Your Questions About Directx

Donna asks…

DirectX 10…….?

Has anyone donloaded and used DirectX 10, if so did you see the difference in the graphics?

Nagesh answers:

Directx 10.1 is used by Vista, Though you also need a Directx 10 or Directx 10.1 graphic card and software / game thats also Directx 10 compatible..

So at present time not used very oftern, though some new games (other than Microsoft Flight sim x ) should come out using the latest directx soon.

I thing water graphics on Directx 10 game looks better, also lighting effects.

Betty asks…

Is DirectX 10 good for xp?

I know that it is not officially release from microsoft for xp but sometimes i see on web that some websites request for installing directx 10 in xp is it good or is it bad for windows?

Nagesh answers:

DirectX 10 can’t be installed on xp, unless there’s some hackery that I haven’t heard of. DirectX 10 basically came out with mildly better graphics on Vista, but also lead to a great performance regression. So it’s basically not a good idea for DirectX 10 to be brought to xp especially since xp will is a 10 year old Operating system.

Linda asks…

DirectX ???????

My nVIDIA GeForce GPU supports DirectX 9 but I have 10. So graphics shall look better on which one?

Nagesh answers:

If u are using Windows Vista, and if u upgraded the directx or installed a new game, chances are u have the directx 10 files in your system

if u re using XP, then u will get only up to directx 9.0c

but to have directx displayed on your monitor, u need a graphic card that support directx 10 by hardware… The only cards that support directx 10 hardware are GeForce 8 family, Radeon HD2000 family and Radeon HD3000 family

if u do not have any of the cards mentioned just now, then ur cpu will simulate directx 10, which is called software rendering, quality and speed will be inferior to hardware rendering, as cpu are not designed to render graphic

Laura asks…

what the heck is directx?

i downloaded call of duty 4

and it says in the “readme” folder that i should download directx

so i did that but i don’t even know how to use it with call of duty 4

how do i use the directX on call of duty 4

Nagesh answers:

Microsoft DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially games that involve certain graphics rendered in DirectX.

YES, to play Call of Duty you need DirectX.

Donald asks…

What is DirectX and purpose?

What is DirectX and How is it used in Game Programming. I have the visual basic compiler and I am curious.

Is DirectX a game engine?

What is a game engine and what is the purpose?

Nagesh answers:

Microsoft DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially game programming and video, on Microsoft platforms. Originally, the names of these APIs all began with Direct, such as Direct3D, DirectDraw, DirectMusic, DirectPlay, DirectSound, and so forth. The name DirectX was coined as shorthand term for all of these APIs (the X standing in for the particular API names) and soon became the name of the collection. When Microsoft later set out to develop a gaming console, the X was used as the basis of the name Xbox to indicate that the console was based on DirectX technology.[1] The X initial has been carried forward in the naming of APIs designed for the Xbox such as XInput and the Cross-platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT), while the DirectX pattern has been continued for Windows APIs such as Direct2D and DirectWrite.

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