Your Questions About Fox News

Richard asks…

Why does fox news claim to be unbiased and then throw a fit when some points out it has a conservative lean?

To be fair MSNBC and CNN have a super liberal lean… But for fox news to claim it is unbiased is completely false. I do believe it is fair for the conservatives to have they’re own news stations but to claim your fair and balanced when your not is dumb. Hannity, glen beck, Billy ‘o Reily, Bret Bumne, and virtually all of the anchors have conservative leanings. I mean come on… The viewership is like 80% conservative.

Nagesh answers:

Fox News caters to people who are not intelligent enough to think for themselves. Anyone with intelligence knows they have a conservative lean, however it is wealthy conservatives that want to keep working class people down, how better than to have a news channel they call “Fair and Balanced” and convince working people of low intelligence level they should vote against their own best interests.

Betty asks…

What is it like watching Fox News crush liberal propaganda outlets?

And knowing that more people watch Fox News than any other media outlet?

Does it compel you to hate Americans and tell yourself America is stupid to deal with the facts?
Fox News more than doubled its competitors on cable, CNN and MSNBC

Truth hurts, huh?
This does explain much of the left’s seething anger and denial.


Nagesh answers:

Nielsen September 2010 Nightly News Viewership averages (regardless of Network/Cable viewing – actual viewership audience):

NBC’s “Nightly News” topped the evening newscasts with 7.6 million viewers.
ABC’s “World News” was second with 6.9 million.
“CBS Evening News” had 5.2 million.
Fox News “Special Report” w/ Bret Baier – 2.05 million viewers.
The Fox Report w/ Shep – 1.7 million viewers.

According to a new 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll, CNN has edged out Fox News as the nation’s “most trusted” television news channel.


John asks…

Do Republicans find Fox News to be harmful to their party?

I think many middle ground people find Fox News to be pretty biased and sometimes very incredible. Wouldn’t their blatant truth stretching be a bad media representative for the Republican party? I would think that someone undecided about either party would be turned off by Fox News‘ reporting, and that would reflect poorly on the Republican party.

Nagesh answers:

FOX News is nothing but the mouthpiece for the extreme right-wing politics like those supported by its (British!) owner, Rupert Murdoch.

They’re not a news outlet. They’re a propaganda machine that has, quite literally, destroyed the GOP.

I’m quite sure there are millions of moderate Republicans who feel they have no voice in government anymore. They’re presented with 2 equally unappealing choices:

1: Vote the party line, with all the inflexibility, war-mongering, and country-destroying-corporate-kowtowing that it entails.


2: Vote for an increasingly left-leaning Democratic party in an effort to stop, or at least limit, the damage the GOP will do the country.

Don’t think for a minute that this situation is any better for Democrats. A government of nothing but extremists – right or left – isn’t good for anyone.

Helen asks…

In what ways would you say CNN and Fox News are similar and different?

CNN and Fox News are Cable News Networks that are on 24 Hour a Day, Seven Days A Week, 365 Days A Year. What would you say are the similarities and differences between CNN and Fox News.

Nagesh answers:

I almost always watch Fox news to get my info; I trust them more. I much prefer their style of reporting, etc. They tell the truth and let the viewers make up their own minds.

However, I have to say that Larry King is the best part of CNN. He was kind enough to have on his show tonight, Richard and Lindsey Roberts of ORU plus a phone-in from the elder Oral Roberts, founder of ORU. There is currently a “smear” campaign going out against the Roberts family. I personally am acquainted with some of the students and graduates there, and they are very fine and wonderful people. I have visited ORU, the campus, watched taping of the TV show, attended class there and I have nothing but good things to say about the Ministry.

Daniel asks…

How soon will the Republicans start attacking FOX News for failing to convince America Obama was to blame?

According to the latest Pew Poll 60% of Republicans blame The Republican controlled House and its leaders for the sequester. Which leads me to ask – How soon will the Republicans start attacking FOX News for failing to convince America Obama was to blame?
Look at how they are attacking NJ Gov.Chris Christie.

Nagesh answers:

No need, The isolated few right right wing talk show faithfuls will add whatever FOX news says to whatever they hear from right wing radio and read on right wing blogs to convince themselves that everybody blames Obama. They will never even know the truth, just as they never know the truth.

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