Ken asks…
What are some things you could bring for babysitting kids?
Tonight Im going to be babysitting a 1.5 year old, 4 year old, and 6 year old. So far i have a bag of coloring books, crayons, colored pencils, and paper. Im only 14 so i cant really go & buy stuff for crafts or anything. 🙂 Anything else in mind?
The mom said she needs me later in the afternoon and early evening 🙂
Nagesh answers:
It all depends, if it going to be at night you could just think of a few things (what you already have is plenty) and they’ll be asleep before you know it. Otherwise you could call the parents and ask if it would be kay if you do some cooking with them and you should make cookies or cupcakes, if she/he doesnt want you using the oven when they are not home you could just get some plain bisuits and some icing sugar and milk to make some icing and have the kids ice and decorate their own cookie things. Another think you may be able to do is watch movies, play a quiet game, you could download some kids songs and have some dancing time. Just make sure they aren’t too hyped up when the parents get home.
Charles asks…
How do you move your entire itunes libary from one pc to another?
I have a 80 gig Video Ipod and i ondered how do you move the itunes to another computer ithout losing any songs or movies??
Nagesh answers:
There are a couple of things that you could do:
1) Back-up all the music from the old computer onto discs, jump drives or an external hard-drive. Copy the songs onto the new computer, then import them into iTunes on the new computer.
Note: If you have any songs that you’ve downloaded from iTunes Music Store, you’ll have to authorize the new computer to play that music. You can do this my going to Store | Authorize computer (on the new PC). You’ll have to be signed into your account. You get a total of 5 authorized computer for each iTunes account, so you may want to deathorize your old computer. To do this, go into iTunes on your old computer, select Store (from the top menu, not on the side) and Deauthorize computer.
2) If you’ve already gotten rid of the old computer, wiped the hard drive or if #1 didn’t work for some reason, you can download a program to rip the music from the iPod onto the new PC’s hard-drive. One such program, that I’ve used myself, is Music Rescue. It costs about $20. Http:// . This rips the music onto your hard-drive, then you can import the music into iTunes.
I don’t believe you’ll have to authorize the new computer to play iTunes downloads if you use this method, but if you do , you’d just follow the same procedure.
Add.: I forgot to add, if you opt for the second method, do it before downloading and installing iTunes on the new computer. This will prevent your music from being removed from the iPod.
Chris asks…
Why is downloading music and movies from the Internet considered illegal?
The fight between “intellectual property holders” and “pirates” has been drawn out too long, I think both sides lost sight of what they actually stand for. Any educated explanation on what’s going on in that area right now would be appreciated.
Nagesh answers:
This is a very very very complicated debate, which is not as simple as either side (you or the responders) are making it seem. It is especially confusing because of the wording of the statutes, which I’m not going to go into that great detail here. But, you wanted an “educated answer” so here goes (as applies to works created in the USA):
Copyrights do not just confer one right to the holder; they confer a “bundle” of rights. These include the reproduction right, the performance right, derivative works, the distribution right, and display rights. The fact that the “reproduction” right and the “distribution” rights are separate, distinct rights makes the computer-age debate especially confusing.
The rights that are conferred are “exclusive rights” — meaning that only the holder has the right to utilize this right. This is the meaning of copyright — you have the right to exclude others from using your work. Unlike a pile of grain, or some other type of property, other people using your work does not, in reality, prevent you from using your work as well. Intellectual property is non-exclusive in this way. That is why the law creates an artificial exclusivity on the property, not only to reward people for their creations, but to create incentives for future innovators to create.
Thus, there is a “reproduction” right and a “distribution” right. In the old days, a reproduction was difficult and costly. Re-printing a book was difficult, even with copiers, it would take a long time. No one cared when people reproduced things for their own personal use — it was so difficult to do, it was not the focus of the law. This protected against illegal copiers (counterfeiters). The distribution right (or the right of first sale) said that the copyright holder was allowed to decide how the materials would be distributed. Again, in the example with a book, that means that they got to decide who the book was sold to and for how much money.
It is the reproduction right that seems to generate the most ire from computer users. If you buy a CD, most users feel that they have bought “the rights” to listen to those songs — through their CD player, by putting it on their computer, and then onto their ipods. What they don’t realize is that is at least 2 different “reproductions” of the copyrighted material (copied onto the computer, copied onto the ipod). People seem to think there is an exception for “personal use” — there isn’t. There is an exception to make copies to “backup” your CD, but this is different than a blanket exception for “personal use”.
Thus, “piraters” as you call them, are violating the distinct rights of the copyright holders. With the streaming video sites, they are violating the right of “performance”/”display” rights, not just the right to reproduce.
You say this has been drawn on too long but it has been going on as long as copyrights have been enforced. The problem is that wording of the statute and the new technology don’t really make sense together. “Copying” on your computer means something completely different than copying a book mean. What a “copy” is also means something else. People are unclear of what right they are purchasing — is it the right to that discrete copy of the song, or to play the song as they like? The best solution would be to create cyber-copyright laws that actually use the proper terminology and understand the technology.
Thomas asks…
How can I store music on my terabyte and have itunes is it from there?
I have a terabyte that I bought solely to store music and movies I’ve downloaded. But Everytime I move the music and movies to the terabyte, itunes says it cant find the music. How can I fix this? I want itunes to use the music stored on the terabyte. I dont want to keep the music on my computer. Help?
Nagesh answers:
Move all the files to your external hard drive. Then go into I-tunes and delete your library (ctrl-a, delete) then go to your file menu, load folder, and select your music folder on your external. It will rebuild your library using the new file locations.
I-Tunes is very simple in that it will not recognize that you move files, just that they are not where they thought they were. If you don’t delete the library or reload from the new folder, it will continue to look in the old folder on your pc for the songs.
Donald asks…
How do I transfer the itune library from one computer to another?
I bought a new computer but all of my bought and imported songs are in my old computer. I want to transfer the library to my new library before I give my old computer away. Can that be done via an external hard drive? and How?
Nagesh answers:
Hello, I’d like to share my experience.
When I changed my computer, I used MediaWidget to move all library files from my iPod Touch onto my new computer
It can transfer all iPod content to the iTunes on your computer, including iPod music, movies, playlists, videos, podcasts, ratings, last played, and more. It’s such a powerful one that many friends around me have used it for a long time. Easy and safe.
Now all files are on your new computer and iTunes, you can sync your iPod with it smoothly without deleting any files.
Just free download it to try.
For more iPod support information you can also go to
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