Your Questions About Direct Buy

Nancy asks…

We were thinking of Direct Buy Canada to purchase 1 loveseat, any feedbacks?

I read in a Direct Buy in Michigan that it was a rip-off.

Nagesh answers:

Direct Buy charges you 5000 dollars to join and after that you still have to pay a yearly membership fee. Also, the items they sale are not of the same quality as those one would get a more reputable dealer. I would suggest you shop at a furniture dealer.

Lisa asks…

Direct buy offering FREE tickets to the bahamas.Is This a SCAM?

Someone called from Direct Buy offering free tickets to go sit threw a 90min. seminar. Is this a Scam?! They said there is no purchase necessary and that all we have to do is go sit threw their seminar. My boyfriend thinks it legit but im not so sure. Has anyone ever actually gotten and used tickets offered like this?.. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Another gullible sucker.. Er.. PROSPECT.. Bites the dusty floor. You did NOT WIN ANYTHING.. This is not a scam.. There really IS a ship and there really IS a free trip to the Bahamas.. But the ‘ship’ is an old cover ted North Sea Car Ferry and the ‘crew’ is some of the best HIGH PRESSURE SALESMEN IN THe BUSINESS.

Your ‘free trip’ is just a 3 or 4 day long SALES OFFER… You will be constantly offered the ‘chance’ to by whatever they are selling… Condos in Panama.. Or GOLD or cheap stocks.. Or property in arizona or whatever they are selling at the time… And it is CONSTANT.. Those people are just LEACHES and you can’t get away from them.

Thepeoplel on those ‘trips’ look like they just came from an internationalconventionn of white trash or a Jerry Springer show or a REPUBLICANCAUCUSS.. They are WHITE and FAT and NOT TOO BRIGHT.. Walking around with their Aloha shirts, Roman Sandals with black socks and the ever present FANNY PACK.

If you REALLY want to take a cruise.. The book a REAL CRUISE on the ship of your choice with the itinerary of your choice and GO ON IT.. In the long run it will be much CHEAPER than that ‘FREE’ trip you THINK you have won.

David asks…

Does anyone had an experience buying from direct buy?

How does Direct Buy work?

Nagesh answers:

I have friends that used buy direct, BUT, it was more like a pyramid system. They didn’t stay in the system long.

Charles asks…

Does anyone know if their is a good direct buying service from japan?

Like Pinkbox. its a direct buying service from Korea.

Nagesh answers:


Helen asks…

Is Direct Buy a good deal?

I’ve been hearing about Direct Buy a lot recently. I am beginning a rehab on a house I am purchasing and will probably be spending a lot on cabinents, etc. I’m looking at Direct Buy, they claim to sell things at wholesale prices. I guess it takes a membership to do so. Does anyone have any ideas/stories on it? Any idea how much it costs?


Nagesh answers:

I personally have never used it. I have heard a million horror stories though. I wouldn’t do it.

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