Maria asks…
How do I edit songs to become low fidelity….?
I need to know how to change songs so that they’re low fidelity sounding; especially how to do it using a software like sony sound forge which i have. Anyone know?
One inspiration is i downloaded the soundtrack to femme fatale but it’s not at all how it sounds in the movie (w/rebecca romijn). In the movie it sounds like its really old like “film noir” or something; nostalgic, compared to the tracks i downloaded which are just average. know what i mean?
please help…?
Nagesh answers:
In “save as” or export, there are options. Reduce the quality by reducing the kbps. Mp3 is grate for lo-fi.
And by the way, no i don’t know, what you mean exactly.
Hope this helps.
Get audition 3 when it comes out. (professional sound editing software)
Donald asks…
Why did this transfer from ipod to itunes delete all my songs off my ipod?!?
So for about a year I haven’t been able to put any songs on my ipod for the fear that if I try and put a new song in my library then sync to my ipod, that all the 350 songs that I already had on my ipod from my old computer that crashed will get erased.
Well I tried to fix this problem today, and something went wrong I guess.
I Google a way to transfer songs from my ipod to my tunes (that also let me remind you, is totally empty) and I found a way that lets you basically go into your pod’s music files and be able to drag them strange to tunes and them be completely downloaded.
Everything was working and everything from my ipod had been put onto my tunes for this computer.
Well, I was going to now go to where my ipods name was and start picking out the songs so that I could remove some of the old songs that I don’t listen to anymore (It’s only an 8GB D:) and I did the check of all the artists and such, then after I clicked “Sync” button like normal-
Then a popup came on saying that all the music (and my podcasts and movies and things) “could not be located because they could not be found”. And now, my ipod basically got completely erased! Everything is gone! It’s as if I bought a new ipod! WHAT?
But the strange thing is that all the songs and such are still on itunes- it’s just when I click it it says “can not be located” . I tryed to locate the files, but the files where I got them were completely empty as well! As if the files were never there! D:
If someone could help me in getting my music back somehow, I would be totally grateful.
Nagesh answers:
You can’t transfer ipod files to a new computer/itunes directly,you must use one ipod transfer software.
You can try AVCWare iPod to iPod/Computer/iTunes Transfer.
You can find it here:
It is easy to use and you can try it now.
Betty asks…
Re-downloading purchased music/vids/movies from iTunes?
I’ve recently bought a new computer since my old one had a virus, and the hard drive’s files were not retrievable. Is there some way to download the purchased items from iTunes onto a new computer?
I am absolutely not paying for all my songs again. Especially since all the prices are raised.
Also; is there some way to transfer songs/other media files from my iPod to my computer?
All help will be SO appreciated. Thank you so much!
Nagesh answers:
Yes Just Email Itunes Here Let Me Get The Link For Ya here try this This Is What I Did To Get Back My Songs First Type In Your First And Last Name Then Your Account Name Then Your OS Then Your Itunes Store Country Then Under Category click on Purchase(s) – missing Then Click On My hard drive crashed / all of my purchases were erased then on the side it said If you don’t have a backup, contact us using the form below and be sure to include the name of the account from which you’ve lost purchased media. Then contact them using the form before giving them your Account username And Be sure to Tell Them You Got A New Computer Or If You Brought All Of Your Music From Them Then You Can Try This Hope I Help 🙂
Mandy asks…
Can I retrieve info from my old PS3 drive?
I just bought a new HDD for my PS3 because my old one was full. So I didn’t have a big enough eternal drive (only had a 8 GB USB) so all I did was take all my movies, songs and game saves and put it on the USB drive, I didn’t put any ‘Game Data’ files on it.
I have the new drive in and I put in all the games I own and re downloaded and installed them all, but for some reason the save for my Fallout 3 and GTAIV is missing (I’m pretty sure they were both the Autosave files), my main one that I put a lot of hours in, I have other ones but they are all like 30 hours behind my main save. So I’d like to be able to access my old PS3 hard drive to see if I missed something or what?
So could I just take out my new hard drive and put the old one back in and check everything then put the new one back in once I get the save file, or is there another way.
Can it be done?
Nagesh answers:
Joseph asks…
ipod problem.movies have shifted to music folder.?
i’ve borrowed a friend’s 30gb ipod for 2 weeks.i watched a movie and charged it via usb port. i had an older version of itunes(itunes 4).
after the ipod charged completely, i found that the movies had moved to the music nor video would play but songs would play like usual.
i download the latest itunes software and can now view the movies folder but when i try to drag the movies into that folder,it doesn’t work.
i tried dragging the movies and songs to my library.that doesn’t work either maybe since they aren’t itunes purchases.
what should i do?
Also,i’m unable to contact my friend for two weeks since he’s on vacation.thanks for the help.
Nagesh answers:
Ok,it’s weird . I recommend you use this tool to check out whether it was right.
you can find all the stuff on the ipod with this software and it’s very to drag things anywhere.
Hope it helps.
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