Your Questions About Download Movies Legally Free

Ruth asks…

you can get free music, how about movies?

i cant seem to find any movie downloads that i can put on my ipod, i can find most music i want, but i cannot find any movie downloads without downloading some program which would record, from youtube or other sites, is there a movie site that will allow movie downloads legally without storing some program on my computer, it has limited space.

Nagesh answers:

You are downloading movies, you are going to need ALOT of space. But as for downloading them here is a site you may want to check out

Linda asks…

Downloading movies legally?

I’m thinking of joining up to (really because I want a damn good virus-free copy of The Dark Knight amongst others)… anyone else a member, and, if so, what is it like?

Are they DVD quality?
You pay a subscription for joining up, so you ARE paying for the film….and it is legal to whoever said it wasn’t!!!

Nagesh answers:

If this site has permission from or is associated to those who distribute the movies (which doesn’t look like the case) then it’s perfectly legal.
If they don’t, then not only are you donwloading an illegal copy, but you’re also financing those behind the site. Since you’re paying someone, why don’t pay those who deserve the money for actually doing the movie, instead of giving it to someone who makes a profit out of an activity considered ilegal in many countries?

Lizzie asks…

Does anyone know any LEGALLY FREE Video Editors that I could download?

So I’m trying to get into Youtube and post my own videos and all that shiznit but i have one problem. I cant find a good FREE video editing software that i can download online. i already know about window live movie editor and i have it but its being all glitchy right now soooo im trying now to do that. anyone know any good ones? and try and explain how to edit with it if you can? and i mean like editing the middle parts. not the beginning and the end. but ya. help pwease!!!

Nagesh answers:

You could look online for windows movie maker 2 it came with xp sp3 you can still run it in win 7 though it’s a lot better than live movie maker it has more features and a better time line editor and t should be free google it

Mary asks…

Is it illegal to download porn?

I have been downloading porn movies from the internet recently. Mostly just clips, from films, and then I saw an fbi warning in one of the clips, that I had downloaded, stating do not reproduce. I thought I was just downloading free porn, but now I am not sure.

I have already deleted the files, should I be worried? I have no desire to break the law, but the internet is such a grey area.

I do like seeing naked women but I dont want to pay, and I can live without it.

Have I broke the law? if so how do I see free porn legally?

Nagesh answers:

Stopping porn is about illegal as drinking alcohol. Prohibition didnt work so nothing is stopping porn on the internet or in general.

Anyway the only kind of porn you need to stay away from is beast/children and anything thats copywrote. There are tons of free porn sites online that you can stream download easily. Even paid sites which offer higher quality or whatever i guess. I dunno but yeah. There you go.

Sandy asks…

in what website can i watch free movies, online, with no downloads? besides youtube.?


Nagesh answers:

Try these sites:

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