Your Questions About Where Can I Download Old Movies For Free

Chris asks…

Please help!!!!!!! It’s urgent!!!! Movie Maker question?????

I just got a new laptop for my birthday from my sister in law. I have this big movie presentation to do and as always I use windows movie maker.

Except I HATE the new version of movie majer that comes with Windows 7. I CAN‘T stand it. It’s terrible. All of the features I love are missing! It’s crap. I can‘t edit audio, I can‘t move the audio to where I want, I don’t have a timeline that shows everything layed out or anything.

SO. My question is: Where can I download the older [Not the first; that one doesn’t take enough file formats] version of movie maker for windows 7? Can anyone get me a link? Thanks.

NOTE: If you’re just going to say “Windows movie maker isn’t good, use a better program.” etc. Go away and don’t answer. I need a link for movie maker because that’s what I know how to use and it’s free. Thank you very much.
I know they do. I download 2.6 for vista but that’s too OLD. It won’t except the file type (I think it’s .wma? I forget now) that my camera creates. I need older than the newest version, but newer than 2.6
(actually the file extention is .mod)

Nagesh answers:

If you want version 6.0 that came with Vista, I just found a great link for it yesterday (and saved it away for the day my Vista machine dies and I have to get a Windows 7 machine;-) This wonderful person (who hates Live Movie Maker) put everything you need together.

If you have problems with the mod files and WMM, just use “Rename” to give the files a mpg file extension, go to this link and scroll down to “1) Windows PCs – Windows Movie Maker” and follow the instructions.

Maria asks…

2 Part Question, please help!?

I actually have a 2 part question and I am desperate for help. My sister and I reside in the state of Florida where we signed a lease together. After one month she moved her boyfriend in and all of his stuff, where he stayed with us rent free for about 2 months. Trouble arose when I received a notice from my internet provider, something about over usage and downloading. I confronted her boyfriend who I came to find out had well over 20,000 illegally downloaded music and movie files. I immediately asked that he leave my residence with his stuff, I wanted nothing to do with the whole situation. In turn my sister, he and my little 3 year old niece left, leaving me with all of their belongings as well as this computer. It has been over a week and I have tried contact, receiving no answer on as to when they may be coming for their stuff. So here are my questions.. 1. I don’t want this illegal material in my house, even though i have completely unhooked the computer, can I turn it over to the authorities since I know there is illegal material on it? 2. I have a garage full of god knows what that they are making no attempt to retrieve, how long do I have to keep their stuff and what is the correct procedure about going to have it removed if they will not do it. One other thing about the computer I am wanting to surrender, I did not know at the time that my sister’s boyfriend’s brother is a convicted pedophile and I am afraid that there may be very sickening material on that computer and it is in my house!!! Please help me.

Nagesh answers:

This is something you should discuss with your Internet Service Provider. They should know better than anyone else.

For part two, give them notice to collect those items and tell them if they don’t get it by a certain time, you are placing it in storage.

Robert asks…

If I were to be the first step and first leader in the process, could a resurge of classical music occur?

