Your Questions About Download Movies Legal

Jenny asks…

Is there any free, legal program that will allow me to download music or movies?

Is there one that doesnt download copyrighted material?

Nagesh answers:

you can purchase music for 99cents……movies……….you do not have to own an ipod to buy music off itunes

Lisa asks…

I want to download movies from this website. Is it legal?

I dont want to go to jail, so im just looking for some advice as to if it is legal or not. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

If you’re not paying for it, it’s not released by the production company as a free download movie, or it’s not copyright free then it is illegal to download.

Laura asks…

is downloading movies from pay sites legal? can anyone recommend a legitamite download site?

Nagesh answers:

Movie Flix:

Movie Link:

Mandy asks…

Mp4 movies are legal to download or not ?


Nagesh answers:

Yes,it is legal to download MP4 movies.

Ruth asks…

Is it legal to download movies I own to iTunes?

I was wondering if taking a DVD that I own and downloading to my computer is legal. I own the DVD, and I’m not going to make copies of it or distribute it.

Nagesh answers:

Yes, It’s legal as long as you do it with only personal use. No bussiness purpose.
ITunes supports MP4 and MOV video, you can follow this step by step guide to convert your DVD to mp4 video for putting into iTunes
Hope it helps. Feel free to email me if you need further help.

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