Ken asks…
which is best website to watch kannnada movies online ans malayalam movies online?
can anybody tell me which webiste i can see online moves n kannda , and malayalam movies. thanks in advance.
Nagesh answers: will let you watch/download Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and HIndi movies. Plenty of movies (old and new– especially Malayalam) are uploaded pretty regularly (oftentimes new videos are removed due to infringement !… But lucky persons get to watch them before they’re removed !!!), they range in quality but are viewable. Some require megaupload for watching (free), some are linked to yahoo videos, google videos, you tube.. Etc. Check it out…
Donna asks…
Best gaming system for a 8 year old?
My nephew is 8 years old. I would like to get him a gaming system. Since he has been doing really good in school and sports. But I am undecided on what to get him. Either a Wii, Xbox or PS3. He has had a PS2 since he was 4.
Nagesh answers:
You must very proud that your nephew is good in school. How sweet of you of buy a gaming console for your nephew.
Well what can i say, If i were to give someone a console, my first choice would be Wii for an 8 year old best suited for that kind of age but you’re nephew might get bored because of the lack of good games to play but it’s really very entertaining for the whole family.
In Xbox 360, If you’re nephew loves playing games well this video console is the best, because it has tons of games, lots of players to play with, good community. Maybe a lot of you’re nephews friends are playing Xbox. Try to ask some friends.
In PS3, If you don’t want to pay to play online(free online gaming) and if you’re nephew loves watching blu-ray movies then the PS3 is best console to give.
Actually Right now, The PS3 has MOVE and Xbox 360 has Kinect similar to Wii. I hope this help. You may want to compare prices of the three best gaming console.
BestSelling Wii Console Set:
Best Selling PS3 Console Set:
Best Selling XBox 360 Console Bundle:
The Nintendo Wii gaming system is a great game console and has changed the way video games are played. There are many excellent features that the Nintendo Wii offers – it can accommodate four players with the help of the Wii Remote controller, It’s easy to use. The familiarity of a TV remote, combined with motion-sensing technology makes for a seamless experience. Just pick it up and make the motions you would as if you were really bowling, playing tennis, or golfing.. You can download hundreds of games for the Wii console, suitable for any type of gamer. From sports, to action, fitness, cooking, or RPG titles—you’ll find something for everyone to enjoy.
Here are some of the most played games in Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Monster Hunter 3, The Beatles: Rock Band, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, Wii Sports Resort, DJ Hero, Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, Tournaments of Legends, Secret Files of Tunguska, Wipeout: The Game, Dance Sensation! And there is so much more.
The Wii console brings a revolution of interactive gaming to people of all ages. Experience intuitive motion controls that deliver a unique social activity for the whole family. Wii gaming gets everyone off of the couch for hours of fun!
Full list of lastest bestselling games for Wii:,n:!11846801,n:14218901,n:14219011&bbn=14218901&ie=UTF8&qid=1285568008&rnid=11846801&tag=blwos-20
To know more about Wii, this article comes out by an actual user:
Playstation 3 is designed for users who can play games in high definition using Blu-ray disc, connect to the Playstation Network for free online gaming with friends, download demos, trailers and games from the Playstation store, store music, video and photos, and browse the internet as you would on your PC.
Here is a very good comment from an actual player of PS3:
Full list of lastest bestselling games for the PS3:,p_36:10000-99999999,n:!11846801,n:14210751,n:14210861&bbn=14210751&ie=UTF8&qid=1285567906&rnid=11846801#/ref=sr_ex_p_36_0?rh=n%3A468642%2Cn%3A%2111846801%2Cn%3A14210751%2Cn%3A14210861&bbn=14210751&ie=UTF8&qid=1285567911&tag=blwos-20
The Xbox 360 is a total media center that allows users to play, network, rip, stream and download all types of media, including high-definition movies, music, digital pictures and game content.
See here for a very good article from an actual owner, see how he says about XBox 360 latest bundle.
The Xbox 360 can also display pictures and perform slideshows of photo collections with various transition effects, and supports audio playback, with music player controls accessible through the Xbox 360 Guide button.
Full list of latest bestselling games for the XBox 360:,n:!11846801,n:14220161,n:14220271&bbn=14220161&ie=UTF8&qid=1285567970&rnid=11846801&tag=blwos-20
Joseph asks…
Any Ideas on Things to do when bored?
Well, It’s friday afternoon, with a whole weekend looming ahead of me with absolutly NOTHING to do !! All my friends are busy and I dont have any homework or anything.
Any ideas of what I can do ?
P.S. I am a 13 yr old girl
Nagesh answers:
You never know if you are bored until you’ve tried these websites:
1. Http:// – one of the best free gaming websites that I have seen to date on the internet. There are HUNDREDS of fast, easy, and fun games that one can play on this site.
2. Http:// – This website is the best way that I have found to pass the time away. All you have to do is have a desire to help other people out with their questions and that’s all you have to do 🙂 Pretty fun and easy 🙂
3. Http:// – This is one of the best ways that I have found for somebody like you to keep in contacts with all of their real life friends, and it is a really fun place to be. This is definitely one of the better sites to waste some time on 🙂
4. Http:// – If you like journaling, then you will absolutely LOVE this site! This site gives you your own journal as well as the means to write in it and say exactly what you want. Other people can see your blog and it is one of the better blog sites out there 🙂
5. Http:// – If you like playing online games, then this site is another good gaming site that also has in-game chat with lots of other people.