I grew up listening to the Christian genre, and later found myself listening more to oldies music more than anything. About three years ago I somehow began enjoying movie scores and over time that was all I listened to. Well after a while I began thinking about how much I loved those scores because of the orchestrations involved and wondered if I would enjoy classical music then. Now at the time I was like most stereotypical teenage kids with the belief that classical music was this boring, long drawn out, meditation music, so I debated it for a while, but ultimately decided to give it a try. I used this free search engine we had at our house where we could listen to files other people chose to share through the engine and searched the only composer I knew the name or, Beethoven. I downloaded one track from each of his nine symphonies, and because I had no prior knowledge of classical music I didn’t know there were different movements so I thought what I downloaded was the complete symphony. Although I enjoyed about three of them, the others just didn’t interest me all that much. They were just like what I thought, boring. I almost gave up but later read that Mozart was who Beethoven learned a lot from and admired most so I tried his name and that was how I got interested in classical music. I found the Great G minor symphony and I absolutely loved it!!! As I listened more and more to Mozart I then discovered the structure of the movements of different works and such. I discovered Haydn and many other composers and soon found that classical music was all I was listening to!!! My appreciation for music dramatically matured and I eventually listened to those original downloads of Beethoven I had and now loved them!! (And yes I did download the whole symphonies.) I loved this art so much!!! It was all I thought about all day everyday!! I wanted to go further into this kind of music but I didn’t play an instrument and couldn’t afford an instrument anyways. I could only think of one thing to do, attempt to self teach myself the basics of music theory and attempt to compose. With help from the internet and adult friends who were well versed in music I quickly caught on and have written a few pieces. I know about key signatures, time signatures, dynamics, transposing instruments, instrument ranges, tempos, different forms (like sonata form), modulations, and many other things! I write music the old fashioned way on paper instead of using a software, but my adult friend at my Church plugs it into his Sibelius software for me so I can get a recording of it. My Youth Minister has his Masters in Composition so I let him listen to them and he’s told me that he believes I have a little bit of prodigy in me. I‘m currently working on a piece to enter into a competition for the Austin Symphony Orchestra. It’s my first piece to compose for a full orchestra and use poly-rhythm. I‘m hoping that maybe winning a few competitions like this will maybe at least help me get into college so I may major in composition, but first I have to win them. I‘ve just never been this overwhelmed with so much emotion before!!!! God is first in my life, then friends and family, and then music. I know that many people don’t believe that classical music will never have a comeback, and I admit that it will probably never be like what it was during the life of the composers back then, but I do believe that if enough people are willing to put forth effort that we can bring the music that started it all back to life!!! I know I‘ll never be near as good as Beethoven, Mozart, etc., but this music has left such major impact on my life and I someday want to leave that same impact on somebody else’s life!! My family doesn’t like classical music at all, and it’s really discouraging, so that’s why I‘m curious to know from people who do enjoy and understand it, do you believe that we could bring it back if people like me make the first step, or this just a dream that’s out of reach?
I realized that some people are leaving posts saying that classical music never “died”, and I‘m not trying to say that it’s nonexistent. I‘m simply implying that the time when composers roamed and created such glorious music and was known for it is nearly gone. Although many composers who are big now days weren’t as praised during their lives as they are now, they were still praised for their work and were known. We keep playing music of the original composer (which we should) but the time of creation (with the exception of film scores) is nearly gone! That’s what I‘m referring to. A time where new original compositions are created, not just older compositions played repetitively. I feel that a rising composer would grab the attention of many kids and draw not only their attention but earn their respect for the art. That’s what I‘m talking about.

Nagesh answers:

WOW! I’ve been participating here on Answers for a couple of years now – mostly on this CM forum – and I’ve never come across a one paragraph question the length of yours. If you’re aspiring to a college education, I strongly urge you study and learn to compose your prose in a more readable format – just a bit of friendly advice.

Don’t mean any disrespect, but your background seems to me to have been a rather cloistered one; or perhaps restricted, would be a better choice of words: your perspective of the societal status of classical music is…….not (no disrespect meant) an “educated one”, shall we say. “Mamianka” is right on.

Surely there are radio broadcasts there in Texas of CM, opera, etc.? Dallas use to have I know and probably still does a fairly good symphony orchestra and opera company – as does Houston(if I’m not mistaken). Ft.Worth is the home of the Van Cliburn piano competitions.

And should you not be aware of it, You Tube is a wonderful resource for listening to/watching performances of all modes of Western Art Music; has anyone at your church ever performed this great organ work? :

I for one would love to hear one of you compositions; should you care to up-load a recording of it to You Tube?

Good luck,


Sandy asks…

Is a PS3 even worth it for me?

I don’t really game anymore, is the thing. When I have free time, my girlfriend and I may bust out a game of Dragon Age on her brother’s computer, but that’s about it. I have a modded PS2 that I every-so-often have played the remaining games I have left from my old collection on, including Devil May Cry (1, the only good one in my opinion), the Xenosaga games (mediocre, but interesting I guess, which I own as part of a longstanding obsession with Xenogears), and my roommate plays Guitar Hero World Tour sometimes. That’s it.

I have my PS2 modchipped so that I can play foreign, downloaded and backed-up games on it. I can also load games onto the hard drive for faster loading. I do this with Vagrant Story (my original copy is too scratched-up to play off of, so my burned copy is legit and useful, and it’s one of my favourite games) and Final Fantasy X International (which I owned but seem to have lost the disc for…). I can also play emulators off of a burned disc on my PS2, which is more of a novelty than anything; I‘ve only really done it once, and, while cool, I just don’t have the time to do it anymore (though it would be cool to play Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana again sometime…)

Can I do any of this on a new PS3? I‘d pretty much just be buying it to play Blu-Ray discs and play Dragon Age. Can I load movies off of a flash drive to play on a PS3? Can I somehow play emulators on it? Or my burned copy of Vagrant Story? What about the PS2 games that I still own and might play? Or my Roommate’s copy of Guitar Hero: World Tour? Would everything be compatible, and would buying a PS3 be worth it to me as an ultra-casual gamer? I‘m sure 1 or 2 games may come out in the future that I‘d buy (like Dragon Age 2, or something), but I really don’t see myself ever gaming that much again…

Where can I read up on cool stuff I can do with the PS3?

