channel Guide

Charles asks…

What channel does the tv show Once Upon A Time come on?

I know it comes on ABC. But we’re staying in a hotel and they don’t have direct tv so I’m not really sure which channel it’s on or if they even have the right channel. Lol. idk.

Nagesh answers:

Channel numbers depend on Where you are at- does your hotel have a channel guide?

It should be on the lower end like under 65

Mark asks…

How Do I Get My Local Channels In HD with Direct TV?

I have a set of Bunny Ears, A VCR, HD Capable TV, and a HD reciever with full HD package. I had my local channels before… did some moving around and dont remember how to do it. Any help greatly appreiciated. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

If DirectTV offers locals in HD, just call and have them turned on. You can find out if they do on their web site or by calling 800-directv.

If you are using the antenna, you hook the antenna to the DirecTV dish on the antenna in port and go into the DirecTV setup menu and go thorough the guided setup.

Good Luck

Donna asks…

Is there a way so that you only get the usable channels on Direct TV?

Is there a way to make it so that when you go through the channels it doesnt show the channels you dont have? Or at least so it doesn’t show the PPV channels? My gramma has alzheimer and she can’t walk very well. She watches a lot of TV and can’t learn how to use it. Me and my mom have tried showing her how to use it, but she just doesn’t get it. She always gets stuck on those PPV channels and she ends up having to stare at a black screen for hours of the day. Is there any way to make sure this doesn’t keep happening to her?

Nagesh answers:

Yea, hit the menu button on the remote. Then scroll down to settings, then select remote.

On the next menu select Favorites list 1. Then scroll to the right and check the box that says “what channels i get” then click save..

Now your guide and channel selections will only scroll through the channels you subscribe to and pay for.

Nancy asks…

Way to only pick the channels I want on DirectTV?

On Dish I was able to make my own guide with only the channels I wanted. Is there a way to do this on Direct TV? Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Push the yellow button on the remote, then select “Change favorites list.”

From there you can pick and choose what you want to see in the guide with the two custom options.

Thomas asks…

What channel can I find the O’reilly show on (The factor)?

Does anyone know? I have Direct TV in the southern Maryland area. I’m trying to find what channel his show comes on. I went through the whole preview guide thingy.

Nagesh answers:

8pm Eastern time, MSNBC

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