Susan asks…
about movie Atonement…?
well i wast trying to download this movie legally by the by veoh tv player cause first it’s better second you can download different parts separated and no need to download the whole movie,so do you know any website like to have such type and download the movie parts and FREE?
Nagesh answers:
Hate to tell you, but that was not a legal download you were attempting.
Lizzie asks…
copy movie to dvd from free program?
i have a copy of a movie downloaded on my computer, how do i transfer it to a dvd, legally, any free program?
Nagesh answers:
Ok, ConvertXtoDVD is the right soft for you.
U can Download Free ConvertXtoDVD current ver from here:
Also u can use CloneDVD Soft.
Download fm here:
Donna asks…
Where can I download Interstella 55555?
As you know Interstella 55555 is an anime movie with a soundtrack by Daft Punk.
A freind of mine dowloaded it from somewhere but it couldnt work because he has a different music player than I do.
I have a Ipod Nano.
If anyone could tell me where i could download this(legally and free) I would really appreciate it(:
Nagesh answers:
I don’t know how big Yahoo email files are,but I can send it to you…I knew of some video downloader sites, but they aren’t working atm.
Helen asks…
Can i build a website about free downloads?
Hi all, i am thinking about building a website for free songs download, but i want to ask that is it legal?? I am from india and i have seen lots of websites giving free downloads here, songs movies and lots more, so is it really risky?? Other websites which are providing torrents, cracks and softwares r also not doing tht legally.
I need some guidance guys cz its my first time and i am low on money…. i dont want to waste my bugs on a useless chance.
Waiting for help….
Nagesh answers:
My personnel advice is don’t go for this project.
Latest film songs are copyrighted. Providing them for free downloading is illegal under laws of india government copyright Act.
You can find a lot of sites providing free songs,video,software,cracks… They are 100% illegal.
In future you may face problems with laws, if you run a free songs downloading website.
So avoid risk and think clever.
Mark asks…
Legal movie download?
I purchased a movie on Itunes, then my computer crashed and I lost it. I can’t take it off my Ipod because it isn’t on there.
So, question:
Nagesh answers:
No. But on your Itunes account it should keep the purchase data, so you should be able to get it back for free.
If it’s not on your Itunes account, call apple and see what they can do.
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