Your Questions About Fox News

Jenny asks…

Why are libs so scared of Fox News doing an interview with Obama?

Do they not like tough questioning? Oh yea, libs, try actually ANSWERING the question this time instead of ranting and raving about how unjournalistic Fox News is.

Nagesh answers:

I will probably be flamed for this, especially since I am a republican, but the bad reputation liberals accord to Fox News is justified.

I cannot stand watching FN due to the blatant lies and misinformation they broadcast. Instead of broadcasting news, Fox News is simply a political entity promoting the Republican Party most of the time. You hear the same lies and misinformation that the politicians themselves spew (both parties do this).

More directly answering your question, I don’t think it is that liberals are scared of fox news as much as being fed up with their biassed journalism practices (to be fair, being totally unbiassed in an unattainable goal, but at least some news outlets try to attain this goal more than others).

David asks…

How can Fox News calls themselves fair and balenced if all they do is bash Obama?

Everytime I watch fox news there is always a republican or a conservative going on there speaking negativley of Obama never hear anything positive all I see is O’Reilly Hannity and others bashing him why just call themselves Fox News we serve the conservatives channel?

Nagesh answers:

Your confusing Fox News with Opinion shows. The mouth pieces you elude to
are not Fox Journalist. They are paid Conservative talk show host. Huge difference.

Just like Chris Matthews, Bill Maher. Jon Whats his name. Keith Bowelberman.
Are paid talking hacks on your side. They can’t spell journalist let alone be one.

Steven asks…

Why is FOX News in the North and CNN in the South?

The North is more liberal, and the South is more conservative.

Why is FOX News (conservative) located in the liberal state of NY?
Why is CNN (liberal) located in the conservative south in Georgia?

Nagesh answers:

The location of the networks has nothing to do with whatever their political leanings might appear to be. Ted Turner founded CNN as an offshoot from his Turner Broadcasting. Turner is a native of Atlanta and his company has always been located there.

Fox News is in the same part of New York as all the major networks’ news centers. NBC, CBS and ABC are all located within a few blocks of Fox.

By the way, just because it’s in the South doesn’t mean Atlanta is a conservative town. Have you ever *been* to Atlanta?

And New York happens to be the home of one of America’s most conservative newspapers, the New York Post, which is now owned (like Fox) by Rupert Murdoch.

John asks…

Can Fox News really copyright the Derrion Albert video?

I figure any video taken in the open streets should be open to the general public. So while I was trying to look for an uncensored version of the Derrion Albert video I stumbled across a copyright from Fox News (according to youtube). What law lets them do something like that.

Nagesh answers:

The copyright belongs to the person who took the video, and they have the right to sell the copyright to anyone they want. In this case Fox news. You are correct that someone ELSE could have taken the same video, and they would own THEIR version, but if nobody did, all rights are going to belong to the one person who did.

Robert asks…

Should FCC ban all cable news channels except for Fox News because all others are pushing government agenda?

Fox News is the only fair and balance and unbiased news channel. They do not take sides of one President or the other. That is why they are the most watched news channel on the planet.

Nagesh answers:

Fox is pushing Murdoch’s agenda not yours

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