Joseph asks…
where can i watch father of the bride 1&2 1991 free online?
i’ve tried tudou, youku, megavideo, surf the channel and 56 but none of them seem to have it. i dont want to have to download it or have to download zango. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
Nagesh answers:
There are many sites out there that stream movies, Try these sites for FREE for old, NEW or PRE RELEASED movies:
But here are links for Father of the Bride:
Paul asks…
What all can I do with my PC thats fun and exciting?
I’m tired of not being able to do stuff on my PC well please let me know on how to do all this like for example Making Home Movies and well all the things that I know im missing out on. Please let me know and things that I can do on my PC
Nagesh answers:
Convert music
make music
convert videos
download videos
play games
make games
emulate old video game systems ( n64,psx,nes,snes etc)
make phone calls for free
chat online
video chat
online gaming
watch tv online free
download free movies and music
research family history
do homework
goto school or college online
earn money – work online
control another computer
learn another language
voice control your pc
program your remote
repair your computer or someone elses
make a diary
log your exercise progress
organize your pictures and cd’s
download old tv shows and movies
Read Ebooks
Design a house
create a website
do banking
fax papers
read faxes
edit pictures
do your taxes
repair your car
help people around the world
upload files
backup your computer
look at remote cameras around the world
view random websites
autosurf for money
become your own online radio station
submit sites to search engines
and much much more
Nancy asks…
How do you get and set up XBox Live?
How do you get and set up Xbox live? Try to make it as easy to understand as possible please.
Nagesh answers:
I’m going to assume you already own an Xox 360 and have a profile on it that you play your games with.
First, make sure you have a way to connect it to the Internet, if you have the new slim console, you’ll need to either have a wi-fi signal in your home, or you can use an Ethernet cable to directly connect it to your router. You can do this as well if you have an older fat Xbox 360, but you’ll need a special adapter for wi-fi. Once you have that set up, turn the Xbox on, sign in to your profile (if it doesn’t do it automatically) go to the settings menu on your console, choose system and choose the one for your Internet connection. Find your wi-fi signal, or select wired connection depending on what you chose to do. After that it will connect to the Internet. Go back to the main page in the Xbox 360 menu, push the big center “guide” button on the controller, and there should be an option to join Xbox Live. Select that and it will walk you through the steps to upgrade your account from an offline profile to an Xbox Live account. It will need your name, e-mail address and I think phone number. You’ll be given an option to sign up for a one month free trial of Xbox Live Gold, which is the premium Xbox Live membership and will allow you to play games online and use applications like Internet Explorer, Netflix and others like those. If you decline you will be given an Xbox Live Silver account, which is free and let’s you connect your Xbox to the Internet to download updates for the system, your games and other stuff, you will also be able to download movies, music and game content such as full games and game add-ons that you have purchased. If you choose to accept the free trial of Gold, you will need to provide them with credit card info. (You will later need to go to and sign-in with the log in info you provided during account creation and change your settings to turn auto-renewal off, this way you will not be charged for a Gold membership after your trial expires) after all of this, you will get a randomly assigned Gamertag, which will be your unique username that will be used to identify you in online games and it will be the name your friends will need to know if they wan to add you as an Xbox Live friend. You will be given a chance to change the name once for free, after that you’ll need to pay a fee if you ever want to change it again (this is because of there servers because no two people can have the Same name, it’s also a service fee because hey have to manually go and remove your Gamertag from the database and stuff)
You are now signed up for Xbox Live! If you wan to purchase and download anything, you will need Microsoft Points, which can be bought in stores. The point conversion is 80 points = one dollar. You can buy 1600 point cards for $20 in most stores. And if you go online you can buy points in increments of 400 ($5) from places like amazon, GameStop and the Microsoft store. There are a lot of great downloadable games, as well as weekly sales available to Gold members and some seasonal sales which a re open to everyone! And there are also a lot of games you probably own or plan on buying that have some great add-ons/DLC.
Lizzie asks…
How much is about 2gb of data on a T-mobile plan?
And please include just a rough estimate on how long 2gb will last. Thank you!
Nagesh answers:
2GB = 2048 MB…
How long it will last depends on your data usage…. Video streaming, online multiple player gaming, audio streaming, downloading movies (youtube, Pandora, Slacker, Words with friends, Video Chat, Sykpe, Fring, Tango, Google Talk) will eat 2GB in a week!!!!!!!
So budget your data usage..
Im on a Verizon grandfathered unlimited data plan… And I use 16-18 GB a month on my old Droid X… Probably more now that Ive gotten a Droid RAZR
Donna asks…
Which is better- a Zune or an Ipod?
