Your Questions About Where Can I Download Old Movies

Donald asks…

Linux users I have heard that watching movies and playing games is quite difficult is that true?

I have also heard to play games you should download a WINE program. Are WINE programs up to date with the games?

Nagesh answers:

Movies aren’t a problem; Flash is readily available for streaming, as is HTML5, DVD playback no problem. Blu-Ray can be viewed using VLC with the correct libraries added.

As for WINE, it depends upon the program in question, and just like in Windows, your hardware. Hard-core PC gaming enthusiasts should probably stick to Windows, but I’ve happily run titles like KoTOR, Bioshock, Oblivion, Skyrim, The Witcher, and GTA: San Andreas under WINE on a pretty old Nvidia 8800 GT card. And of course there are a plethora of games that were developed to be cross-platform, or were later ported to Linux and don’t require WINE. No, not everything works well, I’d be lying if I said it did, and some programs can require a frustrating amount of tweaking and prodding to run as you’d want.

You can search for game/program ratings under WINE here:

Jenny asks…

What should i do while im waiting for this movie to download on my computer?

Im gonna watch paranormal activity 2 i know its old and stuff but i really want to watch it and im watching it alone im 13.Any tips?Im so excited

Nagesh answers:

Think about a guy u really like 🙂

Lizzie asks…

How can I resize a video for youtube without having to download loads of megabytes?

My poor old laptop’s overloaded, I think! It’s already too slow.

I took a video of taiko drumming today – awesome, I have to share it with my friends, but I feel so clueless as to how to do it.

Nagesh answers:

If you are in windows, then what you can do is the following.

Click Start
Click Run
Type: C:Program FilesMovie Makermoviemk.exe

This will open windows movie maker.

Click File
Click New Project
Click File
Click Import Into Collections
Select your movie you want
Click Import

You’ll see it in your main window now, drag it down to what looks like a “time line” on the bottom.

Click File
Click “Save Movie As”

A window will pop up asking what you want to save your movie as, and what type of compression. Pick the first one to make it simple. It shoudl say “My Computer”.

Enter a name for your video

Select “Best Quality for Playback on my computeR”

Look in the bottom right hand corner. If it is less than 100 megs, then click Next. If it isn’t, click the “radio” button (its round) that says “fit to this size” select the size you want. The lower you go, the worse the movie will be.

Click next ,and wait for the movie to convert.

It will save the movie to the “My Videos’ folder under “My Documents”.

=D Good luck.

You can also edit lenght and stuff, btu that is slightly more advanced!

Carol asks…

Does anyone know where I can buy a copy of the Burke & Wills movie?

It’s an old movie – released in 1985. I have looked on eBay, everywhere. I can‘t find it anywhere!

Nagesh answers:

Download Movies:

David asks…

what is the movie where the military makes a fighter plane that can control itself?

The plane then downloads like all the music on the internet and the plane turns evil and it starts to destroy buildings

Nagesh answers:


The plane also pushes over old ladies and blows up a litter of puppies.

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