Your Questions About Download Old Movies Songs

William asks…

Can dowloading harm other things than the PC? ?

Hi, I have a crappy old computer and want to download some movies/songs from lime-wiree. Could this be harmful to my network or othercommutersrs besides the one i use for downloading?

Nagesh answers:

You must be prepared on all types of threats when you are on the internet. You can use Antivirus and AntiSpyware Software for security purpose.
Some Antivirus and anti spyware programs have poor virus detection and removal capacity and even cause threats to your computer.For best protection, use both Avira Antivirus for Virus protection and Spyware Doctor for spyware, malware, adware and even virus protection. Always update your Anivirus and anti spyware regularly to maintain your protection.

Avira Antivirus

Spyware Doctor

Internet Security Info:
AVG – Detects viruses but not all
Kaspersky – better than others but some problems on the performance issues
Nod32 Antivirus – low quality anti virus
Norton Antivirus (Symantec) – always creating crashes/not recommended antivirus
Mc Affee Antivirus – the same poor detection on viruses like nod32
Avast – good but with few performance issues

Paul asks…

Is it possible to pass songs from iPod to iPod?

Ok. I have a iPod Touch 8gb. The problem is that: The memory is almost filled and I will not be able to put more songs soon. But I have another problem: The original file of the songs I have on my iPod Touch are not on my PC (I don’t have the songs on the PC) which means if I delete the songs on the iPod, they would be lost forever

My plan is to buy soon a 32gb iPod Touch, in order to have more space to put songs, movies, apps, etc. But I don’t want to download ALL the songs again in order to put them on this new iPod, so I was wondering if I could pass the songs and movies from my old 8g iPod Touch to my new 32gb iPod Touch?

I explained a lot so you can understand the question very well. Any help would be appreciated.


Nagesh answers:

I came across this problem before. Luckily my friend told me that all I needed was to transfer all songs on old iPod to the PC. So I used this iPod-to-PC transfer program to help me. You can free download it from
And it worked. The greatest advantage is that you will have a safe backup of all songs on your computer, and that you can easily add those files to iTunes library and put them onto your new iPod as you wish.It even has step-by-step guide.

Hope it helps you, too.

Susan asks…

how to transfer movies,songs, tv shows from ipod to computer?

hi i just bought a new laptop, and i want all the stuff off my 80 gb ipod classic into my new laptops itunes library as i wont be using my old computer for it now. i have about just about 1700 songs, just about 70 movies, and 1 tv show on my ipod, so re-downloading and copying them to my laptop is not an option, so can spomeone please help me out here, it doesnt just have to be from ipod to laptop, it can be from my old computer(pc) to my new laptop too, i also have my own network too if that helps.

Nagesh answers:

Hello there, as long as your files are still on your iPod, you can get them back to your computer and iTunes easily.
This is how I did. I used MediaWidget to move all library files from my iPod onto my computer and iTunes

It can transfer all iPod content to the iTunes on your computer, including iPod music, movies, playlists, videos, podcasts, ratings, last played, and more. It’s such a powerful one that many friends around me have used it for a long time. Easy and safe.

Now all files are on your computer and iTunes, you can sync your iPod with it smoothly without deleting any files.

Just free download it to try.
For more iPod support information you can also go to

Ken asks…

How download usage is measured?

well, this may sound interesting… and it’s been bothering me for quiet some time… I download a lot from internet… movies games songs, sometimes while downloading from YouTube or any other streaming site i found better alternative video in quality thus i leave my first download in the middle..

here i want to ask that suppose i’m downloading a 100mb file., i use IDM to download things, and i leave it in the middle… will it be counted as 100mb used or not… cos sometimes when i add list of downloads in IDM after starting a bit and then stop them so that it remains in the download list so that i can continue…. since IDM tries to refresh link to continue data download it leaves the older download which was postponed and continues the new one…

hence i get three same download with same size suppose 100mb each thus making it to 300mb. since only one of them will be downloaded… does it totals to 300mbs or just 100mb for 1 file that i’ve downloaded…

because yesterday while i had 28gb in my account today after using whole night till the afternoon it ended at 19gb… since i downloaded only maximum of 4gb including watching of streaming video quickly and closing them… 9gb at maximum speed of 299kb download speed cant be possible to consume so fast…

this can be a nightmare for those who uses limited data plan and their speed is more than 3mb/ps….

please i need a very practical answer….


Nagesh answers:

Hm,there are many thing that can consume your gb.
Case 1: if y download there times 100 mb that means total 300mb and used your internet whole night.
It is possible that when you watching video quickly randomly on youtube. It is completely downloaded on your temp folder and delete after closing youtube that you used 300mb and other 8gb.
Case 2:it is possible that your computer is infected with Trojan,someone uses your computer as botnet.
Case 3:i think your ISP allow you to get internet service on limited time. That mean you can used 7 or 8 hour service once a day.
Consult you ISP regarding this problem.
I have also this problem.
I find that some software update their program behalf of my notice. Ie updating antivirous,updating pdf and other software on you machine.check it and set its setting properly.

Mark asks…

Best website for downloading music?

Any suggestion for some best website to download musics, movies especially the older songs of the 60’s 70’s.

Nagesh answers:

As this music is still COPYRIGHTED, you need to use iTunes or similar LEGAL buy-a-download resources.

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