Your Questions About Download Movies Legal

Susan asks…

what movies are legal and what movies are illegal to download?

Nagesh answers:

Companies like blockbusters and netflix are completely legal, they pay for the content license and they pay extra for having a license to show you that content via internet.

Movies you can get on rapdishare, megamoviez etc… All come from people who have uploaded their files on those servers for storage purposes(yeah right…) and therefore are completely illegal, doesn’t matter if you have to pay for access to them.

Donald asks…

Is it legal to download movies that are no longer manufactured?

I am very strict about what I wtch online – normally, if I want to watch a film, I buy it. However, there is one I want to see that is no longer sold (eg. ‘out of print’). The used VHS tapes sell for an upwards of $40 on Amazon, but there is a copy of it on YouTube. Would it be legal/ethical to watch that, or should I hope to find a cheaper copy at a thrift store?
thanks, David. I’ll look for it at garage sales then, and hope for the best 😀

Nagesh answers:

Just because they are not currently releasing the film does not mean that they have lost their copyright protections. It is still illegal to download copyrighted material without the express permission of the copyright owner.

Mary asks…

What sites offer LEGAL downloading of movies?

I’m looking for sites that offer LEGAL downloading of movies. Below, I’ve listed some things that I’m looking for in those sites.

1. Pay per movie
2. Pay per month for total access
3. Common movies, popular movies, large selection, etc.
4. Abilty to keep the movie, and burn it to DVD
5. Faster downloads
6. Movies for rent (the cheaper the price, the better)
7. Easy procedure to download movies
8. I’ll say it again; 100% Legal

Please don’t mention CinemaNOW, I’ve already checked them out. Also, could you let me know if any of the sites offer a free trial period. Thank you.

P.S. Links would be appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

If you have to pay full price for it then it is probably legal

If not – watch out!!!

Ken asks…

Is it legal to download movies from


Nagesh answers:

Nope, not really.

Mark asks…

Is there any decent and legal way to download latest music and movies online?

Nagesh answers:


You can download music from

It’s legal, safe and cheap. You can get cheap legal movies from

Good luck, happy downloading. If you get stuck with anything, please ask!

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