Steven asks…
What size ipad do I need?
I am not sure sure what size i need..16gb or 32gb.
I am 15 and have $680 canadian saved so far.
32GB = $745(with tax)
16GB = $635(with tax)
These are canadian prices off
I usually delete old apps that I no longer use and only download apps I think I will use alot. I would only have 50-100 songs on my iPad as well.
As for books and movies, I download movies online and would like at least 4 at a time on my iPad. Books..probably 10 in total, maybe some magazines.
Pictures..maybe 50-100. I am not a picture person,lol.
I have an 8gb ipod toch with 350 songs, 20 pics, 3 movies, 10 sample books, 1 full book, 40 apps including the main ones, and still have 3.3 GB left.
Should I save more for a 32gb or buy a 16gb now?
I dont care about the iPad 2 and want one asap as I dont own a laptop anymore!
ha ha you guys are SO funny..not!
Nagesh answers:
At 8 gb and you have that much left i would go for the smaller one 🙂
my phone has 8gb and i aint even used half >.< with 643 songs!
You can always take stuff off and save it on you'r computer or maby as a parent to borrow theres
the 32 GB is far to big, that would be for buissness people
Chris asks…
Minsara kanna?
Can someone tell me where i can see the last 1 hr of vijay movie minsara kanna. I tried to get a cassette /dvd/cd.But i didnt get it as its an old movie. all download sites dont have the last hr of the movie.
Also anyone seen kadalakku nilavu movie online.i didnt find it.Any help.
Nagesh answers:
James asks…
How can I fix this divx web player?
So for a while I have been using the Divx set up, more than anything the web player to view movies online. Recently I updated to the latest version and it was working great but a few days ago it stopped working. I click a link to a movie click play on the player but then the page stops responding. I have to close the entire page and reopen to get back online. Everything works great except the web player. why is this?!? How can I download the old divx 7 anyone?!?!
Nagesh answers:
1) Open task manager, click Processes tab. Right click on DDMService.exe and end process.
2) Copy the following and then open a command prompt:
rmdir /s /q “%USERPROFILE%videosdivx moviesTemporary Downloaded Files”
del /q /s “%temp%*”
REM Clear DDM Stuff
del /q /s “%APPDATA%LocalTempDDMPlugin*”
del /q /s “%APPDATA%LocalTempDDMSettings*”
del /q /s “%APPDATA%LocalTempDDMSettingsTempo… Downloaded Files*”
rmdir /s /q “%TEMP%boost_interprocess”
rmdir /s /q “%LOCALAPPDATA%Lowboost_interprocess”
3) Close all browser windows.
4) Paste the above commands into command prompt and press enter.
5) Enjoy the functional divx web player again.
John asks…
Can you help me find and download san-nen migomoru (three year delivery) movie at online?
Twenty nine year old Fuyuko Matsuda is in her 9th month of pregnancy. She hangs around her suburban Tokyo home all day long, not feeling quite ready to be a mother. Her feckless husband, Toru, is not ready to be a father, either. He is having an affair on the side and he rolls home drunk, every night and collapses into bed. Fuyuko knows about her husbandユs affair, but decides not to confront him about it, hoping it will be over soon. Meanwhile, her capricious younger sister has fallen in love with a Doctor called Kai, who is older than her missing father, and she begins to become strangely obsessed with the idea of transforming her own body into that of a man.
The pregnancy continues but the baby refuses to enter the world. By the 18th month Fuyukoユs belly has swollen to enormous proportions. Toru begins to suspect that his wife is going to give birth to an alien. Meanwhile Fuyuko has become a media celebrity because of the unusual length of her term. By the 27month of pregnancy relationships in the family have become completely strained. Fuyuko and Toru are in hiding in a remote country cottage and her belly has assumed the shape of a strange pyramid. Kai believes that the child, which is now one and a half years old must be an advanced evolutionary form of humanity. When all the hidden secrets and desires of the characters are finally exposed, Fuyuko goes into labour . . .
Nagesh answers:
Try searching for it on
it is an online video guide that searches sites that have movies on them for your particular movie.
Mandy asks…
Can I have two versions of Windows Media Player on my computer?
A while back I downloaded the updated Windows Media Player and hated it. I did a system restore to get back the old one. I am a member of Netflix, and to watch their movies online they say I have to have the new version. Is there a way to download the new version and only use it for watching these movies, and still have the old version to listen to MP3s and such?
Nagesh answers:
No if u had WMP 10 and downloaded WMP11 that’s classified as “an update to a program alraedy existing”
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