Your Questions About Where Can I Download Old Movies

Donald asks…

How much is video rentals through the XBOX Live movie service?

How much does it cost to rent movies through the XBOX Live movie service? I don’t mean the new NetFlix service, I mean the old movie rental service?

Once you rent a movie, how long do you have to watch it before it expires?

What is the movie quality like on a High Definition TV? Is it comparable to watching a DVD?

Also, how many movies are in the library?

Nagesh answers:

You rent the movies using microsoft points. You have to buy microsoft points from a store like GameStop or Wal-Mart.

It expires 24 hours after you watch it.

You can download either a regular version, or an HD version.

There are tons of movies, both new and old. I think Jumper is on the list too.

Steven asks…

Where can i see free movies with out dowloads or viruses?

The new latest movies available and old movies where can i see them?
and where i can see them and understand to find! plz:3

Nagesh answers:

This is the most-asked question on here. There are no sites that will legally let you download movies that are still in theaters. The sites that have them don’t even host them on their own site because they know it’s wrong. People may give you links here, but you’ll be taking your chances. Most of these sites will require downloading their software or paying a fee after showing half a movie so you can see the rest. And all of them are famous for adware, spyware and viruses.

Lisa asks…

How can i download video to ipod touch?

I have quicktime movies in itune and was able to download to old ipod. But for some reason, I cannot download to ipod touch? If someone can help me, that would be great!

Nagesh answers:

You can try this converter:
1. Download mp4 converter
2. Click the button “select files”
3. Click the button “convert”
4. Click the button “copy to iPod”
Use batch conversion mode to save time and convert your entire video library with one click!

Carol asks…

How to switch language on a downloaded film video?

I downloaded Hollywood old film from the torrent onto a video. In the description of the movie, it says dual language English-Spanish. After downloading onto the dvd, the dvd still says dual language English-Sapanish, but the movie dvd plays in Spanish. How to switch the language to English. I have windows 7.

Nagesh answers:

It depends on your video player. I recommend you use VLC player (you can download it from its website, is FREE). Using this player, you just need to click into “Audio” tab, and select the language in “Audio Track”.

If you are using another video player, the options should be similar, just try to find the “Audio” section and select the language from there. By the way, Windows Media Player does not have this option (in case this is the one you are using).

William asks…

How do you make a video in slow motion on windows 7 movie maker?

Hi, I‘m making this film on my windows 7 laptop and I‘m entering different videos into it. I want one of the videos in slow motion, how do i do this? Please don’t tell me how to do it on old movie maker coz I know that and I don’t have old movie maker :L Thanks in advance 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Click on the clip you want to slow down. Click on the Video Tools>Edit tab and you’ll see “Speed”. On the dropdown, the decimals are the slow-motion options. You can also type the speed you need in the box. So, if 0.50 is too fast but 0.25 is too slow, you can type in 0.35.

When you change the speed of a clip with Windows Live Movie Maker, the sound is muted. This is just how the program works.

You can download an XP version (2.6) of Movie Maker that was created for low-end Vista machines from Microsoft.

You can download the Vista version (6.0) combined with a Windows 7 installer from Blaine’s WMM blog. This is the first program I installed on my W7 machine when it was new last March.

If you decide to download an older version, you do not have to uninstall Windows Live Movie Maker. I have both on my computer (I like the captioning and pan and zoom in WLMM).

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