Charles asks…
How to get restaurant on the food network?
Who do you contact to get a restaurant on the food network or any other network that shows restaurants in there show?
Nagesh answers:
I would imagine if you go to their website there is a link or something to contact them.
Ruth asks…
How do you get tickets to Emeril Live besides the Food Network promos?
I don’t get it. There is always a large audience from all walks of life. You can’t tell me they all got their tickets from the Food Network. Any info, help or inside contacts are greatly appreciated. Thanks to all.
Nagesh answers:
Tickets are very hard to get and it is by lottery. The shows are all done in two two-week periods during the year with multiple shows every day.
Chris asks…
Where can I find this recipe from Road Tasted on Food Network?
I am looking for the recipe for the “16 lb. Apple Pie” which was made in Road Tasted with Jamie & Bobby Deen a few days ago on Food Network. I have searched the website and nothing. Where can I find this recipe?
Nagesh answers:
Cut and paste – it was from their Road Tasted Meet Me in St. Louis Episode #RD0106 which aired on December 3 and 4th:,2857,FOOD_26716_45087,00.html
or check out:
Joseph asks…
How can you become an intern at food network ?
Im 16 about to be 17 in june
i want to be a chef one day
and i absolutely love food network and watch it almost all of the time
so i was wondering how old you have to be to intern there or anywhere in general and if anyone knows how i could intern at food network specifically.
Nagesh answers:
Well, if you could get into a school for that some have an internship all ready planed out for you. Otherwise try to contact some of those places. I would imagine that its pretty hard to get onto the food network but its a great goal to shoot for. Also it depends on where you are right now, because you don’t wanna try to get a internship across the country. So look for schools for food and check if the have any internship plans or if they could get you one. Otherwise ask around, check the papers or it. Good luck.
James asks…
What happened to the food network on comcast basic cable?
Just recently the food network has been cutoff from my tv, all other channels still work. does anyone know why this happened?
Nagesh answers:
In the area i live in, comcast is going all digital, which means you will need a digital transition adaptor to recieve all your channels
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