Nagesh answers:

The PS3 and PS2 are on complete opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to modding, so if you want to mod, the PS3 is not for you.

The PS3 does not play burned games, because it is illegal. Playstation media of any sort does not qualify as media that can be backed up for your personal benefit (read the United States Copyright Laws more closely), so any burned Playstation media you have is NOT legit (which is why you need mods to make it work).

The Fatboy PS3 lost the ability to install a 3rd party OS in firmware 3.21 (the Slim never had the option). You can only run emulators on the PS3 with a 3rd party OS (and you couldn’t run that many anyway, since the RAM was so low, among other things).

PS3 has not played PS2 games in over 2 years. Only consoles from ’06 & ’07 do (be prepared to pay at least $350 for a used one).
With that said, yes, its worth paying $300 for a PS3 just for Blu-Ray movies, as it has enough features to justify the price if you compare it to stand-alone players.

Ruth asks…

does anyone think disstorted chaotic thinking can cause the problems i have?

hey my name is ethan ofc and i have diagnosed chaotic disstorted thinking,deep depression,insomnia,social anxiety…does anyone think that my disstorted chaotic thinking could lead to these symptoms?the first counseler i seen said i was the worst she had ever seen and kind of described me as a sociopath and i have chaotic thinking..well she stopped talking to me because i could always prove her wrong and have plenty of facts to back it up in the past and the future…now im seein a vietnam war vet and he has been counseling for 31 years and he sais i am the most interesting person he has ever met because i love helping people and i think to much about everything and i am interested in knowing everything about society and history like the first old testament was found in 220 a.d on a old dead seascroll if i remember right and it was genisis if i can member right but look it up if you dont believe me i have read the whole bible to and many books even though im only 17 and a good one i read not to long ago was kevin mitnick..he was one of the most controversial hackers in the world and was one of the best but he was banned and imprisoned and he wasnt even allowed to be close to a phone or computer because of what he can bro is basically a genius he can hack into nasa and shut the whole system down if he wanted to…i admire him and one day hope to be as smart as he sorry i get off subject alot and atm im reading 2 rachel scott books about columbine that was gaven to me by her mother for free…the second i got them i read them and stayed up and read both of them all through the night i didnt go to bed till i am reading a rick warren self help book and about christ and so far it is good but i am more interested in science and technology and history of our people..i have seen and read more books probably 2 times more than my parents put together or atleast they say because every movie that comes on they want to watch i have seen a hundred times already except westerns not really into them tbh.and i member a member of the irc who hacked into a system where top secret stuff that cost 100,000 dollars it was a program that was supposed to be secret but was posted on the irc…well im sorry for saying all this stuff just a way to show you of 1/100 of what im thinking of.almost all of my family has been in the military to grandpa was in military intelligence and i have a friend whos uncle hacked into nasa and downloaded files but he wasnt fast enough in cleaning up and in less then a hour he was surrounded by cops at his house…he got 5 years in a state prison and was also offered a job by nasa.seriously go to whataburger or starbucks and do that shit it will save you alot of hassle…well does anyone think that my chaotic thinking could be causing me to not be able to sleep and be in deep depression?any opinions?i cannot shut my brain off no matter how hard i try and when i work i work hard ive had a seizure and 2 blackouts helping people for free because i love to work really hard 100percent all the time even if it is for freei have a feeling im also going to die young like end up taking a bullet for someone or saving someones life its not that im trying to be a hero it is just what i think is right.well if anyone could tell me if my chaotic thinking is causing other probs i would be really happy and it would be a big relief off my chest.i like the movie good will thinking to with matt damon and ben affleck in it.i kinda think that character is me in a way.

Nagesh answers:

If you can’t stop thinking, then it makes sense that you can’t go to sleep.
As for the social anxiety, since your thought patterns are so unique, most people might have a hard time understanding you, which means it will be harder for you to fit in, which can cause social anxiety. Notice I did not say that it would be impossible for you to fit in, it will just take more work.
Your depression might come from the social anxiety. Having friends makes people happy. Also, there are certain patterns of thinking that will certainly make you depressed. You should read the book “Learned Optimism” by Martin Seligman. It’s a great book. Everyone who struggles with depression should read it.

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