6. Http:// – This site has hundreds of thousands of videos that you can watch to whittle away the time that you have on the Internet. There are many great videos on this site that can really capture your attention.
7. Http:// – This MMORPG has hundreds of thousands of players playing it simultaneously, and it has a lot of content, which means you won’t get bored fairly easy. Registration is needed, but is free :).
8. Http:// – This MMORPG has literally millions of players that play it, has an amazing amount of content, has a great support system, and is very fun to play with your friends :D. Registration is needed, which is free, and a massive download is also required, but is also free. Only choose this option if your Internet is fast enough to download a 1.078GB file!
Other things you can do:
Read a book
Solve a sudoku puzzle
Solve a crossword puzzle
Take a nap
Take a walk
Call some friends over and watch a movie together.
Watch television
Call some friends over and play video games
Call some friends over and play board games
Call some friends over and play truth or dare.
Go bowling.
Go to a movie theatre and watch a movie.
Hope this helps give you quite a few ideas to help you from becoming bored 🙂
Paul asks…
Should I get a PSP3000 or wait for 3ds?
It’s almost Christmas and i was thinking of getting a PSP3000, but now theres the 3ds to think about. I already have a DS lite, and have always wanted a PSP, so I dont know what to do. So which one should i get and why?
Nagesh answers:
Get whichever one you like, but I would recommend 3DS. PSP 3000 is great…if you hack it. The games on it aren’t as diverse as of the DS series, but they are graphically better(but doesn’t mean they are better in gameplay and story). But then 3DS comes out, which is also compatible with DS softwares.
I hate when false information misleads people…
3DS is not $300 like everyone is saying because Nintendo haven’t made an announcement on price and the official release date here, and I doubt it will be $300 since most Nintendo systems that came out in North America are $40-60 less than their Japanese counterparts. If you’re worried about the price then you should know that glasses-free 3D cameras and videos don’t come cheap and you’re looking at about $500+, but 3DS packs more features, yet it’s only less than $300. If you think about it, the iPod Touch cost more than the 3DS when it comes to features and games. Also the currency in Japan works differently than here in US, so don’t get confuse with the price everyone is saying cuz Nintendo of America hasn’t said anything about the price. ¥25,000 isn’t really that big if you live in Japan and the currency always change. Also, it cost about ¥20,000 just to feed a regular sized family.
Although it’s not out yet, the 3DS is the first glasses-free 3D gaming device in the market(like the ones in theaters minus the glasses). It also supports multimedia, motion control, touch-screen, 3 cameras, and Wi-Fi. It is also compatible with the DS software and DSi wares.
Some 3DS features (there’s more that weren’t announced by Nintendo) you may not know:
The 3DS graphics is the closest handheld gaming device that comes close to 360/PS3 graphical wise(you gotta see it to believe it; specs don’t count), it supports 2 screens, 1st screen as a 3D screen without glasses(it’s real and it works, you can also turn off the 3D if you want 2D), 2nd screen as a touch-screen, compatible with the old generations of DS softwares, gyroscope, accelerometer, audio player, 3 cameras(one inside, and two outside), capable of taking 2D/3D photos and capturing 2D/3D videos, 2D/3D movie playback, multitasking(i.e. You can access web browser while playing a game), Virtual Console Service(which was not available with the DSi/DSi XL) and some 3D remakes of classic retro games(GB, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, and more), also compatible with DSi Wares, 3DS Mii Plaza (Mii creation), augmented reality games, CrossPass” (which can automatically seek and connect to wireless network nodes such as Wi-Fi hotspots, sending and downloading information in the background while in sleep mode or while playing a game), 3D TV streaming(only available in Japan at the moment), e-book reader,better online capabilities, video chat, shop channel, web browser (and anything you do on the web like mail, facebook, etc.), and more which weren’t fully announced by Nintendo. Plus the games are longer and are quality games.
Here’s a video that explains how the 3D works:
Some games that will be coming out for it:
Metal Gear Solid 3, Super Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil: Revelation, Resident Evil: Mercenaries, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Times, Kid Icarus, Paper Mario, Star Fox 64, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, Mario Kart, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy series, Dead or Alive 3D, Ninja Gaiden, Samurai Warriors 3D, Assassin’s Creed: Lost Legacy, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Call of Duty, Megaman Legends 3, and more. There will also be 3DS ware games, like Cave Story.
Some features:
3DS Shop Channel:
Just in case you go “where’s the 3D!?” it won’t work on your computer screen, you gotta see it in person to see the 3D.
Few of the games that will be coming out for it:
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition:
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater:
Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright
More games being played live:
You can check out more about 3DS here:
So you either wait for it or not. I would advice you to wait and see what critics say about it, then decide if you should or not.
Helen asks…
What is a good site that will let me pay to watch new movies online?!?
So I am in Japan and I am going crazy as my friends post bullients about how awesome the newly realeased movie “The Dark Knight” is.
I am willing to pay and I have broadband. WHAT SITE IS A LEGITMATE SITE (I want to try hard to avoid donwloading them). Please help.
Exprience perfered.
Nagesh answers:
Go to . The movies are all free and you do not have to pay a penny. It doesnt just have new movies but old ones too. Dark Knight shiuld be on there now and if it isnt it should be on pretty soon. The quality might not be the best but your not paying anything so you can’t complain. Oh yeah and no download required.
Good Luck
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