Your Questions About Download Old Movies Online

Lizzie asks…

What would be the best Macintosh laptop for me?

I want a Mac laptop! Don’t know which one to purchase. I have a 2002 Gateway laptop. It’s old & always runs out of disk space. I have to constantly delete important programs such as Java, Quicktime, & Adobe Reader to make room for other things. I just purchased a 60 gb iPod which holds 20,000 songs & I only have 2,000 on it so far. My Gateway is going slow & I need a laptop that can hold all of my “junk.” I also want a laptop I can carry around because I have never been able to travel with my Gateway because it’s connected to my Comcast high speed modem thingy. My biggest fear is that I will buy a Mac & end up having to spend hundreds more for all of the extras that are not included but mandatory. This is what I typically do online.

Download tons of music.
-Write a lot of music and scripts.
-Store a lot of photos.
-I’d like to be able to watch movies online.
-I’m going into Graphic Design so it would be nice to have my laptop double as my job.

Let me know what you think!

Nagesh answers:

MacBook Pro
Macs can run Windows too.

Macs come bundled with iLife, the only thing you will need to buy would be CS3 for Mac because the PC version won’t work on a Mac unless your running Windows in Bootcamp or VMware.
Macs all have built in Ethernet and Bluetooth as well as other stuff.

Mark asks…

How can i get this movie.”shout” 1991 with john travolta?

I have been looking all over for this movie “shout” with john travolta, it came out in 1991.

its a very good movie and kinda old but i wanted to know if any one knows how i could get this movie. (don’t want to buy it or dint have the money to.)

Does any one know where i could watch it online or download it ???
i already checked on that page kid it does not have the movie.

Nagesh answers:


Betty asks…

I need this old India Movie?

Hi there,
I searched a lot but i am unable to find this movie
Name : Azaad (Dilip kumar)
Year : 1955

If there is a link to watch online it will also do, or a download link or torrent would be the best !

I have downloaded a torrent file for this movie but the torrent is damaged !
Thank You
Hey this one is another movie, its not the 1 i am looking for

mine is Azaad dilip kumar (1955)
urs is azad 1944
I have already tried the torrents u just gave, they are paid, and 1 of them not works

Nagesh answers:

Here you go

Mandy asks…

thullatha manamum thullam??

Where can i see this movie online or download. Love Vijay very much.. Also kushi and kannakul nilavu i didnt full movie anywhere. ANy help. I searched for DVD/CD everything . Since its old didnt get it.

Nagesh answers:

I haven’t heard about this movie…………….

Carol asks…

how to see a movie with friends?

this is really awkward, i guess, for someone to ask.
nobody makes guides, cuz it is supposed to be easy, but I’ve never seen a movie with friends before.
i’m 12 years old, and i’ve always watched movies by downloading them online or on TV.
how do you go with friends, to the movie theater?
I also never take the bus, because i like walking to places.
do you talk with your friends when watching the movie?
do you buy the really expensive food?
where do you go after the movie?

…sorry if i seem stupid or crazy for not knowing these things… but I never really believed in watching movies in theaters. why not watch it in the comfort of your own home, instead of to a place with really fattening expensive food and with tons of other people?

Nagesh answers:

Ok first hun you can not see anything over pg-13 without and adult so plan ahead. Try not to go during the evening as that is when prices are highest. If you don’t want to eat then don’t you are not required to buy anything and FYI a drink could cause you to miss some of the movie cause you might have to use the restroom. If you would like snacks nothing wrong with pitching in with friends for a big thing of popcorn. No talking or cells in the theater as people don’t like it. After try hitting a burger joint or an arcade if you saw an action as usually there is a lot of energy pent up. A lot of people like going because it is big, loud and you get excited when watching with other people. Often you laugh or cheer together. If you don’t want to do this maybe try and find a drive in theater your parents can take you too its a great experience. And if your just really not up to it try for a movie night at someones house instead 🙂 Good luck! 🙂

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