Your Questions About Download Old Movies Online

Sandy asks…

A movie that’s available nowhere?

It’s an Indian movie called “Anant Yatra” (Endless Journey). It was released in 1984. I was just 6 years old then. Watched it on Indian telly in 1985. The movie had a strange plot. It’s all philosophical and surreal stuff. I remember just a few scenes. It had something to do with time travel (or mind travel?). One scene I remember is of a guy who goes back in time to ancient India – at a time when the poet Kalidasa was alive. Another scene was of a guy suddenly discovering a live snake under his office table. Another scene showed a guy walking a treadmill in his office gym. The scene is repeated in the movie many times I think. Now I realize that the walking symbolizes the theme of endless journey.

Now I did an extensive online search and came up with only a few sketchy synopses of the movie. But I want to download the entire movie, if it’s available online. Anyone know any links? Btw, this movie is not available on DVD and was never shown on television again.

Nagesh answers:


Got only that but it isn’t available right now

You can ask people around you who may have the movie or go to some old shop with old movie hindi collection.

Linda asks…

How to Backup WOW + Expansions?

I installed WoW from DVD i had (old one), and downloaded burning crusade from the wow installer online, it was a 4.2gigs download and it downloaded the following files: productdefs, installer.exe, installler.mfil, installer tome 5, installer tome, installer tome 2, installer tome 3, installer tome 4, movies.
so i saved the entire folder into a dvd,
then i executed the wow installer again to download the wrath of the linch king.. he used the same folder to save everything and now i cant tell what are the files i need to save for that expansion.. im thinking in deleting the whoel thing and starting over…
any clues on which files belong to wrath of the linch king in order to back it up?

Nagesh answers:

Wow has the expansions and wow on there website to download if you want. Then save the files on a external hd

Mark asks…

Computer games for toddlers?

Ok, before people start to criticize my parenting skills, read…

My 2 year old loves the computer, she loves to watch movies (we don’t have a TV) I limit her time (once a day if that) but she is getting interested in the “interactive aspect” of the computer.

I am looking for EDUCATIONAL and EASY toddler games to download, not play online. More specifically the mouse pointer should be bigger, easy tasks, and fun colors & music.

Something to attract her for a semi longer period of time (she tends to jump from one activity to the next)


Nagesh answers:

Don’t know any that you download but playhouse disney have a great site for youngster and is definitely worth a visit with your little one. My sons 18 months and I let him have a look if he comes up and wants to know what the laptop is all about.

Its important that they learn computer skills in this day an age and no one will think your a bad mother to encourage this – as with everything in life everything in moderation. If we banned tv and computer etc from our children they will grow up wanting them even more lol xxx

Mary asks…

Are you a fan of the Twilight series?

My 10 year old sister LOVES the movies and wants to be able to read the books. Due to her learning disability. she cannot read. I was wondering if there was a site that would let her listen to them read it out loud online. Nothing that you have to download or put on an MP3 player. Just online. Please help! Thank you all so much!
i cant read to her because she does not live with me

Nagesh answers:

Try youtube and i’m sorry about your sister.

James asks…

How do I make a music video, using clips from a movie?

I know I might sund like some stupid twilight fan, but I just wanted to make a music video for Eclipse with an Eisley song. I have the Eisley song on iTunes, but how do I get the Eclipse clips? I know that Eclipse is already online, because of how fast people are with these things, but if they are not in good quality, and I wait for it to come out on dvd and it’s online in good quality, how would I download it right? Or could I do it with the movie itself, downloading it from the dvd?
My computers a little old, by the way…

Nagesh answers:

Yeah. It’s illegal but I’m still going to answer your question because I don’t think there is any harm in having a little fun. If you’re asking this question, I’m sure you’re not going to make an amazing remake that’s totally going to steel what’s-her-nuts thunder. And if you did, they’ll sure let you know about it.

Adobe Premier is the program you’re looking for. Watch some tutorials online. Simply Yahoo or Google “Adobe Premier Tutorials”. You can download the demo for free. It’ll have only basic functions but enough if you want to make something fun for your friends to see.

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