Chris asks…
when does the nintendo 3ds come out in the US?
DO any of you know when? or have hear rumors from reliable places?
Nagesh answers:
Here’s the expected release date for Japan, North America, Europe and Australia:
* JP February 26, 2011
* NA March 2011
* EU March 2011
* AUS March 2011
You can check on these sites for info and news: Tinycartridge, Nintendo World Report, Nintendo 3DS Blog
There’s no price for it in North America/Europe/Austrailia, yet, but it will be ¥25,000(yen) in Japan (around $299 USD).
If you’re worried about the price then you should know that glasses-free 3D cameras and videos don’t come cheap and you’re looking at about $500+, but 3DS packs more features, yet it’s only less than $300. If you think about it, the iPod Touch cost more than the 3DS when it comes to features and games. Also the currency in Japan works differently than here in US, so don’t get confuse with the price everyone is saying cuz Nintendo of America hasn’t said anything about the price. ¥25,000 isn’t really that big if you live in Japan and the currency always change. Also, it cost about ¥20,000 just to feed a regular sized family. But speculations are thinking that it might be less than $300 since the older DSes(DS Phat, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL) were $40-60 less than that of the Japan release price. Maybe the same price as PSP Go at launch.
Although it’s not out yet, the 3DS is the first glasses-free 3D gaming device in the market(like the ones in theaters minus the glasses). It also supports multimedia, motion control, touch-screen, 3 cameras, and Wi-Fi. It is also compatible with the DS software and DSi wares.
Here’s a video that explains how the 3D works:
Some 3DS features (there’s more that weren’t announced by Nintendo) you may not know:
The 3DS graphics is the closest handheld gaming device that comes close to 360/PS3 graphical wise(you gotta see it to believe it; specs don’t count), it supports 2 screens, 1st screen as a 3D screen without glasses(it’s real and it works, you can also turn off the 3D if you want 2D), 2nd screen as a touch-screen, compatible with the old generations of DS softwares, gyroscope, accelerometer, audio player, 3 cameras(one inside, and two outside), capable of taking 2D/3D photos and capturing 2D/3D videos, 2D/3D movie playback, multitasking(i.e. You can access web browser while playing a game), Virtual Console Service(which was not available with the DSi/DSi XL) and some 3D remakes of classic retro games(GB, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, and more), also compatible with DSi Wares, 3DS Mii Plaza (Mii creation), augmented reality games, CrossPass” (which can automatically seek and connect to wireless network nodes such as Wi-Fi hotspots, sending and downloading information in the background while in sleep mode or while playing a game), 3D TV streaming(only available in Japan at the moment), e-book reader,better online capabilities, video chat, shop channel, web browser (and anything you do on the web like mail, facebook, etc.), and more which weren’t fully announced by Nintendo. Plus the games are longer and are quality games.
Some games that will be coming out for it:
Metal Gear Solid 3, Super Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil: Revelation, Resident Evil: Mercenaries, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Times, Kid Icarus, Paper Mario, Star Fox 64, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, Mario Kart, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy series, Dead or Alive 3D, Ninja Gaiden, Samurai Warriors 3D, Assassin’s Creed: Lost Legacy, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Call of Duty, Megaman Legends 3, and more. There will also be 3DS ware games, like Cave Story.
Some features:
3DS Shop Channel:
Just in case you go “where’s the 3D!?” it won’t work on your computer screen, you gotta see it in person to see the 3D.
Few of the games that will be coming out for it:
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition:
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater:
Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright
More games being played live:
You can check out more about 3DS here:
Jenny asks…
How does Cinexplayer work?
I want to be able to watch movies on my ipad 2. If i download cinexplayer onto my ipad do i add the movies from my computer or are they available to watch online?
Nagesh answers:
The description of the app suggests you have to out movies on yourself, and advertises that you can put full movie files on it, as one of its selling points, plus it mentions something about watching movies without an Internet connection, so I’m guessing it doesn’t involve streaming online movies
If you are looking for a decent streaming service however, I do recommend Netflix, the iPad app is easy to navigate, however the streaming quality for tv programmes and older movies isn’t brilliant, however they’re are plenty of options and they’re monthly fee is cheap, I tried the month free which was really good,and you can find whole tv series and such on there
Hope this helps! 🙂
Laura asks…
What are good websites to watch full movies online?
Like, movies that aren’t a million years old or recordings. And preferably nothing I’d have to download.
Nagesh answers:
This not only has free movies to watch but promotes social justice. Win win. Really interesting documentaries and information!!
If you are lost within the page, here is a good starting point
Hopefully, you will become an activist, because it truly makes life meaningful.~
Mary asks…
What happens to my Playstation account if I get a new Playstation system?
I have a ps3, but I am planning on getting a new one, or possibly a ps4. If a start using a new ps3, what will happen to my account? Will I be able to access my account on the new system if the old one is still up and running? Also, will I still have my trophies, achievements, downloads and saved games?