I want a zune- it stores more songs and it looks better- but if there is no zune store online then I will have to buy cds in order to put songs into my zune. I also don’t like the idea of using limewire because of viruses.
Nagesh answers:
Zune does have an online store its called Zune Marketplace. You should try the Zune Software, you are gonna find the Zune store over there.
Zune HD is much better hands down, if your a music lover you would not even consider ipods as your option.Also Zune HD’s sound quality is much better than ipod touch, its a proven fact, no questions asked, all other brands like cowon, samsung, sony excel in sound quality.Ipods are dead last on sound.
In brief Zune HD has Tegra processor hence its open for future potential, hardware would not limit adding new features. Zune team is working day n night to develop cool stuff for Zune HD. Apps Store will grow. Zune is the only MP3 player in the Market with HD radio technology. And the only Non-Ipod player to have App Support. Twitter and Facebook apps are coming, they are already running some test before they drop.It has the backing of Technology Giant Microsoft. The same people who are bringing you Project Natal, Surface Computers, and Microsoft Courier
Go check them all out on youtube, if you haven’t already.
Microsoft Courier
Ipod touch hardware wise is just inferior, pc software is dead slow, and sound quality is bottom-dweller.
Zune PC Software is well organized and the lay out is an Eye Candy, its more stable and Syncs 10 faster than Itunes and never crashes like the itunes. Best of all Zune Software does the work for you it monitors new stuff for you, so you never have to Add it to the Library every time you have something New.
Music Interface on Zune Hd is unmatched, say your listening to AC/DC track, you can to go to artist page for it where you can see the artist bio, band pictures, All the albums ever produced, Related Artist, you get all this without ever connecting online, its basically stored on your device.
My words Can’t Do Justice to this Product.
And if you want to discover new music than Zune Pass is great, it allows you listen to unlimited songs on your PC and upto 3 Zune Device for $14.99 a month best of all you get to keep 10 songs each month, its like paying $5 for unlimited music. Say your listening to a song on radio that you like, you can simply tag it and download it right away on your device.
One of the many reasons that swayed my brother away from Itunes to Zune was Itunes song pricing system ever since 2009 they started charging $1.29 for new releases, and 99 cents for old releases.
A dollar a song on itunes would run you out of money way before it runs out of space.
Watching movies is a pleasant experience on Zune HD screen since its got an OLED display, which means Faster refresh rate and Better contrast and Greater brightness.My brother used to have a huge problem watching movies because his Ipod touch would show heavy ghosting and dark spot while watching movies, now he just loves watching movies on his ZuneHD. Zune HD has no Ghosting or Darkspots.
Games on Zune HD leave Ipods in the oblivion. Check out this game on Zune HD
Best of all I watch 4 to 5 Movies, complete movies on a single charge on my Zune HD.Battery life on Zune HD for Music Playback is 33 hours and 8.5 hours for Videos.
In near future people will be buying OLED Display TVs like crazy. Ipod has those outdated LCD displays that other brands like Samsung , Cowon and Sony are all phasing out.
List of Reason Why Zune HD stands out
1-Zune software that syncs with your zune device is 10 times faster than itunes.
2-Sync wirelessly with your device.
3-Itunes is not a better option if you own a PC since its slow and tends to crash alot.
4-Itunes store is also full of clutter
5- Connect with your Xbox 360. Ipod touch wont even connect with Xbox 360.
6-Zune HD has an OLED Display
7-HD video out
8-HD Radio ,based on where you live you can get extra Radio stations, HD Radio has CD quality
sound. And if you like a song you can tag it and get it from Zune Marketplace.
9- It Weights lighter than the Ipod touch, its only 2.6 ounces whereas IPod touch is 4.1 ounces.
10- Nvidia Tegra Processor that supports 3D graphics.
11 All the Apps and Games are Free.
12. Charges .99 Cents for all releases whether New Or Old. Same Rate.No Extra charges like Itunes
13. Best Software for Collection Organization
14. Updates Are Always Free On Zune. Unlike Apple Likes to Charge $10 for Ipod Touch Updates
Cons for having an Ipod touch
1 No Radio
2 No HD out
3 Music Quality Sucks monkey balls,
5. No Tegra Processor
6. No PGR – Project Ghotham Racing
7. No Play Counts
8. No unlimited Subscription service
9. No wireless Sync
10 No 16GB model for the new third gen ipods, Apple saw competition from Microsoft too much to bare so they decided to axe the 16 gb model.
11. Crappy Battery Life
12. Itunes still syncs slow on PCs and crashes more often.
13.Duplicate Apps
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