Betty asks…
If I purchase a digital download, can I legally sell it if I securely delete my own copy?
I bought a movie I don’t like very much after watching it completely. I would like to sell it. Can I burn it to a disc and sell it to someone else if I shred / securely delete my copy?
I would think I have the right to sell it if I bought a single license for that copy? But, I have a feeling this could bring me trouble…
Nagesh answers:
Cuz you don’t own the Copywrite to the item.
By buying the digital download, you have purchased a “user license”, not a “distribution license”.
Maria asks…
Downloading Movies Question?
I am not at all implying that I download Movies/DVDs illegally. I simply was wondering after I had a conversation with a co-worker. Is downloading a movie illegal after legally purchasing that movie online/at a store?
Nagesh answers:
It do not make any sense by downloading a movie online after do buying it, most of movie watching people do use to watch movies online and if it was better enough to force them to get the DVD copy they simply buy them from stores to keep it.
Paul asks…
Is There A Way I can Legally Download Music Videos without A Credit Card?
no itunes i dnt have a mac and need the vids for window movie maker i dotn have money for mac
smartass lol
Nagesh answers:
I think so, but don’t exactly know how…
Joseph asks…
Can anyone tell me where I can download legal music, In INDIA??
I tried Itunes but they don’t have services in India. Also where can I download Movies in India, legally??
Nagesh answers:
Go to youtube, find the clip that you want, then go 2 and convert it 2 mp3 audio:)
Richard asks…
how can i download movies to my computer than my psp?
Nagesh answers:
Buy Dvds with Digital copy then use a converter to make it playable on the psp. Only legal way i can think of.
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