Thank you!
Nagesh answers:
Your account can be used on 2 consoles , if you get a second ps3 or another playstation console ( psp , psvita etc. ) just sign in and your purcahses and online stats follow the account , plus if you have synched trophies online they are also synched to the account on the new system
to download games again just sign in and look for your downloads list in the psn store or account management , for movies though they can be activated and downloaded only once so if you got a second console they’d have to be purchased again .
Saves are on the ps3 , unless you are a playstation plus member and upload the saves to online cloud storage or plugged the new ps3 and old one together and used the data transfer utility ( which copies the saves and other data then deletes from the first system ) you’d lose game progress with a new system .
If you get more than one console you’d either have to deactivate older ones or buy content again , but trophies , psn games and stats follow the account on the first 2 activated systems you use the account on
Ruth asks…
What are some good xbox360 games for a 14 year old girl?
I think my family is getting an xbox360 for Christmas. My dad wants one for some sort of hdmi connector. I’m just wondering what some good games for me would be. I have a Nintendo wii, with games. I already have guitar hero.
Does anyone know if there is Dance Dance Revolution for xbox or wii? that looks fun.
Nagesh answers:
Yes theres a dance dance revolution game on 360 , actually they are only on 360 not wii . Ddr universe and the sequal
Ok i know not trying to steriotype you but most girls just buy random games they think are good and are silly goofy fun i own an xbox 360 and wii not to be offensive but wii is more of a toy , in mainstrem gaming Xbox 360 and playstation 3 are considered real game systems so you will find alot of long lasting games that wii isnt powerful enough to run . Xbox 360 has more award winners as well and since you seem more like a casual gamer i recommend you pay attention to the award winning games they tend to last longer , an example of an award wining game is grand theft auto 4 , its a mature one so you might not like it but its an example , It took 4 years to make , but wii games like wii sports took 3 weeks to make . Check out IGN’s youtube channel they rate games for all systems like 360 , wii , ps3
If you buy a 360 some fun award winning games are
Mass effect ( you create your own character and explore 100s of planets and it has one of the best story modes this generation of games )
Halo odst
Fable 2
Grand theft auto episodes from liberty city
Grand theft auto 4
Left 4 dead 2
All these games are amazing by theyre self but xbox 360 is the best online game system
When you first buy xbox get these games dont get it just for halo its amazing but once you see the other amazing games im sure youll want it for more reasons , look up every game i say so you see they all recieved in the 90s out of 100 on reviews plus you can make wise choice
Halo odst
Mass effect
Grand theft auto episodes from liberty city
Fallout 3
Forza 3
XBox internet far exceeds that of playstation 3
Box internet allows voice chat
Video chat
Party chat which means you click 7 friends names and while on completly different games you all can chat this isolates their voices so you dont talk to people actually in your game
Xna studio
Xbox is the only system that lets you create games on xna studio by hooking pc and xbox then you can sell your games in the indie games section of xbox market
Xbox also allows you to put a disc in system then download game off disc to your harddrive so its not needed to play .
The only fault xbox has is a 54% failure rate unless you buy one made after 09 with a jasper chip then its a 24-13%
Xbox also allows you to invite friends to your game while on different games unlike wii.
Now onto the software i e games
Xbox has 700 exclusives not on wii and only on xbox so way more games .
Among those 300 are downloadable games from xbox market .
Xbox internet cost because server updates occur weekly and games get extra levels and dlc .(Downloadable content)
Xbox lets you buy or rent movies music and games without disc quick downloads
Honestly the playstation 3 is THE most powerful system , BUT since its so powerful none of the game developers could understand or were to lazy to decipher its advanced algorithms and codes to make games on it therefore multiplatform games and most others look better on 360 and result in games being made for the xbox 360 and ported over to playstation 3 with lesser graphics so 360 games look considerably better but the actual system doesent have better graphics processing power its just easier to create games for since its internal design very similar to computers so 360 games have better graphics
360 has better online meaning more downloadable games and the ability to join xna club to create your own games by hooking xbox to computer with windows software . As well as looking at messages on game in guide button pause menu and talk in a 8 man private chat even on different games . Ps3 has better actual system and is more powerful but not enough good games / features
Examples of 360 vs ps3 graphics listed below……
I own both my xbox live gamertag Jt G 88
Psn id The oWnly Real Ni((a
And if you buy an xbox 360 heres a few games only on xbox
Grand theft auto episodes from Liberty city
Forza 3
Mass effect ) you should buy this game and watch ign review of it…
Halo odst
Fable 2
Splinter cell conviction
Left 4 dead 2
Xbox also gets weekly updates online and one of those is a motion control update in 2010
So now xbox does everything wii does but better heres 2 vids of the xbox motion control……
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