William asks…
Is Direct TV really better than most cable tv services?
Thinking about switching but not sure yet. I have Time Warner Cable now, and Verizon Fios still hasn’t hit my area yet.
Nagesh answers:
DirecTV was graded “F” two years in a row by the Better Business Bureau. This was primarily because of poor customer service and questionable business practices. You can read about it here:
and here
http://www.tvpredictions.com/dbbb011210.htm .
It is a total MYTH that satellite service is unreliable! A properly installed satellite system should rarely lose the signal. I’ve been a Dish Network customer for 14 years and we lose the signal for maybe 5 minutes over an entire year. Way more dependable than the local Time Warner service.
Michael asks…
Direct TV for partial year?
We are looking into getting direct tv for a cabin that will only need it for 6 months during the year. We do not need anything fancy when it comes to receivers. What should I do about getting equipment to minimize costs? Most equipment seems to come with 12 month packages.
Nagesh answers:
CALL YOUR DIRECT TV CUSTOMER SERVICE REP! Why not get all the current info for where you live, rather than info here from god only knows what source. Typically, only about one out of 5 answers give in this forum are even worth your time reading.
Laura asks…
is direct tv bettwer than uverse?
what is better direct tv or uverse?
Nagesh answers:
First, DirecTv only provides TV service. Except for a low speed direct-to-satellite Internet option available to some customers, they do not directly provide Internet service, nor telephone service. (If you get Internet and phone from them, they’ve contracted with third parties, which you can do yourself.)
With U-Verse you can have an integral package of TV, Internet, and digital phone.
As to which is better for TV, you’ll get arguments both ways. But all things considered, it was my judgment that U-Verse was the better value for services and cost, so that’s the way I went. I have two close friends who made the switch from DirecTv to U-Verse, and they both say that they’re paying a little less for equivalent services. All three of us would make the same switch again.
Susan asks…
Direct TV vs. Dish?
Which is better for price, HDTV and reception? I have a lot of trees around my house and was wondering about lease fees as well.
Nagesh answers:
Both Direct and Dish provides equal service. Both services require a clear line to there satellite. Depending upon where you live, that direction will vary some. From the Dallas area, Direct satellites dishes are lined up at 182 Degrees. Dish dishes are lined up at 204 degrees, so they both face south to a greater degree. Price wise, they both are with a few dollars of each other and if you are a new customer, you can get service for as little as $29.99. That price can go as high as $105 for the everything packages which include local and all the movie channels.
As to service interuptions, yes they can occur, but not as often as cable and for sure they do not last as long. When you loose satellite service it is usuall a storm cloud between you and the satellite. Just so happens that a rain drop is the same size (wave lenght) of the frequency used by the satellite, thus the rain distortes (absorbes) the signal. When the cloud moves or drops it rain, the signal returns.
Personally I have Dish and could not be happier, however I have friends with Direct and they say the same thing.
As to Dish having 50 satellites, that is a slight overstatement, They do have over 10 in service.
James asks…
direct tv contract?
got our direct tv installed last august of this year but we are moving and i think yhey are exclusive to comcast… will i be obliged to pay the remaining months left on my contract. my contract is 1 year.. thanks
Nagesh answers:
Hi! I am working for DirecTV and I don’t think you will be asked to pay for the remaining months that you weren’t able to complete in your commitment because you have a valid reason. You can call DirecTV at 1-800-3473288 or 1-800-5315000 and tell the Customer Care Representative that the reason why you would have to disconnect your account is because the location that you will be moving to is exclusive to Comcast and there is no way for you to have DirecTV service.
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